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Breaking News: Tamers rejoice discovery of ancient brat manual


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Disclaimer: this absolutely 100% true story may distress some of a bratty disposition.

Earlier this week a team of archaeologists uncovered an ancient book of tricks for keeping your brat spellbound, the Brat Grimoire.  Lost to time so long ago its very existence was questioned with many claiming it to be the wishful fantasies of frustrated tamers passed down as legend throughout the ages.

Whilst most of the hallowed book’s pages are yet to translated the lead archaeologist claims at least one mystery, that of how it got lost in the first place, has been solved at least.

“It was clearly hidden intentionally.  Based on the glitter found defacing the cover some brats clearly helped lose the book.  We suspect some sort of conspiracy was going on as carbon dating that proved the authenticity of the book was also able to establish that some of the graffitied ‘corrections’ inside the book took place over a series of centuries and from the handwriting was clearly penned by multiple authors.  My theory is that those graffitiing it were taking turns guarding it so it wouldn’t be found for the first few centuries and then either they believed it no longer required guarding any more having convinced many tamers it was only a myth or they started to believe it a myth themselves.  Though fortunately now unguarded we have been able to rediscover it and we’re truly excited to find out what secrets it might hold that was worth going to that much effort to lose it!”

News of the re-discovery of the Brat Grimoire has caused share prices at Kink Inc to tumble.  Widely regarded as a market leader the company has recently been troubled by a significant amount of customer criticism claiming their Tamer Advice division has been unduly influenced by brats.

One dissatisfied customer that tried speaking to us told us, “Their advice seems dodgy to me, why am I doing the cleaning whilst she’s sat eating ice cream?  In my view…” but were cut off by their brat claiming they had missed a spot.  This reporter was unable to verify if they had indeed missed a spot.

We were unable to get any comments from any spokespeople at Kink Inc regarding the discovery of the Brat Grimoire or the recent complaints before publication deadline for this news report.

We now pass over to our correspondent Tom Amer for analysis of what has been translated so far.



Decoding the Brat Grimoire Part 1:  What are Brats and how to identify them.

By T. Amer

Already the translation of the first chapter is providing startling revelations.  The most explosive claim so far from the Grimoire is that it claims that fairies are responsible for brats.

Long considered as mythical as the Grimoire itself the book claims fairies exist and that as a society fairies way of expressing affection or their primary love language is mischief.  That the best way to show they truly care for someone is to *** them.  And the more effort put into the *** or prank the greater the labour of love.  Fairies are intensely curious and fascinated by the baffling ways humans choose to show affection.  To the point that some fairies, wishing to experience and explore it for themselves, will seek out a human couple and implant themselves in the human female’s womb and nine months later a first-generation brat is born ready to experience the world as a human.

Typically indistinguishable from regular humans the early signs of a fledgling first-generation brat will be when they start to try expressing affection to others in their age group where their fairy instincts might prompt them to do something like surprising the subject of their affection with a frog they’ve caught rather than more typically human displays of affection.

Later in life these brats may form relationships in which they can receive and explore humanlike affection but also where their heartfelt fairy like displays of affection are reciprocated with appropriate ***.

As these brats procreate with humans and with each generation of their offspring that procreates with humans the fairy instincts to show affection with elaborate pranks diminishes.  As such later generation brats seeking to satisfy any masochistic urges might dispense with elaborate glitter bomb pranks entirely and instead be more direct about it.  AKA an “Oi dickhead, I need a spanking,” approach.

If you suspect you might be dealing with a brat yourself then the Grimoire suggests that you probably are and offers up a test for if you’d like to determine if they’re more an early generation brat or a later generation one.

To avoid a potential chase use the lure of cookies, ice cream or whatever their favourite treat is to restrain/tie up your brat.  Once you are sure they cannot break free begin lavishing them with heartfelt compliments, cheesy romantic poetry and sing them renditions of love songs.  Whilst early generations of brats are curious about human displays of affection they are unused to handling them in large doses and the squirming that results from this display the book theorises as being their fairy side instinctively trying to re-sprout their wings to try fly away and flee the discomfort.  Later generations with more human ancestors in their ***line naturally have a higher tolerance for this sort of display and more likely to respond by calling you a dork.

