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Sensory play


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What’s a good music to play if I’m gonna put a headphones on my sub?
are you looking to *** or reward 80s-90s club for reward
Depends what mood.you want to create, i.use classical if.i want something soothing especially Beethoven, and Vivaldi

If im.doing impact play rock is quite.good especially if.it has a good.base beat to time strikes.of.a cane or paddle to.
Propellerheads decksanddrumsandrockandroll

Any album by A Perfect Circle

And for *** Tom Jones What's New Pussycat on repeat.
BookCollector's opening line should be your guide. But rather than defaulting to "classical," *rock," or a band/genre, consider creating something custom that fits the feeling you're trying to evoke in your sub AND in yourself. For ***, maybe Diamanda Galas is in there... When you're preparing (fixing ropes or cuffs) maybe it's something soothing like Gymnopédies by Erik Satie. Maybe you just want to have an atmosphere, so you go with Brain Eno.

Music is a powerful tool when used properly. And for sensory play (assuming blindfold as well) it's ability to put someone in a state of mind is unparalleled.

Go down some rabbit holes on YouTube or Spotify. Start making notes. Craft something as unique as you are.
The whole of the album "Dummy" by Portishead - it's got the perfect vibe for kink/BDSM play of any type
Lil Louis- French Kiss.
I find this 9min long track works well to get most girls I do sensory deprivation play with to feel they're sinking down a rabbit hole and zone out hard. It's repetitive and doesn't change much, plus the breakdown with moaning and build up helps.
2 hours ago, gemini_man said:
The whole of the album "Dummy" by Portishead - it's got the perfect vibe for kink/BDSM play of any type

Yes, I’ll second that. Dummy is a beautifully intense, menacing tender soundtrack for playtime.
There’s also the Remixes of NINs Classic ‘closer” .. or maybe the mix madness of 2manyDJ’s fusing all sorts of genres


it depends what they're into and what the desired result of doing this is

like - their favourite song on repeat until they hate it could be a form of ***.

but any form of ambient chill can get in a good head space.

Everyone is different, what’s enjoyable or enticing to one may not be so much to another. Ask your sub.
Seconding Tool, but I quite often just go for white noise. Makes some subs squirm a little, especially if they're in the room alone waiting for you
Blues, I find blues & Jazz to be good music in in my playtimes.
Enigma - cross of changes
Or if something newer is preferred - try The XX
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