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What're the greatest barriers to orgasm you've encountered?


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For me, medication has really made getting off difficult at times. Thankfully I have an amazing doctor who worked with me to find something that worked well AND didn't keep me from cumming.
Anti depressants even when off then cause problems

The Commentator that lives in my head. 

Low labitto from partner. Feeling like you’re not sexy enough, even though I know it’s not the reason it starts to wear off
Medication can be an issue as is depression itself ("I'm in a bad mood", "I'm not good looking enough"...)
Overthinking on her part. Not being able to relax and then getting into her head about. Or being able to cum
Giving birth. It is so much harder for me to orgasm now. I still get aroused quite easily but cumming is a near impossibility now
When your partner lies to your face and you catch them, then they pretend like it’s okay and they ask you to “forget” for a little while. I can’t just pretend it’s all good like she can. I wasn’t the slightest bit interested in sex or turned on at all during that time.
You have no excuse to not be taking care of the cause which is poor ***flow which will change your life entirely due to if ***flow improves all bodily functions work better in general even your brain but dont stop wuth just ***flow youd be a fool to not chase great cognition with a few additions and research take vitamin b12 1000 mcg under tongue 3 times a day let it dissolve it does not absorb through the gut and never has and shouldn't be a medical condition to begin with now take a vitamin c 1000 mg in the morning directly after it can be any kind the chewable are tight imo because of just dissolving that cherry b12 lozenge next vitamin d3 it's a hormone I take 50kiu a day that would be 50000iu or 10 125mcg/5000iu tablets or gels whatever now it's time for important parts COQ10 you can get it at walmart in 100mg don't get the one with l carnatine just coq10 ubiquinol doesn't matter either when they recommended dosages are in effective you take no more than 600mg a day 200 in morning 200 afternoon 200 afternoon 200 at night should be the goal you can get a dope ass metabolism too this will improve strength without even working out if you move around alot and do high energy activities but that's because I know what I'm doing I'm studying biochemistry and vitaminology I take sometime 1200 coq10 a day when I want a mad day next is lget fish oil too it's cheap don't gotta spend a bunch it helps with the brain too this will allow you to absorb fat soluble vitamins next on the *** flow that only ive seen myself take advantage to the effective range is l arginine it's 6 bucks At walmart for 2 bottles of like 60 each 500mg its cheap and effective increases nitric oxide gives an insane pump in the gym that makes you look like you could be on gear helps convert fats to energy and you can take up to 20000mg that's 20k mg without having adverse reaction start taking between 8000-15000 a day split it up just pick a max dose.
For extras here's my personal findings and super effective dosages for things Vitamin Max Daily Dose
Potassium 1500 mg
Calcium 1000mg
Magnesium 1700mg
Iron 30-90mg ☠️
Zinc. 50mg
L Arginine. 20000mg
Vitamin D3. 50000iu
Vitamin C. 5000mg
Fish oil (Omega-3)3000mg / 900mg☠️(O3)
COQ10 (Nitric O sup) 900mg
N-Acetyl cysteine 600-2400mg
N acetyl l carnitine 3200mg
Alpha lipoic acid 600mg
B12-as much as you want as long as it dissolves under tongue it doesn't absorb in gut
Vitamin k2 - 300mg
There's a few more but anyways a centrum silver multivitamin for adults one
Is about good enough other than maybe adding an copper suppliment. Saffron and polygala (this one in particular promotes growth of new neurons in the hippocampus & combined with n acetyl l cysteine which produces glutathione which is what people with ocd and adhd are deficient of and also the most Potant antioxidant the body produces which is about the only way to get effective amount the only way to identify bipolar on a test is low gaba not Gabapenton just GABA and then there's glutamine an imbalance there can really make things unenjoyable. If you take all these you can also be assured that you don't die from the graphine oxide from the vaccine and 5g radiation which covid is radiation poisoning the birds are fucking gone for a reason I suggest you take advantage of this . Food for nutrients should be the supplementation with this you'll be a digesting machine and the vitamins and aminos and minerals are the fuel literally fat to energy total overall better health

as a side note - I can see the benefits to a good balanced diet and the advantages some supplements can have - but please do see a nutritionist 

5 hours ago, nycgentledaddy said:

Overthinking on her part. Not being able to relax and then getting into her head about. Or being able to cum

It’s a common theme on here that domination is 90% in the head. In order to completely dominate someone, you need to control their thoughts. I haven’t experienced that yet, but it’s what I’m looking for.

