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Kinky Role Play

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What’s the kinkiest role play you’ve acted out? 

I helped a friend live out his ***/kidnap fantasy. 3 days of bliss for him
Just at the swingers club really
A cuckold chastity relationship for 8 years
Serial killer sex. A woman I dated liked to be kidnapped / rapped and have me talk about my “past victims” ( her the last time ) while I did terrible things to her this time.
This girl I dated for a couple years had a hunter/prey kink. We were in the middle of the forest, miles from any people. I collared her with a tracker that she couldn’t take off. She was wearing only bra and panties, and shoes for safety. As I loaded my Airsoft gun with pellets wearing full tactical gear. I told her “you’re free, you got a 60 second head start. She ran off, trying to escape. After a 5km run, she came to a river completely exhausted, dropped to her knees and slipping down her panties, as if to offer herself as reward for capture. But instead I tied her up, blindfold and gagged and told her back to camp. On the way back she begged me to stop and fuck her. I reached up to spank her ass, and her panties were dripping soaking wet. After i fucked her, she told me that was hottest thing someone has ever done to her. Would love to try this again!
Combo of daddy/daughter+cnc+age play roleplay
Tbh I like the idea of a group of guys lining up and taking turns one after another one coming in and fucking me how they want…
7 hours ago, bbygirl4208 said:
Tbh I like the idea of a group of guys lining up and taking turns one after another one coming in and fucking me how they want…

i dont think guys would resist😉

As a tradey it’s always fun acting out doing some work at someone’s house and getting a “different” kind of payment 😂
Awkwardly enough I had a friend who had her best friend and a washing machine repair guy coming over. She tried to hurry and jump in the shower the doorbell rings and she assumed it was her bff and well she answered the door and it wasn’t so she tried to show him the problem while still in her robe and welp the washing machine for the first time in two weeks starts up just fine… and she’s like I’m so sorry I’ll pay you for coming out to look at it and clearly he’s thinking this is the best call of his life when her best friend rings the doorbell and she opened the door in her robe and immediately was like omg I thought I was you and explained to her what had just happened 🤣 her best friend is a bad bitch and was like standing her ground of we are sitting her eating chips and salsa till you leave sir and he left 😂 but like boy thought fa he was living your fantasy and is still my favorite story
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