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Message added by FETMOD-TF

Puppy Clue Links:

:one:  :two:  :three:  :four:  :five:  :six:  :seven:  :eight:  :nine:  :one::zero:  :one::one:  :one::two:  :one::three:  :one::four:  :one::five:  :one::six:  :one::seven: 

 :one::eight:  :one::nine:  :two::zero:  :two::one:  :two::two:  :two::three:  :two::four:

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2 hours ago, Leisa said:

Did you find him or get help?

not yet, no.

Sunday at 10:36 AM, oklahoma-city805 said:

I haven't found #1 yet? Any extra advice?

Same! I'm on the app and I have found all the others released apart from the 1st one. Super frustrating 🤔. Anyone got any other clues please?

3 minutes ago, Lola-s said:

Same! I'm on the app and I have found all the others released apart from the 1st one. Super frustrating 🤔. Anyone got any other clues please?

Tried to send you a message but your search criteria is preventing me from doing so.  If you would like a hand with Puppy one, please feel free to message me 


I can't find 9, can someone help please :)

30 minutes ago, TurtleNova said:

I can't find 9, can someone help please :)

I am unable to message you directly due to your criteria settings, you are welcome to message me and I will  help you


Wish it was 3pm can’t wait to go hunting again 😂😂😂


New to this site...what are the puppies about and how do I get them?

10 minutes ago, beloit386 said:

New to this site...what are the puppies about and how do I get them?

I tried to send you a message but your search criteria is preventing me from doing so, you are welcome to message me if you want a hand


Clue #10 wanna check out some members who may match your criteria then look here

*Side note the puppy isn't showing on desktop/mobile but is on the app, but the wording is still there click on it and it will work.

Posted (edited)

Clue # 10 You need to search within to find the people you are looking for

*****As the puppy picture is not showing, you need to click on the wording "Easter_Egg" if your on the Desktop or Mobile desktop version of the site, however on the APP you will see the puppy picture.  You can still collect it regardless of whether you on the Desktop/Mobile Desktop or FET APP.****

Edited by PixieDust

Clue #10 go here to check out subscribers


Can't find 10 I'm on website not app I don't use half site lol


I found it but it wasn't displaying a puppy image, just a piece of text.  Was still able to collect it by clicking on the text though.  


Im lost again 🤦🏼‍♀️


Top clue giving!!!


Look for someone, but make sure you know what you're looking for


I can’t find 10 😳 help please!

7 minutes ago, sweet***sub said:

I can’t find 10 😳 help please!

Sent you a message


10 was hard with not showing pic, but thanks Pixie for mentioning the easter egg so I got that one, but still very much stuck on number 9 


I have no luck finding 10 🤦‍♀️


I cant find this anywhere today   can someone help me out?


Kindly help me find a 20 puppies 60$ deal ??

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