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I made my Master angry

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I made my Master angry...

Even though he took me back, he's no longer the same.

He's not loving anymore... He's like a wall and he's shut me out.

What can I do? My heart hurts so much.
I have been dealing with the same thing. I wish I could tell you how to make it the way it was.
šŸ˜žšŸ˜¢šŸ˜žšŸ˜¢so sad but so full of feelingsā€¦
thatā€™s not healthy personally if i were you iā€™d move on thatā€™s not a way to live
What did you do to make him angry?
Thatā€™s sad
I had a similar situation with my Mistress
And I sticked by the rules
Doubled my initiatives to please her
And it took sometime to get her back to normal
But you have to apologies honestly and let the time deal with it
Time will heal... communicate well, reflect deeply, and make decisions that will enrich your future... but most of all, try to be patient through the process.
Perhaps nothing. We canā€™t control the feelings of others. Ask yourself, is what you did to make him angry so bad that he is justified in reacting the way he is? If the answer is yes, then youā€™ll have to give it time, be repentant and look to your Dom for ways to make it right. If the answer is no, then perhaps the reaction is a result of other ongoing issues that have been festering beneath the surface and have not been addressed. Depending on how deep and far back those issues go, this is much harder and maybe impossible to fix. In either case, sending you supportive hugs and positive thoughts and energy. Good luck.
I don't think there is anything you can do. Just give it some time. I'm sorry your feeling this way. No one wants their Master upset, or disappointed in us.
Give him a little space to cool off. Heā€™ll come around
Communication is key. Maybe try and initiate a conversation about how you feel
Communicate and be patient! You both need to talk about what has happened and find closure. Discuss going forward and the true possibility or NOT of a way to gain back the trust because sometimes, despite how much we want things to mend, some things can't be undone.
If once you have communicated, all cards on the table, your master does indeed feel like time and proof can repair what has been damaged then be patient and remember the goal. But also if in time if either of you feel your master cannot or has not forgiven you entirely then one of you must make that hard decision to let go.
I cannot stress enough that nothing will ever be achieved without that vital communication, ***ful for you both as it may be, it's the only way to know where you stand and where you both want to go from here. Hope this helps :)

If he doesn't love you anymore, then he doesn't deserve you. People that can and give love are way to rare. Give your love to someone who deserves it!Ā 

Speak to him have that conversation, I don't know what happened for him to take you back, maybe he also needs time to heal from whatever it was.
I would recommend the same as hels1920 says, just say what you feel and understand that sometimes things take time or they are not as they appear to be in our perspective
The fact that he took you back is a move that he does care about you or sees something valuable in you just be gratefull and have a convo with him
From the way you talk about him, you sound like a Good person. You deserve someone who loves you and cares about you .. Him being a master puts him under the obligation to deal with your bratty side. You made him angry ? So what ? And he shut you down ? That's his way of dealing with "Master" side ?
I am done and fed up with these phony ignorant "Masters" who thought they could be as such only because one Ex-GF let them slap her ..
Run away dear, many caring Men are out there.
Although I am agreeing with the apparently to separate (opposite?) Points, already raised here by these three helpful and knowledgeable answers I would say you should definitely have ā€œTHAT conversationā€ because you really, when it comes to Kink, especially, ļæ¼ should be having lots of these type of conversations, and maybe head off any trouble in the light perhaps shouldā€™ve happened in the past?

I think if you show how much you need him and heā€™s a dominant, then he will be impressed and not take advantage. Bye acting this way.

Perhaps you can imply that heā€™s being like this as a form of punishment to you to make sure it doesnā€™t happen again, but you can reassure in that it wonā€™t happen again and there is other more fun punishments you both could enjoy ..! ļæ¼ļæ¼
Hard to make a recommendation without all the facts.
Hi everyone, I woke up to many messages today and I'm so grateful for the support I'm getting from this community. Thank you to everyone who's replied and send love my way šŸ’ž

During the few hours that it took for my post to be approved on here, Master and I had the chance to talk things through and we're in a much better place now. I still have to work hard to gain back his trust and love, but with the ice wall down, I know for sure I can do it and be a better slave for him.

To give context, I was disrespectful in the way that I spoke to my Master when I was feeling upset, and had doubled down despite his warnings. It was the second argument we had in two weeks which made Master upset and resulted in him telling me that he was giving up. I deservingly got kicked to the curb when I wished him all the best instead of apologising. (Sorry it sounds very dumb)

During this time I'd re-joined Fet to seek friends who could understand how I was feeling, because I know my experiences with Master is something I can't talk to my vanilla friends about.

Meanwhile, I'd also regain my senses and was pleading for Master's forgiveness. Eventually after a lot of grovelling, Master took me back in, but he'd also seen my new profile on Fet and thought I was seeking a new relationship, so he was very cold towards me. (On hindsight, I should have known that Master would feel the same way I did when I saw his new profile on Fet and thought that he'd really given up and was looking for a new slave.)

Just like many of you had advised, communication is key. And for my case, also respect and honesty.

Master and I had an open conversation yesterday, and he's made me realise that he feels that same things I feel and hurts the same way I do. Master has also taught me a valuable lesson that I'm not whole without him. My Master is at the center of my life and my happiness lies with him. I will only be happy when my Master is happy.

To end this off, I'll be happy to make friends with subs/slaves on here. If you'd like to talk, or need a shoulder to cry on, I'll be happy to be there for you.

I also won't be responding to the Doms out of respect for my Master. My Master exists here as Mister_dom, so please go to him if you find the need to.

Thank you everyone!! With love, veevaciously.
8 hours ago, payson970 said:
I have been dealing with the same thing. I wish I could tell you how to make it the way it was.


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