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Cybersex & Women

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Having an online long-term relationship for me is pointless, I would become bored.
2 hours ago, Goddess_Fifi said:
It would take someone who is very skilled with his vocabulary to keep interested in this cyber world, in my experience I find it men seem to be very crass and basic with their word's and descriptions, my imagination is quite vast so I am lover of literacy and creative writing, my mind needs be seduced before my body even responds.

Graduate of one of the finest creative writing programs of the late Seventies, early Eighties. Studied under James Lee Burke (before he became famous & successful.)

I find it exciting when girls watch especially with someone I never met before
  • 7 months later...
I've known many women (myself included) who enjoy cybersex. In fact, I quite prefer it to physical intimacy at times. I feel like cyber intimacy offers me a way to be more *** than I would in an in person setting, for the simple fact that I'm able to maintain that control from my side of the intimacy, if that makes any sense.
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