Regardless of the outcome of the first test, whilst they remain restrained blindfold your brat.  For this phase you will mercilessly tickle, or mindfuck them with the threat of further tickling, until they safe word or safe signal.  Use your hands, feather dusters or anything else you can think of to try.  This test forms no diagnostic purpose what-so-ever but as you suspected they might be a brat you probably will enjoy the the***utic release and help get your creative juices flowing for ideas to *** your brat with.

That’s everything translated so far from chapter 1, we will continue to keep you updated as we uncover more of the secrets of how to cherish and properly *** these rare magical individuals as we translate more of the book…


Mate thank you for the news flash and publishing of this very valuable tome.  I had in my mind, for the second time I read your report, the several brats I have close contact with, and I could see their reactions as I imagined the ways in which I would deal with them if I followed the information held within this enlightening volume.  To me, it would appear that what has been unearthed should be, if proved to be legitimate, doctrine for dealing with brats.


Oh, this does not bode well for me at all.  I will hold out hope that it shall never be fully decoded.  In fact, I am off to find Coppertop, and commence planning the re-burial of said tome.

2 hours ago, CopperKnob said:
Comes to something when 'Doms' need a book to tell them how to manage brats 🙄

But we brat tamers like to put thier heads together to counter the brattish behaviour, without that collective thought we all have pulled our beards and hair out, while being grey in our 30s.

Plus it writting it down was a great way to teach future generations and prevent then from being overrun and subjugated by brats.

🤣🤣🤣wtf lol omg that's so brilliant! 10/10👍
It surprises me not one bit that Dom's have needed a book to guide them in their quest to 'manage' Brats. Lets be honest, this book is simply outlining the role of the ever elusive Brat Dom. Whats a Brat Dom you ask? Well they're the best type, they won't clean up the glitter they'll hide it. Regular Dom will find your Haribo and eat it, Brat Dom will tie you to a chair and make moaning noises whilst eating it in front of you
Dear Doms, don't you get it? Everything we do, is to make you behave in a way we want so that we get what we (finally) need! You spank us? Yay! You refuse to spank us, equally yay!
When will you learn? We're mischievious because we want to feel your Dominance and be overcome by it, it's no more complicated than that, why do you insist it is???
So, you can all rejoice over the finding of this book, to be fair, we are too, for once our needs may be met 🙄
Lets all.give praise to the archaeologists.
8 hours ago, TheBookCollector said:

But we brat tamers like to put thier heads together to counter the brattish behaviour, without that collective thought we all have pulled our beards and hair out, while being grey in our 30s.

Plus it writting it down was a great way to teach future generations and prevent then from being overrun and subjugated by brats.

Clearly they need all the help they can get


Supplementary Reporting


Live Reporting from outside Grimoire decrypting lab

“Good evening, I’m reporting live from outside the labs currently working on the Grimoire.  Behind me you can see the largest convoy of armoured vehicles I’ve ever seen gathered outside.  With me I have the logistics commander of Operation Endor to explain exactly what is going on…  So what is happening here.”

“Well we received credible intelligence that an attempt could be made to steal and re-hide the Brat Grimoire and obviously given the importance of the book it was decided it should be taken to a secure facility to be digitised to ensure backups but also so that research labs around the world could work on multiple copies to speed up translation efforts.  Obviously that necessitates the risk of transporting the book and when dealing with brats not only do you have to try and think 5 steps ahead, plan for contingencies and be prepared for the unexpected.  As a result as you can see with the fleet of vehicles we have here we will have multiple protected convoys each transporting a container on a different route but only one convoy will be transporting the Grimoire in their high security container.  For additional measures only the mission leader of this operation knows which container has the Grimoire and which are decoys, not even I know which vehicle will hold the text.”

“There you have it folks, it looks like it will be an incredibly tough job for anyone to prevent the digitisation and distribution of the text.  Back to the studio…”


Today's Headlines

“Welcome back and if you have just joined us here are today’s headlines.  The general secretary of the Brat’s Union has appealed for calm and asked their members not to panic and have released the following statement.”


“We are all aware of how collaborating on pranks and finding loopholes how we’ve all managed to help our comrades to try stay one step ahead of our tamer’s oppression.  Many of us have ***ed that one day the tamer’s might one day organise similarly and nullify our advantage.  Today I ask you to continue to keep faith in our Divide and Conquer strategy.  Continue flattering and fluffing your tamer’s ego.  Reassure them that true doms shouldn’t need advice or tips to know what to do and if you have genuinely troublesome one on your hands that has a thirst of tips and ideas to keep you on your toes then they can’t do that if you hide their phone and laptop now can they?  Stay strong and stay bratty!”


