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Guess I'm clueless?

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So, sorry if this is stupid or ignorant, but I'm new here. Please be patient with me.
Hit it off with a guy or so I thought. Great night full of crazy things.
Then he flips the script and says he's not attracted to me, but wants to be friends.
Normally I would be like okay, whatever. He just used me for sex. I'm assuming he was so horny he would rail anything and looked past the fact that he was repulsed by my body or whatever ;p
He texts me every day and we still spend time together doing platonic things, which I find weird. Is my personality that great and my sex that bad!? Putting myself on blast here,lol.
Do I have a shot with this guy? Is he playing games? Should I just roll with it or ghost him. I do find it kind of rude that he had sex with me, but apparently isn't sexually attracted to me. Real self esteem downer.
Wtf guys. Proceed to let me know what an idiot I am ;p
It sounds like he's keeping in contact just in case he wants another NSA hookup. The entire situation likely has very little to do with you and much to do with his lack of character.

I would personally tell him bluntly "thanks but no thanks" & find different friends or hang out alone. If you enjoy his company, then I guess you're mutually benefiting, but what he did is kinda shitty imo.
Haha what was the sex life?? Also it would be really hard for someone to have sex with a girl and continue to talk to you all the time afterwards if he wasn’t attracted to you! So something is fishy here 🤔
People in general do strange things. It is weird that he wants to be friends after having sex, I don’t know that I could really do that. I will say there doesn’t appear to be anything wrong with you aesthetically bc all I see is beautiful. I say keep your head up and shake off the losers and have fun as much as possible!
You can either ignore him for a while and test him a little or ask him directly where he’s at with you. He might be hung up on an ex and just emotion unavailable and realized it after he had sex with you
Just keep hanging but look for other options. Get a second opinion on dat booty or body. HMU if you just wanna chat too lmfao I’m here for the details
You’re not an idiot. Don’t be so down on yourself. I recommend that you take your time and Vet, the individual that you’re looking to try and make a connection with. Find out what his motives are and his intentions. Remember what you have to offer as a gift and the person you’re giving that gift to should be worthy of it.
This is only a suggestion. Stop responding to his texts for awhile and see what happens
Idk sounds like he doesn’t wanna be in a relationship, and you should walk away if you’re being affected negatively by being friends with him
Ghost him…if he likes you for real then he will try to pursue you
If he is giving you mixed feelings, and stringing you along. I’d say leave. There will be someone out there who will treat you so much better
IDK seems unfair too me.
I'd say he's messing with your head and I'd personally stay away.
If you like him and it's not reciprocate then don't carry on seeing him as friends.
You can do better but you won't be able to if your waiting for him.
It's not a very nice way to treat a person, from what you describe he's just stringing you along.
I highly doubt your sex was deficient. And you are probably wasting your time on this dude. His head doesn’t seem correctly arranged for social interaction. Flush the toilet and move on. Your guy is out there. The one who loves your body, your technique, and the soul inhabiting the flesh. Never forget we can be anything in between the worst and the best but this is not your fault. Let me speak clearly: You are hot, sexy, conscientious, and so cute in your little mild insecurity. It would be a privilege to know you and all icing after that.
Had to re-read this as I thought it was a kid asking this question..you're 39.. I'm sure you can work it out...

Just ghost his a**. He's not worth it

I would take him at his word. If you don't want to be friends, say so.
To me it sounds like he might be playing games with you sorry to say. Or he could be like one of the many people out there that can have sex but there isn't an attraction, someone who identifies as asexual. But believe me I have been in the same boat girl. I wish you the best of luck.
7 minutes ago, BigWill5150 said:
Ghost him…if he likes you for real then he will try to pursue you

🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ you know kink is meant to be based on honest, open communication, right?


Move on, guy is a d**k, and disrespectful, you can do better x

Walk away hun. You already feel disrespected and you have every right to feel that way cuz what he did wasn't respectful. Don't waste your time and don't settle for bits and pieces if that's not what you ultimately want.

Drop him as fast as possible and move on. 


Yea f**k that guy he's taking advantage of you and u deserve better than settling for someone like him


Yeahhh a lot of guys do that and it’s stupid. If I’m f**king someone I want it to be more than a few times. And I’ve been ghosted after giving a girl her first orgasm thst want self inflicted. You are better off with out someone that shitty. Guys like that should be charged with sexual assault

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