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Was it ***

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34 minutes ago, naughtything said:

I had a so called friend, i was staying with. She said i could stay for a week but on the second day there, her boyfriend said that he would tell her I had stolen his wallet if I didnt sleep with him whilst she was at work. I told him I would need to think about it and I called her up after he had gone out. She didnt beleive he would do such a thing so I said I will prove it. I refused him and that night he physically threw me out. He then told her I had tried to steal *** from him and she beleived him. I went to a BnB so had a choice.

Whoever he was he's an utter prick!!

It’s blackmail but still well fucked up situation. Get out and cut contact with him, sounds like a terrible friend. Hope everything works out for you
Yes. It's ***. It's still sexual assault if you don't want it and it's ***d on you by way of physical ***, ***, blackmail, gaslighting etc. Imagine if it was a partner who held your financial and residential security over your head and wanted to turn you out on the street with nowhere to go unless you submitted and serviced them? That's domestic/spousal ***. Anything short of continuous informed and enthusiastic consent is sexual assault, so yeah, it's *** and he's not a friend.
Get the fuck out of there, find an emergency women's shelter or hostel or anything else, please. That entire situation is a cacophony of red flags, red lights and warning sirens. If you were closer I know some modern Vikings who'd want to pay him a visit and realign his attitude. Please take care and get somewhere safe.
If I was you I’d try and get a cheap hotel somewhere for the last few days. Maybe your grandpa can help with the costs x

And stay away from that guy too x
59 minutes ago, Caradoc_Sinistre said:

Yes. It's ***. It's still sexual assault if you don't want it and it's ***d on you by way of physical ***, ***, blackmail, gaslighting etc. Imagine if it was a partner who held your financial and residential security over your head and wanted to turn you out on the street with nowhere to go unless you submitted and serviced them? That's domestic/spousal ***. Anything short of continuous informed and enthusiastic consent is sexual assault, so yeah, it's *** and he's not a friend.

Sexual assult and r*pe are different. 

She has not been r*ped.

She was given a "sleep with me or else"... 

She can and assumingly will choose the "or else". 

She has a choice. He's forcing the situation, not himself, upon her. 

Its a shitty thing to do but it is not r*pe in its name. 

Going by that line of things every man or woman whos been told "do this or else" has been r*ped which is bullshit nonsense. 

Shes being blackmailed or coerced. She has a choice. She needs to know to use that choice and walk from him as someone else said, a hotel or bnb, even the airport is better. 


What kind of gentleman is that?i would love to see him 1 day :)
I don't think it's ***, but a shity move non the less.
I would classify it as extortion or blackmail.
It doesn't mean it's ok to do and it might be as bad as *** but still I don't think it fits the criteria
This is really gross to hear, but it's not r*pe as it's a shitty choice but legally if you were to go along with it and give him what he wants, you're consenting. However there's the whole grey legal area of coerced consent, but still it could be argued either way 🤷🏼 the point is you have a choice in the situation and your choice can be taken to show if you consent
23 minutes ago, TheDeathRictus said:
This is really gross to hear, but it's not r*pe as it's a shitty choice but legally if you were to go along with it and give him what he wants, you're consenting. However there's the whole grey legal area of coerced consent, but still it could be argued either way 🤷🏼 the point is you have a choice in the situation and your choice can be taken to show if you consent

It's not a gray area, from whats described it's C+C which means informed/explicit consent cannot be given. At least in England

Unfortunately in the eyes of law it wouldn’t be *** but in my eyes that is definitely some sort of sexual assault and sexual blackmailing. Ur friend knows u haven’t got any where else to go and he’s using that against u in exchange for u having sex with him and to be his sub when I’m sure he does know ur collared and don’t wanna have sex with him. Honestly this is actually disgusting I really hope u are okay and are safe and managed to lose all contact with him. X
Correct me if I'm wrong, you haven't had sex with him and you are asking hypothetical questions? But having said that, the title says different.

@Master50 Bang out of order for saying such in a comment. Why are you suggesting such?


@winterflower420 Please don't accept any help via messages, creepy guys are a no no.


