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Making new friends

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I Have known a few people in different cities starting off "Friendship" groups for people new to the city and needing to make new friends and contacts to have some sort of social life outside of work.  Facebook groups etc maybe worth a look in to.

One for example in my home city, the person had moved from way down south but arranged once a month that turned into a few times a month social gatherings in set bars on different nights, so people with had a wide choice to be able to attend dates.

You're right it's difficult. Even when I go to anime cons to meet like minded people. Everybody already has their own click/group and doesn't want to introduce new people.

I always end up hanging out with my same old friends. Which is nice but I've been seeing their faces forever.
4 hours ago, QXX666 said:

Facebook ?

yes they have named local groups, you can just type "your local" or "key words" in the search features and if there are social groups they will show up.  For Example there was a nerd group for my local, just a group of people in to pop culture and all local, it was a nice way to get to know new people and we had a starting topic to converse over.


18 minutes ago, smeagol said:

yes they have named local groups…


I wasn’t replying to you but the op… I didn’t read yours before posting it. 

What i do is search local meet up clubs join & attend everything of interests join a church & gym or clubs like aa or parenting or etc
Meet ups online cheap & like minded skills talents crafts art foods etc
I think I read somewhere that it’s really hard as adults to make friends because in grade school we sat next to someone all the time and they became our best friends and we don’t have those opportunities now. I remember moving to a new town and I didn’t know anyone and trying meet up groups and even in post Covid most meet up groups weren’t meeting in person. 
Other approach is to figure out what you are passionate about.
Then find workshops groups what are close to that topic, hobby or sport.
In my example it was a stand up comedy course.
I didn't really made any friends but at least it improved my public speaking a lot.
Friends are like cats if you chase after them they will run away, you have to give them time to let them know you.
At the end you might not going to make any friends, but at least you going to gain some experience.
Good luck.
Is hard if you be all the time on the road for work to find friends and do stuff .
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