“The share prices in Kink Inc continued to fall for most of today but saw a slight rallying towards the end of the day on news on a spike in sales of their range of googly eyes – originally released alongside advice for brats to place googly eyes on unmentionables – has now become part of a new kink craze of ‘Nellying.’  For more on Nellying we now turn to our online correspondent Chip Bates…”


Online Analysis with Chip Bates

“Some of you out there may already heard of or participated in a Nellying but for those of you yet to come across this trend Nellying consists of sticking a googly eye on each testicle (think very carefully about how to remove the eyes before sticking them to a scrotum), pulling open room’s curtains/blinds, stripping your submissive naked in front of the window, tying them up, laying them across the bed with head hanging over the end for a face to face meet and greet with Nellie the Elephant and the song…”


:musical_note: To the Tune of Nellie The Elephant :musical_note:

“Nellie the elephant wrapped their sub

And said goodbye to the curtains

Off they went with a thrustity, thrust…

Thrust.  Thrust.  Thrust.”


“Some medical professionals are recommending that if being Nellied, try to limit your eye contact with Nellie to reduce cross-eyed induced eye strain.  That’s all from me back to the studio.”


Featured Interview

Host: “We finish of today’s broadcast today with an interview with Thomas Amer whose write up of the first decoded chapter of the Brat Grimoire has precipitated much of today’s reactions.  So having just seen the first chapter so far how do you think things are likely to progress?”

T. Amer: “Let me just correct you there, I’ve also read the decoded second chapter…”

Host:  “Well is there anything you care to reveal from that or do we have to wait for you to write it up?”

T. Amer: “Oh it’s already been written up, did it straight after the first chapter.”

Host:  “So we can expect more in tomorrow’s edition?”

T. Amer:  “No no, we’re delaying the release a bit.”

Host:  “Can I ask why?  Some many people are eager to find out more of the contents.”

T. Amer:  “For sure people are eager but I’m also not entirely heartless.  We should take a moment to think and be sensitive to the fact that all around the world right now there are brats squirming and sweating nervously about what might be contained in this book…”

Host: “Wonderful isn’t it!”

T. Amer:  “Fucking marvellous!  Why would you want to rush moments like this and not prolong savouring it!”

Host:  “So what you’re going to go with a weekly release of chapters?”

T. Amer:  “I thought of that but whilst it does nicely prolong the revelations the regularity allows a certain amount getting used to and being able to brace for the next drop.  Whereas if I release each one on a whim, and nobody knows whether the next one will be the day after tomorrow or next week each night brats will be wondering if their tamer’s will be getting another another cache of tips tomorrow…”

Host:  “Sounds awfully like terrorism!”

T. Amer:  “Originating from a place of heartfelt love and affection…”

Host:  “So there you have it folks, we can’t say where or when but you can continue to follow Tom Amer’s Grimoire revelations or affectionate terrorism of brats intermittently within the coming days and weeks and we shall continue to follow the revelations as and when they are released but that’s all we have for you this evening.  Good night.”

Posted (edited)

Thanks to everyone that has liked or commented their enjoyment so far.  Just a quick admin question would people prefer I continued this series within this one thread or should I create a new thread for each time the news has some more of the decoded Grimoire to spill (any supplementary news reactions will remain within the thread it is reacting to)?


On the one hand each chapter of the Grimoire decoding will cover a different area/topic so could arguably be a different thread and each individual topic be more visible as different threads.


On the other hand whilst the series clearly mixes fictional elements (like Kink Inc’s stock price rebounding, sell now it’s never getting back to pre-discovery levels) with some fact (indeed Brats truly are descended from fairies, it’s what makes them so special) and sheer lunacy (pretty much most of that supplementary live report) I hope collectively together it’ll contain some nuggets to enrich any Tamer/Brat dynamic whether philosophically speaking or whether inspiring some Tamers with the ideas from the depraved depths of my mind.  As such there could be an argument made for collecting them all together in one thread for people to follow or point back to later for people to read.  Sure it won’t be the most succinct way of getting a lot of these ideas across, for which if you’re reading this in the future I apologies for the word count and roundabout way I’ve gone about it… But it is certainly the more fun way to go about it.


