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A Grand Night

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It was his birthday and we both wanted to spoil him and do something special... A night at the Grand hotel was definitely in order.... 

No details were given other than where he needed to be and when.... Oh and we would love him to wear a suit.   He left the 2 of us to plan our evening of lust and passion.... 

We waited in the bar for him, his favourite drink there on the table for when he arrived.  Nervous excitement felt by both of us because this time we had all night and we weren't just fitting it in between our daily lives.  He walked in, handsome as ever, with a smile that made us both melt as usual, and gently kissed us both on the cheek, saying how beautiful we both looked.  He was carrying a long shaped parcel that was gift wrapped... Something to add a bit of confusion as he loved to do to us both because we had no idea what it was and he was certainly getting some funny looks.  

After a drink, we told him to wait 5 minutes before following us upstairs, we left him a room key.  Quickly we stripped off so we only had our stockings on, our collars and leash, and each of us put on a black lace mask.  We knelt by the large bay window overlooking the amazing sea view... One of us holding a bottle of champagne and the other holding the whip..... Seconds later the door opened..... "mmmm I'm impressed ladies.... Very good girls" he smiled at us as he walked into the room, hands immediately caressing both of us and we had a 3 way kiss.  

He took a blindfold and instructed me to put it on her... Then I was to lead her into the bathroom.  He blindfolded me as we got there and told us both to get on our knees and into the shower.  Within seconds we felt a warm shower in our mouths and over our faces... "Good girls.... Now do you want to open your present?". 

We went back into the bedroom and ripped off the wrapping paper to find 2 long wooden sticks, a strap on and some cable ties.... Both curious as to what his plan was... 

Now lie on your back on the floor, he instructed my friend.   He attached one wooden stick to her ankles.  He had already drilled holes in each end to fit the cable ties and he tightened them so they were clearly uncomfortable.  He pulled the leash tight around the stick and fastened more cable ties around her wrists.  The whip came out and we both had 2 lashes.....it stung and we both cried out.  I was told to sit on her face which I did.  More lashes of the whip mixed with the end of it caressing and teasing.  "Stop!" she cried..... But he didn't.... She had already told him not to stop so he carried on again.... it was only a couple of minutes but it felt so much longer......then it was immediate aftercare and a group cuddle and kisses.  

Then it was my turn.....different position, the stick was on top of one ankle and underneath the other. Then I was put on my side, blindfolded and hands grabbed my throat tightly.... I felt hands everywhere but I didn't know who was doing what... Voices whispering and then a growl in my ear to "Be a good slut and take what you're given!".  She fucked my arse with the strap on while he fucked my mouth.... So much sensory overload and eventual squirting as I couldn't take any more.....  Then once more it was immediate group cuddles and kisses.... 

The champagne flowed, there were cuddles, kisses, hard fucking, sensual play and much more...... 

A 'Grand night' to remember, that's for sure xx 

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