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How do I handle other Doms talking to me?

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Only been a kitten to my Dom for 5 weeks. Was recently approached by another dom and don't know how to handle the situation. 

My dom asked him to not talk to me about sexual things. How do I handle the situation? Anyone with experience from this? 

You should seek guidance from your Dom. If you're not sure how to handle the situation talk to him, if you're not comfortable talking to another Dominant, then don't, and ask your Dom to interject on your behalf (which I see has already been done to a degree). Communication is key always.
That's easy Amaris4. First off for me as a Dom I encourage my subs to talk to as many others as they can if they are newbies to gain experience and differing perspectives from others. However you may want to check with your Dom first and make sure that he or she is ok for you to talk to other people, be they Dom's or subs. Simply being open and honest with people such as telling any new Dom's who contact you that you already have a Dom (this is if your are in a strictly monogamous D/s relationship that it) and that you would only be available to them to chat, message or ask questions for the time being and not as a new sub for them helps to let everyone know where they stand. Honesty and openness is the best policy and if the new Dom's who contact you are genuine they will understand and thank you for your honesty. If you need any further advice then feel free to ask, although I am not looking for any new sub's myself, I am always happy to help and give advice or meet new friends and contacts.
Good advice from SadicoSangre above. You may also want to consider asking your Dom if he would like you to make any changes to your profile to reflect his demand that you are not to talk about sexual issues or anything sexual with them. This would go a long way to stopping much of the unwanted Dom attention in your inbox, but you may still find the odd Dom who will try their luck but at that point it becomes quite easy to be able to politely tell them to check your profile for your rules of engagement.

As a Dom myself, I never talk to a collared sub, jusy out of respect for her/his master. So sound like hes not up to good standard to me.

But you should be more specific on your profile about it. And as mention above your Master should take care of this not you.

you can politely request they do not talk to you sexually, if they ignore your request then cut them dead. just block them. anyone not respecting your wishes isn't worthy of your time.

Oh dear that is a tricky situation and I do feel for you. If I were you I would just be polite but also firm with him. Let him know that while you are happy to chat and pass the time when you see each other at your ***'s activity, that you already have a master and are not interested in him sexually or talking about anything sexual. Tell him that if he can abide by staying polite and not try to turn the topics sexual then you have no problem chatting but you should also let him know that if he tries to push his advances when you have asked him not to, in a situation where your *** are carrying out an activity; that this will make you uncomfortable and likely to either ignore and avoid him or make a complaint about his behavior to the place where the activity is taking place. How local is your Dom, could he help your out with a bit of moral support in person when you next have to see this guy?   

When sweet talk doesnt work, its time for the stick. Depending which website your share with him, check if there is a *** Groups Name, Shame & Report. Tell him if he doesnt stop straigh away he will be on it.

This pest is not a Dom, he's a leech scum bag. No time or respect for them.

A true Dom should always know when it is appropriate to talk to a collared sub, and in which manner. If this "dom" cannot abide by your/Your Dom's rules regarding conversation, then it is ultimately the responsibility of your Dom to manage the situation. I personally, as a rule, don't talk to collared subs unless they are seeking help, such as yourself. I would clarify with him that you are happy to talk in a non sexual context, but also be firm in telling him that you will not continue conversing if he attempts to sway the conversation even slightly.
My dom doesn't want him to speak to me at all but I have to. He's part of the staff. I'm worried my dom will get us kicked out.

report this guy to someone who is able to deal with it? like ask another member of staff to get involved. that's all i can think of.

Whoa that's a big no-no that a member of staff in a kids activity center is inappropriately making sexual advances towards you. As 712i say's above he really needs to be reported to the other members of staff, not by your Dom, but by you, as you are the one who he has made the sexual advances on. If you were a fellow staff member it would be seen as workplace sexual harassment and instant firing, but it's actually worse that your a paying member of the public and being sexually harassed and put in a situation where your being harassed and incredibly uncomfortable. This will likely not be the first time he has done this to someone at his place of work and he needs to be reported not only for your protection and benefit, but for all the other women he either already has or will sexually harass in an inappropriate manner and setting in the future. This is not the behavior of a Dom, but a sexual predator and sexual predators need to learn that their harassing and abusive behavior will be met with punishment and real life consequences for them. 

I agree with Robusntlove, this is a serious matter. If he cant seperate civil life and private life, but also can't control himself sexually, he is a danger.

Record your inappriated  conversation on the phone, then play it back to him. First warning, he will stop the talking....

Hello to all I am Amaris dom

I respectfully told the other Dom not to speak to my sub about our private lives and to limit conversation to the activities etc..

I also am local but was not present when he approached her however I will be present in the future.

Hi Boomernpixie,

You did the right thing in speaking to this sexual predator directly, however I would still recommend talking to the management and making a formal complaint. His sexual harassment in a place of work where *** are present is both repugnant and unacceptable on any level and at the very least if he is not fired he will be warned off trying this again either with your kitten or with any other women who end up in his work orbit. I wish you both the best of luck not only in your own relationship but also in dealing with this sexual predator who is most definitely not a true Dom, just an wannabe Dom and sex predator who uses his place of work for access to women in a more *** position.


Lol just don't answer. Jeezzzz. Is not like try are behind your desk spying on you..lol

Ya read everything I have to talk to this guy. But it's been taken care of. 

  • 2 weeks later...
Tell him firmly that you are not allowed to talk to him about sexual things and if he persists, report him. No place for disrespectful people giving Doms a bad name!
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