Drop a comment below which way you think I should continue this and if we go for the later option then you might want to chuck on a follow to this thread so as not to miss future updates from the Brat Grimoire…

Edited by StickyTrickster
2 hours ago, CopperKnob said:

It surprises me not one bit that Dom's have needed a book to guide them in their quest to 'manage' Brats. Lets be honest, this book is simply outlining the role of the ever elusive Brat Dom. Whats a Brat Dom you ask? Well they're the best type, they won't clean up the glitter they'll hide it. Regular Dom will find your Haribo and eat it, Brat Dom will tie you to a chair and make moaning noises whilst eating it in front of you
Dear Doms, don't you get it? Everything we do, is to make you behave in a way we want so that we get what we (finally) need! You spank us? Yay! You refuse to spank us, equally yay!
When will you learn? We're mischievious because we want to feel your Dominance and be overcome by it, it's no more complicated than that, why do you insist it is???
So, you can all rejoice over the finding of this book, to be fair, we are too, for once our needs may be met 🙄
Lets all.give praise to the archaeologists.

Let me edit some of that for you...


They won't clean up the glitter, they will make you put every speck of glitter back into the pot with tweezers whilst randomly spanking you, then they'll hide it and make a mental note to hide your next reward/gift/birthday presents/Christmas presents depending on which comes sooner.


Brat Dom will tie you to a chair, make some icing/get some syrup put blobs of it on your body to stick the Haribo to and make quasi-orgasmic moaning noises centimetres from your face whilst eating it in front of you right off your body.  But if you've put them in a merciful mood that week they might dunk their genitals in the remaining icing/syrup, top it with the last Haribo and let you clean up with your mouth.  It's up to you how much you wish to clean but whatever you leave will be wiped off on your face.


Whilst I'm not going to go to much into some of the other questions raised as I don't want to spoil any of the fun I'm going to have with later entries I will say that I think everyone attracted to the Tamer side of this dynamic are interested in it because deep down they have a Brat Dom inside of them that wants to get out.  A couple things though can get in the way of it fully surfacing though namely either *** of being too big of a bastard towards anyone let alone someone they truly care for and also some mental stereotyping of dominance can cause issues.  Indeed I'll confess I'm slightly uncomfortable with the term Tamer as I think it subtly implies one of the stereotypes that can stop people getting in touch with their inner Bratty Dom as you put it.  Whilst I prefer Brat Manager to Tamer if I'm completely honest the label I personally identify with most, and I only permit partners to use for me as only they can appreciate the true meaning is being affectionately called, "dickhead."  Aww shucks, guilty as charged, but note the affectionate tone is as crucial as the label itself!


I see I'm going to need to make more glitter bombs.

8 hours ago, StickyTrickster said:

Thanks to everyone that has liked or commented their enjoyment so far.  Just a quick admin question would people prefer I continued this series within this one thread or should I create a new thread for each time the news has some more of the decoded Grimoire to spill (any supplementary news reactions will remain within the thread it is reacting to)?


On the one hand each chapter of the Grimoire decoding will cover a different area/topic so could arguably be a different thread and each individual topic be more visible as different threads.


On the other hand whilst the series clearly mixes fictional elements (like Kink Inc’s stock price rebounding, sell now it’s never getting back to pre-discovery levels) with some fact (indeed Brats truly are descended from fairies, it’s what makes them so special) and sheer lunacy (pretty much most of that supplementary live report) I hope collectively together it’ll contain some nuggets to enrich any Tamer/Brat dynamic whether philosophically speaking or whether inspiring some Tamers with the ideas from the depraved depths of my mind.  As such there could be an argument made for collecting them all together in one thread for people to follow or point back to later for people to read.  Sure it won’t be the most succinct way of getting a lot of these ideas across, for which if you’re reading this in the future I apologies for the word count and roundabout way I’ve gone about it… But it is certainly the more fun way to go about it.


Drop a comment below which way you think I should continue this and if we go for the later option then you might want to chuck on a follow to this thread so as not to miss future updates from the Brat Grimoire…

It probably belongs in the BDSM stories sectio. But cant wait to read more.

4 hours ago, TheBookCollector said:

What is the collective noun for brats? A mischief, A frustration, or A mayhem?

