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The 70 mph Orgasm

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As I prepare to drive to go see Daddy, he tells me to wear a skirt or dress, short and slutty, because your my dirty little slut. "Ok Daddy" I say.. "and no panties? ".. "Always, silly girl." .. I love to tease and make sure I get everything just right.
I'm very excited to see Daddy, and when I get to his house, he sweeps me into his arms and kisses me hard. I'm instantly hungry and passionately, heavily breathing I want him Now!
He knows, I fall to my knees and Daddy's cock springs out of his joggers as he gives me what I desperately want. I eagerly slurp him all the way down my throat.
"Have you come to be fucked babygirl?"
"Yes Daddy, can you tell!??"
He pulls his long gorgeous cock from my mouth and says, "Not so fast you dirty whore!"
We hadn't even made it out of his hallway.
He leads me by the hand into the lounge and sits in his favourite chair, throws a cushion on the floor and says , "Come suck Daddy's balls first." I fall to my knees again and greedily lick and nibble at his shaved balls. While Daddy strokes his cock, "Put your mouth on it... " and Daddy explodes in my mouth, I swallow three times, Daddy was eager to see me too!
I beam with pride and pleasure and clean up Daddy's cock as I always do, feeling him tremble when my tongue gets to his now sensitive glands..
"Shall we watch a movie babygirl?"
"Sure Daddy.." I know I have to wait for my turn.
We snuggle on the sofa, under a blanket and half watch our movie, I hear gentle snoring from Daddy as he lays behind me spooning me with his head on my shoulder.
I can't keep naughty thoughts from my head. I imagine tickling Daddy's dick while he sleeps, I'm wondering how long I have to be a good girl and not wake him up.. I want to reach behind and put my hand in his pants and hold and stroke Daddy until he's stiff again..
Please Daddy wake up!!
Daddy stirs and checks his watch.
"I have something I need to do baby, I will only be gone for ten minutes. Can you entertain yourself?"
"Yes Daddy.. hurry back I have a surprise I wanna show you."
So while Daddy is gone, I quickly change into my school PE kit , with long socks and put my hair in pigtails.
Daddy returns and says, "Oh babygirl that's one of my favourite outfits, come here!.. " he falls back onto the sofa and I can see he is all ready to go again! I do love my Daddy's cock. He grabs me by the hair and rams his cock so far down my throat that I gag and whimper.
"Where's my pussy?"
I move myself round so that Daddy can get his hands on my warm wet holes. He rubs my juices on my clit and on my butt hole. He is teasing me now! I try to fight Daddy's strong hands to get room in my throat to breathe and beg. But its no good it's in my throat deep. My eyes water, I'm wriggling and fighting to breathe.. all the time Daddy still rubbing and not putting his fingers inside because he knows I'm desperate, he knows I want to swallow anything of his in my hot throbbing holes. I'm whimpering and wiggling.. Daddy shouts, "Stop it now young lady!.. be still or you won't be cuming at all today!! You will cum when I say so and when I'm ready to let you! ".. He let's me up to breathe and I look through teary mascara smudged eyes at him and say "I'm sorry Daddy but I want you so much.. please Daddy I need your cock!!"
He pulls up his pants, and cruelly tucks away his delicious cock.. and I gape in misery and shock as he reaches for his jacket..
"Put on your coat baby, we're going for a drive in your car!!"
Astounded and pretty much about to have a meltdown tantrum .. I stare in disbelief.. he see.
"You'd better not make a scene young lady or I shall send you to sulk in my bed alone and I will not smack that bottom today! Today you will learn that Daddy is in charge. And moody inpatient little girls don't always get what they want! Do you understand ME?!" He shouts in my face .. "now please get your coat and keys and take me for a drive in your car.."
"Yes Daddy, I understand.. "
Daddy gives me directions, and I see we are headed for the motorway. "Daddy, why are we going this way?"
"I want to go to the shopping centre, you know the big one down the motorway? .. "
I do but I'm still feeling petulant and very unlikely to feel like shopping. Plus I'm only wearing a plaid mini skirt and crop top under my coat.. and I start to panic.. Daddy chuckles as he sees my apprehension. "Dont worry baby Daddy's got you.. "
We have been on the motorway for maybe 10 minutes.. and my face is set in a moody pout.
"How fast are you driving now baby?"
"Ermm..68 mph Daddy.. " very puzzled.
Daddy reaches across and slips his finger into my still swollen and ready pussy..
"Mmm baby is wet for Daddy!"
I look at him in shock and gasp, "Daddy what if we crash the car!? We can't do this here !!!"
The insane need in me wants to let go of the wheel and be devoured in Daddies ecstacy and .... fuck !! Daddy has very long fingers, he's a very tall guy.
"Don't you take your eyes off the road, don't let the speedo go below 65 mph baby or I will stop what im doing! Do you want Daddy to stop now?!"
"No Daddy, please Daddy but I don't wanna crash..!" I squirm some more and Daddy says, "I got you baby. Dont worry, just focus on the road and let's get to 70 mph shall we?!" as he slips two more fingers inside. I can feel his fingers filling my pussy up, and start to rhythmically grind in response to his movements .
I look at him, he is smirking.
"Eyes on the road!..are we at 70 mph yet baby ?"
I glance at the speedo, "It's 69 Daddy! Please stop I'm scared! I don't wanna loose control! .. please please ... "
"Oh good, that's nearly there.. concentrate baby girl and put ya foot down a little.. Is it 70?"
"YES Daddy!" I shout..
"Cum for me sweety.. do it now!" As his fingers hook up inside and he finds my G spot! I gasp and squeek loudly as the most intense orgasm explodes through me leaving me blinded and huffing as I squirt all over Daddy's fingers and onto my car seat.
I half expect to to have swerved into a barrier or out of my lane.. but when I bring myself back I see Daddy has his other hand niftily holding the car straight and in lane .. I'm shaking and panting and fucking mind blown ..
Daddy sits up straight and takes his hand from my pussy and the steering wheel and says, "Good girl, today is a good day to be alive and I will always keep you safe!"
"Shall we go get Macdonalds baby? And then you can drive us back home... "
Plot twist: Daddy is actually Big Mac, and he's heading to McDonald's to quarter poundher. šŸ˜‚
6 minutes ago, arnhem961 said:
Plot twist: Daddy is actually Big Mac, and he's heading to McDonald's to quarter poundher. šŸ˜‚

Daddy's got a half pounder with cheese baby mmm mm šŸ˜‹

4 hours ago, LittleVictory said:

Daddy's got a half pounder with cheese baby mmm mm šŸ˜‹

Alright, no Big Mac sauce then. But cheddar dripping on the bun. šŸ˜‚

Maybe she could secretly be wanting that triple beef with the special sauce dripping off her chin
Note to self: do not read this at work! This made my eyes water! I was scared for them both!!
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