Time to leave as everyone said. You must have another friend or family you can stop with where your not pressured into anything 


It depends on where you live tbh. For example California’s *** law reads:

“(a) *** is an act of sexual intercourse accomplished with a person…under any of the following circumstances:

(2) Where it is accomplished against a person's will by means of ***, ***, duress, menace, or *** of immediate and unlawful bodily *** on the person or another.

(b) As used in this section, “duress” means a direct or implied threat of ***, ***, danger, or retribution sufficient to coerce a reasonable person of ordinary susceptibilities to perform an act which otherwise would not have been performed, or acquiesce in an act to which one otherwise would not have submitted.  The total circumstances, including the age of the victim, and his or her relationship to the defendant, are factors to consider in appraising the existence of duress.“

So in your case the "retribution" would be being kicked out.

However in England the Metropolitan police (London's police ***) define *** as follows

"The legal definition of *** is when a person intentionally penetrates another's vagina, anus or mouth with a penis, without the other person's consent. Assault by penetration is when a person penetrates another person's vagina or anus with any part of the body other than a penis, or by using an object, without the person's consent.

The overall definition of sexual or indecent assault is an act of physical, psychological and emotional *** in the form of a sexual act, inflicted on someone without their consent. It can involve forcing or manipulating someone to witness or participate in any sexual acts."

So ultimately the legal definition depends on where you are. However as many have said regardless of wether it is *** or sexual assault it is wrong and a serious crime!

You should absolutely get out of there and if he tries to stop you call the police!


Hi guys - sorry - we've done a tiny bit housekeeping : I think there's something tone deaf in someone making inappropriate offers to someone who is trying to get out of inappropriate offers.

Yesterday at 09:01 AM, Finally_Jen said:

Sexual assult and r*pe are different. 

She has not been r*ped.

She was given a "sleep with me or else"... 

She can and assumingly will choose the "or else". 

She has a choice. He's forcing the situation, not himself, upon her. 

Its a shitty thing to do but it is not r*pe in its name. 

Going by that line of things every man or woman whos been told "do this or else" has been r*ped which is bullshit nonsense. 

Shes being blackmailed or coerced. She has a choice. She needs to know to use that choice and walk from him as someone else said, a hotel or bnb, even the airport is better. 


In most states in the USA if what this post says is true then it is considered R*pe in the eyes of the law.

7 hours ago, Sara-Secrets said:

In most states in the USA if what this post says is true then it is considered R*pe in the eyes of the law.

Also in others...

then even if she was happy with the arrangement then it'd would be sex in exchange for goods or services (i.e. sex in exchange for free accomodation) which is also illegal in many US states.


Im on the west coast. Or i would take it into my own hands .hadle it for  all us REAL MEN..


The dude needs someone to kick his ass.im 2500 miles away or i would myself

3 hours ago, Fatheadfred said:

Im on the west coast. Or i would take it into my own hands .hadle it for  all us REAL MEN..

Yes cus "real men" resort to *** aa the answer... 🙄🙄🙄🙄 



OP hasn't even yet replied. Perhaps it's best we wait til she does to clarify what's actually occurred since her 'dilemma'.

3 hours ago, Fatheadfred said:

The dude needs someone to kick his ass.im 2500 miles away or i would myself

i would help you

Wow. Wow. Wow. The Sexual Assault gatekeeping by other women in here is just gross. Every time I come back on this site someone's got to be taking a dump on women in the forums. This time we got women tripping over our own tits telling this gal her assault wasn't traumatic enough. If someone points a gun at you and says you have a choice to make, comply or I might shoot you, and you chose to preserve your life, it wasn't *** according to all y'all future failed attorneys. I hope OP is okay. To anyone else reading this who's been assaulted, please don't turn it in on yourself. In the US, look up RAINN.

This message is past the time you were leaving I think, but I hope your away, and in a better and safer place. I hope this doesn't happen to you again, but if you ever find yourself in a similar situation, you could contact adult social services for assistance, they should find some where for you to go, a shelter ect. When the choice, and decision to do or not do something, is taken away from you. That is then about control, bullying, intimidation. With regards to this being in a sexual nature then its no different than being grabbed by a stranger ect. It's ***d and was not your choice or your fault. When faced with our own safety we do what we have to to survive. Survival is our most basic and powerful instinct. I hope your ok.

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