An Irritation

7 hours ago, TheBookCollector said:

What is the collective noun for brats? A mischief, A frustration, or A mayhem?

It's a bit like an irregular verb, the collective noun differs depending on their relation to you.


If they are free-roaming or in relations with someone else:  An irrelevance - they are someone else's problem.

If they are offering themselves to you:  A gift - with which you should be rubbing your hands both in glee and to warm them up.

If you already in a relationship with them:  Lunch - pronounced out of the corner of the mouth mid evil grin.


7 hours ago, TheBookCollector said:

It probably belongs in the BDSM stories sectio. But cant wait to read more.

If it does then I'm happy for a moderator to move it there or wherever seems best, next entry in the series though should contain a little more helpful advice than the last post - though still with a good helping of frivolity...


Breaking News:  Brat Raiders Thwarted by Sting Operation

Dramatic scenes unfolded earlier today as a group of Brats brought one of the convoys suspected of transporting the Brat Grimoire to a halt and upon breaking into the truck found it filled with Tamer commandos that managed to detain them all red-handed.


The operation leader has reassured the public that the Brat Grimoire remains safe and that the operation was a complete success.


“The Grimoire never left the premises of the decoding lab, indeed we were able to bring in the necessary digitising equipment on the first trucks.  The aim of the operation was to provide sufficient distraction to allow the Grimoire to be digitised.  The operation was not called Endor by accident, it was I the leader of the operation that leaked to Brat Rebels that the Grimoire would be in a truck that was in fact a trap for them to walk into.  They took the bait and now we have caught them in the act.”


When asked what they think should happen to the Brat Raiders the operation leader simply said, “an example should certainly be made of them.  We should absolutely throw the book at them, not the Grimoire obviously as that would be playing into their hands but grab any other book you can think of!”


The director of prosecutions has promised with the body of evidence available a swift trial for the perpetrators.  We shall keep you up to date with how that progresses.


Before we turn to Thomas Amer’s latest Brat Grimoire’s revelations here is an important message from Brat’s Trust.


Every year thousands of Brats go neglected and unable to find a suitable Tamer.  Left to fend for themselves these Brats are left with the tragic choice of either goading dominants online in the hopes one might offer to spank them or resort to spanking themselves.  We here at Brat’s Trust seek to try find a home for these neglected Brats.  We also help many Tamers to become more responsible Brat owners and realise that their Brats need more than just reward spankings but need a wide range of creative punishments as well.  If you’d like to help find a Brat a home please give us a call but if you can’t take on a Brat now but would like to support us please consider donating to our cause and help us to given more Brats the care and *** they truly deserve…


Disclaimer (a note from the actual author):  Despite the satirical angle of this series (the uncovering of a quasi-holy book to taming Brats) please do not mistake this for a “there is only one correct way to tame a Brat,” guide.  This is just from my experiences dealing with Brats, mainly from the Sploshing kink where out-bratting and getting the last laugh were expected way of showing bratty types who is boss.  I write this out of my instinctive desires to play and *** brats by suggesting various creative rewards, funishments and punishments as well as playfully challenge some Tamer advice that says suppression of Brattiness and punishing them with timeouts and lines that I frankly find boring to administer myself with some alternatives.  If you have a method that works for you, you do you.  For everyone else as with everything (except consent and safety advice) accept this guide with a pinch of salt and an attitude that this may or may not work for you and your Brat or Tamer.


Decoding the Brat Grimoire Part 2: Your relationship with a Brat

By T. Amer


Whilst many on social media have been clamouring for punishments, funishments and rewards it would appear the Grimoire has two chapters on foundational lessons before diving into those sections, but does give a little insight of things to come.

The first focuses on a Tamer’s relationship with a Brat.


A war or something else?

To many the relationship between a Brat and their Tamer can seem like a battle.  Whilst indeed many Brats do indeed enjoy being physically and mentally overcome by their partner there are however hazards with this mindset.  Indeed it can lead some prospective Tamer’s into a mindset that to deal with a Brat is to continually advance, never yielding any ground until you win the war by the total suppression of all bratty behaviour.  Except there is no winning that war, for when you break a brat you also break your relationship and their heart.  As discussed in the first chapter Brats show their affection by ***ing the target of their affection.  The ***ing only dies when the affection does too.

