Many of us enjoy the thrill of doing something taboo along with the risk of being discovered. But what if the fun involves kink on a plane? Our Molly tackles a question from one member who wants to join the mile-high club. Is it realistically achievable on today's flights, and what are the risks? Read on to find out.

Dear Molly, 
I have always wanted to be part of the mile-high club, but the last time my partner and I travelled on a plane, every time we went to the bathroom there was a queue, and we couldn't go in together without people seeing. Do you think it's possible to achieve this? If so, do you have tips on how to manage it? Miles High.


A picture of Molly Moore. BDSM Tips

Dear Miles High,
Ahh, the mile-high club; a slang term for those who've managed to have sex during a flight. But, did you know the 'club' part of the name refers to the fact that it's a tricky thing to achieve and a somewhat exclusive club to join?

When the name 'mile-high club' was first coined, it would've been easier to achieve than it is now. Airplanes were more spacious, and the toilets were roomier. However, air travel was not as accessible as it is now, so I suspect that reference was because not only was it difficult to achieve, but you also had to be able to afford air travel. So is it possible to join that exclusive mile-high club now?

Mile-high timing is everything

Restrooms on most flights now are tiny (unless you can afford first-class) even then, they aren't much better. If the space of the restroom is doable for you, then I'd suggest that your best bet to get into the mile-high club would be a long-haul night flight.

There's always a significant portion of a long-haul when most people are trying to sleep, and the cabin crew rotate through their breaks - around this time would afford the best opportunity to sneak into together. Also, the toilets located at the back of the plane tend to be the least 'watched' as everyone is facing the other direction. However, some flights now ask you to stay in your section of the plane. So if you're not seated at the back, you might not be able to wander back there. But again, on night flights when all the lights are turned down, might be your best chance.

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Mile-high ethics

Bear in mind that the aircraft is essentially someone's place of work, plus you're sharing the space with lots of other people. While you and I might find the idea of having sex on a plane hot, others might not - they haven't consented to be made part of your sex life. Being discreet and remembering that other people are not necessarily into you having sex should be taken into consideration when deciding if it's the right thing to do.

If the chance arises and you feel no one is going to be harmed, then go for it. But if that's not the case, then I suggest you don't do it and err on the side of caution.

Try the 'imaginative' mile-high club

Being mindful of others around you also holds true for this next part. It's possible to join the mile-high club without even leaving your seat - if you count orgasms on a plane as 'sex'. Giving someone a handjob under a blanket or fingering them to orgasm is very doable, but again it requires certain conditions to be just right.

Ideally, you need to be seated in a section where there are only two seats, so you don't have someone directly next to you. Although if it was a night flight, snuggling up together and effectively turning your back on the other person next to you and waiting for them to sleep may give you the chance to try. But again, be mindful of not unwittingly involving them in your exploits.

My other big piece of advice is to think about what you can wear to make this easier, e.g. loose fitting clothes, skirts with no panties etc. This'll make it easier for you to achieve your mile-high club dreams discreetly.

If in doubt...

...don't do it. Security concerns and how passengers behave on flights is a big deal for airlines these days. There have been many reports of passengers being removed from flights (and even banned) for lesser acts. So while the idea of the mile-high club might be an exciting one, I'd suggest that there is a strong argument for it possibly being hotter as a fantasy than a reality. Especially if you get caught - because then it could turn into the mile-high arrest club.
Keep it kinky - but be safe!
Molly x

Joined the mile-high club already? Have any tips to share? Head to the fetish forum!

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For tips and advice, contact Molly via her profile or visit her thread in the BDSM Forum:gimp:

 Mollys BDSM Tips and Advice.  Ask Her!
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Oo, just in case I mean a bed 😁

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Don't know about the mile-club, I'd be happy to be in the two foot high club 🤪
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