1 hour ago, iamca said:

You have no excuse to not be taking care of the cause which is poor ***flow which will change your life entirely due to if ***flow improves all bodily functions work better in general even your brain but dont stop wuth just ***flow youd be a fool to not chase great cognition with a few additions and research take vitamin b12 1000 mcg under tongue 3 times a day let it dissolve it does not absorb through the gut and never has and shouldn't be a medical condition to begin with now take a vitamin c 1000 mg in the morning directly after it can be any kind the chewable are tight imo because of just dissolving that cherry b12 lozenge next vitamin d3 it's a hormone I take 50kiu a day that would be 50000iu or 10 125mcg/5000iu tablets or gels whatever now it's time for important parts COQ10 you can get it at walmart in 100mg don't get the one with l carnatine just coq10 ubiquinol doesn't matter either when they recommended dosages are in effective you take no more than 600mg a day 200 in morning 200 afternoon 200 afternoon 200 at night should be the goal you can get a dope ass metabolism too this will improve strength without even working out if you move around alot and do high energy activities but that's because I know what I'm doing I'm studying biochemistry and vitaminology I take sometime 1200 coq10 a day when I want a mad day next is lget fish oil too it's cheap don't gotta spend a bunch it helps with the brain too this will allow you to absorb fat soluble vitamins next on the *** flow that only ive seen myself take advantage to the effective range is l arginine it's 6 bucks At walmart for 2 bottles of like 60 each 500mg its cheap and effective increases nitric oxide gives an insane pump in the gym that makes you look like you could be on gear helps convert fats to energy and you can take up to 20000mg that's 20k mg without having adverse reaction start taking between 8000-15000 a day split it up just pick a max dose.
For extras here's my personal findings and super effective dosages for things Vitamin Max Daily Dose
Potassium 1500 mg
Calcium 1000mg
Magnesium 1700mg
Iron 30-90mg ☠️
Zinc. 50mg
L Arginine. 20000mg
Vitamin D3. 50000iu
Vitamin C. 5000mg
Fish oil (Omega-3)3000mg / 900mg☠️(O3)
COQ10 (Nitric O sup) 900mg
N-Acetyl cysteine 600-2400mg
N acetyl l carnitine 3200mg
Alpha lipoic acid 600mg
B12-as much as you want as long as it dissolves under tongue it doesn't absorb in gut
Vitamin k2 - 300mg
There's a few more but anyways a centrum silver multivitamin for adults one
Is about good enough other than maybe adding an copper suppliment. Saffron and polygala (this one in particular promotes growth of new neurons in the hippocampus & combined with n acetyl l cysteine which produces glutathione which is what people with ocd and adhd are deficient of and also the most Potant antioxidant the body produces which is about the only way to get effective amount the only way to identify bipolar on a test is low gaba not Gabapenton just GABA and then there's glutamine an imbalance there can really make things unenjoyable. If you take all these you can also be assured that you don't die from the graphine oxide from the vaccine and 5g radiation which covid is radiation poisoning the birds are fucking gone for a reason I suggest you take advantage of this . Food for nutrients should be the supplementation with this you'll be a digesting machine and the vitamins and aminos and minerals are the fuel literally fat to energy total overall better health

you wrote a whole book but i appreciate lmfao!! *takes notes* 📝

13 hours ago, Sad_little_one said:
Depression lmao


4 hours ago, Lockfairy said:

It’s a common theme on here that domination is 90% in the head. In order to completely dominate someone, you need to control their thoughts. I haven’t experienced that yet, but it’s what I’m looking for.

I don’t think it’s necessary to control her thoughts but I do think a Dom must be in sync with her thoughts and understand her needs and feelings and desires.


Mine was a pretty common one, she said the wrong thing. Apparently she was very much into ddlg, which is a limit for me. Destroyed the whole moment lol

Antidepressants, T shots, Lack of hydration, and a Diabetic Low.
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