Some more experienced and wiser Tamers that subscribe to the battle mindset may have developed the humility to realise that whilst it is a war they cannot win outright, have learned to be satisfied with suppressing individual skirmishes and waiting for the next bratty battle to spring up.  Though it is also a mindset that can lead many to think the role of a Tamer is to be tolerated rather than one you can enjoy some fun for yourself as well.

A zen way of looking at the relationship is as dance, not a war.  A dance in which you take the lead, control the tempo, may playfully step back before taking three forward and dipping your partner.  Your brat will see if they can get you to yield your lead and it is for you to remind them who sets the tempo and direction in this dance.  You realise that you do not gain their submission by completely stamping out their bratty pranks but that they are a sign that you already have it.  If you are with your brat and you playful dash into another room, watch as they follow to see where you have gone.  Your brat will be willing to follow you to the ends of the Earth to continue playing with you.  But whilst they might be enthralled by you the free-spirited nature of their fairy side needs constant reassurance from your dominance and good nature that you remain worthy of sacrificing a little of their usual independence for.


Leading the dance and controlling the tempo

But let’s look at a couple examples of what controlling the tempo and leading the dance looks like.

Many Brats love a good spanking so let’s take a look at two different very different spankings.

The first spanking consists of a frustrated dominant taking out their frustration on their Brat’s behind with a spanking paddle.

The second spanking the dominant has their Brat, is naked, handcuffed, blindfolded and lying across their knees balancing a magazine on their back with the instruction that if the magazine falls off their back then they will be spending five minutes under a cold shower instead but if they succeed they may get a post-spanking reward.  Within the arm’s reach of the Dom is various spanking implements.  The Dominant with their right hand caresses their Brat’s buttocks whilst reading the magazine lifting it only to either turn a page of the magazine or to deliver a spank or quick succession of spanks, either with their bare hand or one of the spanking implements whenever they feel the urge to do so.  With their left hand they might turn the magazine page back, taking a sip of the drink within reach of their left arm, pinch/click the sub’s nipple between their fingers or (assuming a female brat) fondle a breast.

In both examples both the Dom and the Brat are probably both enjoying giving and receiving the spanking respectively but in the first example the tempo has been set by the Brat.  They were the one that got the Dom frustrated and as a result been able to get a satisfying spanking from causing that frustration.  Whereas in the second example the Dominant has very much set the tempo, it has been calmly thought through and even the spanks themselves are being delivered at the Dominant’s whimsy.  Each time their hand stops caressing their Brat’s buttocks the Brat is left guessing whether another spank is on the way or a teasing page turn.  Controlling the tempo you could have your Brat wait an agonisingly long time for the next spank for to be followed in quick succession by a couple more.  Whilst your Brat will be tempted to say screw your task and shake off the magazine the immediate end of the spanking in favour of a cold shower instead and never being able to satisfy their mental curiosity as to what the mystery post-spanking reward would have been should sufficiently motivate most Brats to behave.  If not enjoy chucking them in the shower.


The “Make Me,” Conundrum

A trickier example of tempo and leading the dance is the “Make me,” challenge.  Assuming it is not a codeword you have agreed upon as part of you Brat Protocol (more on that in a later part) or as part of negotiations, how to navigate here can very much depend on whether you have a later-generation or early-generation Brat as detailed in the first chapter.

The more direct later-generation Brats care less about any mental subtext and just want you to use your dominance and physicality to get them to do it whilst they struggle such that they view the “Make me,” challenge as nothing more than an invitation for you to accept.  Whereas their more mischievous, prank-minded early-generation Bratty cousins who also on occasion enjoy being made to do things by your dominance, might also mentally thinking that they can have you wrapped around their little finger.  Which they might smugly enjoy in the short term, will bore them later as really they want you to be controlling the tempo and leading the dance, not them.

So what do you do with them?  Both of you want you to “make them” do the task or punishment you have outlined but outright accepting that invitation is to dance to their tune, but similarly if you choose not to play you whilst you both miss out on the fun of making your Brat perform their task or punishment but you lose out even more because they have got away with disobey you.  It is almost a perfect trap.  But if you take a moment to think you can find ways of leading this particular dance on your terms.  Here’s a couple scenarios:


“Make me,”

**Yawn** “Too much effort though…” sly playful grin, “I suppose with an appropriate display of submission/worship/***/begging/your musical or comedic talents (choose whichever you feel appropriate or ask for some other display) I could be tempted to make you do it.”

