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Why do most kinsters have fantasy which include ***?
I wouldn't of said most, some do yes, and for some it's not so much the ***, but pleasure from receiving a particular punishment, for some it's the anticipation, so not quite as simple as fantasing about ***. But a good question, which will lead to different views and discussion
I'd say it's not specifically the ***, but the meaning behind why it's happening. Being a brat myself I seem to accumulate alot of punishment. But it's not so much because I like the ***, more the fact that my dom cares enough for me to be well behaved and do as I'm told that he needs to put me in my place. It's the excitement of how they will do it or what they will use.
27 minutes ago, Sophiieelaura said:
I'd say it's not specifically the ***, but the meaning behind why it's happening. Being a brat myself I seem to accumulate alot of punishment. But it's not so much because I like the ***, more the fact that my dom cares enough for me to be well behaved and do as I'm told that he needs to put me in my place. It's the excitement of how they will do it or what they will use.

Exactly this, its the fact that someone cares enough not to put up with any silliness/crap from me, its not simply about the ***, although its a way of me showing trust/vulnerability its more the consequences/repercussions of messing about.
A 'punishment' doesn't always involve ***, lines for example, make me feel like Bart Simpsom but, they work 🤨
Its the anticipation of what will happen more than anything plus the fact that it brings structure and order else i'm a little chaotic

Unless the dynamic is between a hardcore Sadist and Masochist then *** isn't the point...it is the methodology and meaning behind it. Small amounts can be used as a control mechanism...even a reward...to keep the mind/attitude of the recipient in that place they need to be. It is also an affirmation of the dynamic...the roles chosen by each...and has a far deeper meaning than merely making someone squeal (as fun as that is) to build the bond between them. Too many, in my humble opinion, think it is a necessity and should be applied liberally to show just how kinky you are...and in that I think they are missing the point entirely.
*** can cause our nervous systems to release endorphins which can cause a high. It effects our dopamine & opioid systems in the brain, which help to regulate neurotransmitters & with that comes extreme pleasure.
Much like when we eat chocolate but obviously on a far more extreme level.
I don’t think ‘most’ is the right word. My fantasies don’t have to involve ***, it’s about losing control and *** for me, which doesn’t have to involve *** at all.
Absolutely not into ***. We have *** for a reason, usually involving bodily damage or the potential thereof. The inner need of some people to derive pleasure from *** is beyond me but we're all different and each to their own, as long as if you're causing *** to someone it's consensual.
Some of us do. I like it cos of the dopamine hit and the taboo nature and the control.
Some people enjoy *** because it also creates sexual pleasure, for some it’s the power exchange & the risk involved, the trust and intimacy it includes, it’s not just about the physical act.
for me or my subs its not a fantasy...I enjoy inflicting *** to hear,see,feeling her reaction. And also make me hard ;)

I think the dynamic and concept of how the scene runs depicts the amount of *** / pleasure threshold being administered and for what purpose? 

Yes there are those that truly enjoy *** and have high thresholds, however as all Dom/me's know, that balance between the *** pleasure administration can and does lead to totally unexpected results and outcomes. The sights and visions of subs with marks is extremely erotic, as long as we balance with pleasure which is at our control, by us, and the most beautiful aspect is it's FOR US. A sub that gives their all, intense trust, commitment and pleasure is by far the way to encompass *** to achieve pleasure and watch them in the heights of ecstasy. 

I can only speak from my own perspective but I don't think it's about the *** itself but rather what the *** represents in the dynamic between two people. I enjoy ***, but that's absolutely nothing compared to the enjoyment I get from knowing the person inflicting it is enjoying it. It's a physical reflection of a shared headspace; for me, submission; for them, well, I'm not qualified to speak for a Dom/Domme, lol. I'm also not sure that all ministers have an interest in ***; it's an acquired taste.
There is a very fine line between *** and ensure. *** can release the same endorphins in the brain as pleasure can therefore *** can be exciting. However there is a point where *** is just that and it no longer is pleasurable.
I’m into *** and while I still enjoy play without *** there’s nothing like a bit of discomfort to bring about the intensity. It’s much better if the D type enjoys inflicting it or realizes that they enjoy it because you do. For me anything without a little discomfort on occasion would get boring fairly quickly. I’m not saying *** every time but there’s nothing like a good ass whipping to put me in the mood for more.

I live with chronic ***. Ironically i love a good bit of punishment. Its a different ***, and when Sir does it right it overrides the other ***. This means that it becomes incredibly pleasurable for me and for a time, expecially if i get to subspace... i am *** free


bit of a contradiction but its awesome when it gets there.

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