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An introduction to Chastity for penis owners

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When people think of Chastity and Chastity devices you may think to Medieval Europe and the crusades where people either chose or were ***d to wear to protect their purity or virtue, however it is not fully proven if they even existed, let alone were widely used for this reason.
These days they do indeed exist, predominantly used by the kinky community for a power exchange dynamic, or by those like myself who find a strange comfort in wearing such a device.
A Dominant may Request their submissive to wear one 23/7 (no that is not a typo) or just for some foreplay, an evening of denial play for the night or even up to weeks or months at a time, either as punishment or a task.
i want to dispel the myth that a submissive should be in a chastity device for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week with a single word, and that word is "Hygiene" i can not stress how important it is not only to clean the chastity device but also your Genitalia. as you can imagine some people are under the misconception that it would be worn without removing every now and then for any reason, as for the one hour or so a day, i would highly recommend a "supervised shower" on a daily basis which can really add to the tension or power dynamics.
For a lot of people assigned male at birth there is a lot of societal pressure to behave in a certain way or to support those around them and to often neglect their own needs in life for the aid of another needs. with chastity cages for penis owners can enter a subspace where they are no longer the person lumped with all the social pressure to take control and have the responsibility of care for another, as for my own experiences at work being the person that is called upon when things have gone wrong to fix the issues or at home with my partner having some health problems followed by a multitude of other issues where the rhetorical question "what could possibly go wrong?" was indeed the way we lived unfortunately (things are now turning round for the better)
speaking from this personal experience i can safely say that giving up that responsibility even for an hour of the day in the evening felt like the weight of my world was lifted from my already overburdened back and the relief unparalleled albeit temporary.
in conclusion to this, Chastity isn't all about the sex, but these types of kinks and play can be part of our fundamental needs and desires for intimacy, vulnerability, alternate ways to have sex and new ways to fulfill those needs.
and now for the second part of this explanation, what to look for in a good chastity device, but first you need to answer a few questions about how you wish to use chastity cages, are you into giving the key to a "keyholder" for 23/7 wear? is it simply for play time? are you looking for something lightweight and barely noticeable or something more heavy as a reminder of your submission?
for something that is simply for some "foreplay" or "play time" then your options are quite open with materials, silicone allows for something lightweight and offers flexibility, maybe a fully enclosed steel cage that denies you from all sensations and offers that unyielding entrapment or possibly a plastic cage that is more middle of the road with being more light weight but leaves very little movement?
in my experiences a steel cage with plenty of openings is ideal for 23/7 wear is ideal for me as it keeps me very aware that even though i am a "penis owning person", that penis does not belong to me and can often help with moments of dysphoria that can happen at almost any time for what feels like the daftest reasons.
in other peoples experiences a plastic version like the "CB - xxxx" series are preferable as they are more light weight and don't set off pesky metal detectors at airports etc for those busy business types
i also have a silicone cage which i find ideal for play time due to the way it looks and feels, being silicone it allows movements where any movement stops the cage from becoming steel wreaking ball against my legs, stomach or even body parts of the other person playing with me, as you can imagine that mid thrust having a set of genitals that swing back and forth made of a heavy steel can come in fairly ***ful to a dominant's  sensitive penis, balls or vagina during certain positions.


personally I have 2 problems with chastity cages, one is that I hate having the equipment to wear them uuurgh, the second is that everyone I've seen emphasises that I've still got the thing, now if anyone can recomend one that helps hide the nasty thing, and even better ***s me to pee sitting down the way i should have to do I'd be really up for wearing one

Well written and informative for anyone interested in taking that step and can relate to much of it having used chastity devices in the past.
I actually find them quite liberating in their own way, which sounds like a contradiction - but ties in with what you were saying about removing the pressures those of us with a penis feel.
A couple of additional points though, can't stress enough the importance of getting the right fit - too tight and you risk causing yourself damage, too loose and the chances are it'll slip off and potentially cause damage.
Can't recommend House Of Denial (Google them) enough for both purchasing a cage and their very good help pages that detail exactly how to measure for a good fit.
Whilst hygiene is of course important, I'd personally disagree that cages can't be worn 24/7 for extended periods, but it may depend on the type of cage being worn - most of them are waterproof and can be worn in the bath/shower and many have sufficient gaps to allow cleaning both with a sponge and cotton buds - however I do agree that there should be periodic complete removals to allow for a full clean of both body and the cage.
One other word of caution - there are cages available that come with a urethral tube that slides into the urethra, both for additional sensation and to allow for easier peeing - be very careful and fully research before going down that route - there's no end of damage you can cause by using one!!
Sunday at 08:16 AM, Kymi said:

personally I have 2 problems with chastity cages, one is that I hate having the equipment to wear them uuurgh, the second is that everyone I've seen emphasises that I've still got the thing, now if anyone can recomend one that helps hide the nasty thing, and even better ***s me to pee sitting down the way i should have to do I'd be really up for wearing one

Can't really help with the former other than to suggest looking at sites like House Of Denial for ones that fit what you're looking for. Though unless you go for one of the really small button sized ones I don't think you'll remove that emphasis completely.
As to your second point, unless you went for one with a urethral tube (which I would really not recommend anyway) pretty much all types *** you to pee sitting down unless you want to risk a mess!!

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Jesse is fine with what's mistress wants .She just better have big black buck!!!!
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