“In your dreams.”

“That’s a shame, I’d have enjoyed the bonus punishment/funishment (depending on your mood) I’d have chucked in for your insubordination.”

“Like what?”

“You know what you have to do to find out.”

“Not happening.”

“You know where to find me if you change your mind.”

And when your Brat’s need for attention, need to play and need to find out what the bonus punishment would have been get the better of them then you make them do the thing in question and follow it with a bonus punishment/funishment proportional with how much they kept you waiting.




“Make me,”

“How about we make this interesting?”


*Go grab a dice*  “If you be a good submissive and do as I’ve asked I’ll let you roll this dice and if you roll a 6 then you’ll get ice cream as well as your punishment for your earlier insubordination.  BUT if I have to make you do it I will roll the dice and if I roll a 6 then I’m going to invite all of your Kinky and Bratty friends to watch me spanking you live on Chaturbate after I’ve finished making you do your task.  So what will it be?”

Whichever option your Brat chooses you have outlined the consequences such that whether or not you make them do the task it will have been to a tune you have outlined.


Any exceptions?

These are but a few examples.  But as the earlier spanking example showed any reward, funishment or punishment can either be done in a way in which you lead the particular dance or it can be done in a way in which you have ceded the lead.  Learning to remain in control of the dance/tempo regardless of the reward, funishment or punishment can be more important at times than the actual reward, funishment or punishment.

In general you should be looking to lead the dance but if you have mastered that then there are very rare occasions that you might break this rule.

One such example is for the purpose of misdirection and surprise.  Imagine for the moment you have told you Brat that their punishment is that one night this week at a point they least expect it you are going to handcuff them, drive them out to the woods and face fuck them in the middle of the night.  But before then you are going to tease them mercilessly about what is to come.  For instance text them little reminders at work.  Whistle “if you go down to the woods today,” in their presence or randomly fiddle with the fluffy handcuffs one evening.  Obviously any Brat is going to start a campaign of trying to hide all your handcuffs and you will indeed spend much of the week playing a game trying to thwart them BUT you could also later in the week let your guard down such that your Brat hides the last pair of handcuffs.  Whilst they sit there smugly believing they have danced you into a corner hiding all the cuffs you then click around their wrists the new pair of police issue handcuffs you had secretly waiting to surprise them with and whisper “it’s time in their ear,” revealing that whilst they thought they had the lead it was a misdirect and they didn’t realise you were playing a different song with a twist to surprise them.  But this is an advanced technique.

The only other time to consider breaking the rule would be during some rewards.  You should be seeking to make rewards as satisfying as possible and as such you should be open to receiving tips from your Brat during the reward on how you can make it even more rewarding – naturally this is only for the duration of the reward AND anything thing the Brat reveals to you about what they like you should consider intelligence gathering not just for future rewards BUT also for any funishment or punishments in the future that either involve denying or teasing that thing your Brat finds pleasurable or torturing them with excess of it like ***d orgasms.

But in general you should be seeking to lead the dance with your Brat wherever possible and to enjoy such dance.

And that is all from this translation folks, check in next time for the last introductory chapter of Chaos Dominance before digging into rewards, funishments and punishments.


Kink Inc. are extremely disappointed to hear that T. Amer has raised his silly little head once more and would like to make a formal statement as follows:

T. Amer is a former employee of Kink Inc. who was unfortunately dismissed following a formal investigation into his behaviour and ethics as a Kinkster.

T. Amer was formally employed as a lecturer with Kink Inc. his particular interest was in relation to Brats. Alongside others at Kink Inc. he delivered the training program for Dom's who found themselves in a dynamic with our product line The Brat and were requiring additional help.

It saddens Kink Inc. greatly that T. Amer has stolen this training program, developed by others employed at Kink Inc. and to those employees, on behalf of the Board, I would like to offer my heartfelt apologies.

Please be aware that there is NO SUCH THING AS The Grimoir, this as well as the 'back story' have been created by T. Amer, I suspect, to seek noteriety/fame at the expense of Kink Inc. which, to thanks of @spanksy you'll all be aware is experiencing difficulties during these unprecedented times.

Kink Inc. would like to thank all those who have reached out to us in support and continue to do so as we re-brand as Bratty Monsters Inc.
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