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ONLINE MUNCH: Let's keep kinky connection alive!


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On 3/27/2020 at 11:40 PM, Annalou said:

It's back to school season, so we're taking it back to the BDSM Basics at our next Online Munch on Thursday 9th August at 8pm UK time in the Live Chat. @Shenna is our host!

Hi All, the Online Munch is now LIVE,  please join us via the Desktop or Mobile Desktop versions of the site by typing in Fetish.com into your browser and join us in the Online Munch chatroom via the Chat option.  Hope to see you all there. 😊

1 hour ago, PixieDust said:

Hi All, the Online Munch is now LIVE,  please join us via the Desktop or Mobile Desktop versions of the site by typing in Fetish.com into your browser and join us in the Online Munch chatroom via the Chat option.  Hope to see you all there. 😊

Thank you to everyone for coming again tonight and participating in a fantastic munch!!!! Thank you to our host @Shenna who did a wonderful job as always 💋 join us again next week for another fantastic topic 

On 3/27/2020 at 11:40 PM, Annalou said:

Do you find intelligence incredibly sexy? And is a mindfuck the best fuck of all? Tell us at the next Online Munch on Thursday 16th September at 8pm UK time in the Live ChatGive it up for @Thebian our host! 

Hi All, the Online Munch is now LIVE,  please join us via the Desktop or Mobile Desktop versions of the site by typing in Fetish.com into your browser and join us in the Thursday Online Munch chatroom via the Chat option.  Hope to see you all there. 😊

1 hour ago, PixieDust said:

Hi All, the Online Munch is now LIVE,  please join us via the Desktop or Mobile Desktop versions of the site by typing in Fetish.com into your browser and join us in the Thursday Online Munch chatroom via the Chat option.  Hope to see you all there. 😊

Hope your minds were all mentally turned on after our awesome munch.  A big thank you to our wonderful host @Thebian and to all of you who joined in the conversation and made it another great discussion.  See you all next week. 


Thank you to everyone who came along and made it such a great Munch. As usual it is you folks that really make the Munch Awesome .... You were all Brilliant :pray:

On 3/27/2020 at 11:40 PM, Annalou said:

Do you like dirty talk? Do words get you hotter than the Sahara? Join the next Online Munch on Thursday 23rd September at 8pm UK time in the Live ChatGet tips on levelling up your dirty talk game – and give them too! @GoodGirl1003will be leading the conversation.

G'day Everyone, the Online Munch is now LIVE,  please join us via the Desktop or Mobile Desktop versions of the site by typing in Fetish.com into your browser and join us in the Thursday Online Munch chatroom via the Chat option.  Hope to see you all there. 😊

1 hour ago, PixieDust said:

G'day Everyone, the Online Munch is now LIVE,  please join us via the Desktop or Mobile Desktop versions of the site by typing in Fetish.com into your browser and join us in the Thursday Online Munch chatroom via the Chat option.  Hope to see you all there. 😊

Thank you to all for coming to tonight's munch! Thank you to our host @GoodGirl1003for yet another fantastic munch. Keep an eye on the news feed and or the forum for our next topic see you all next week.

  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/27/2020 at 11:40 PM, Annalou said:

It is Inktober! So we're going to be talking all about tattoos, piercings, and body modification. If you're into it, join us at the next Online Munch on Thursday 7th October at 8pm UK time in the Live Chat. @lil-monster will be our hostess with the mostest! See you there :lick:

Hi Everyone, the Online Munch is now LIVE,  please join us via the Desktop or Mobile Desktop versions of the site by typing in Fetish.com into your browser and join us in the Thursday Online Munch chatroom via the Chat option.  Hope to see you all there. 🧚‍♀️

1 hour ago, PixieDust said:

Hi Everyone, the Online Munch is now LIVE,  please join us via the Desktop or Mobile Desktop versions of the site by typing in Fetish.com into your browser and join us in the Thursday Online Munch chatroom via the Chat option.  Hope to see you all there. 🧚‍♀️

Thank you to everyone who came and joined us in todays munch on Tattoos, Piercings and Body Modifications.  Another fabulous discussion.  A big thank you to our beautiful host too @lil-monsterfor being our hostess with the mostest 💗

Catch you all next week at the next munch......watch out for details in the newsfeed next week. 🧚‍♀️

On 3/27/2020 at 11:40 PM, Annalou said:

Hello kinky people! Carrying on our theme of Inktober, we've got an artsy munch planned for you. We'll discuss BDSM & Fetish arts and crafts. Join us at the next Online Munch on Thursday 14th October at 8pm UK time in the Live Chat. @Philip2004 and @Jolene79 will be leading the discussion. Dust off your ***t brushes... and see you there :urock:

The Online Munch is now LIVE,  please join us via the Desktop or Mobile Desktop versions of the site by typing in Fetish.com into your browser and join us in the Thursday Online Munch chatroom via the Chat option.  Hope to see you all there. 🧚‍♀️

1 hour ago, PixieDust said:

The Online Munch is now LIVE,  please join us via the Desktop or Mobile Desktop versions of the site by typing in Fetish.com into your browser and join us in the Thursday Online Munch chatroom via the Chat option.  Hope to see you all there. 🧚‍♀️

Thank you to all that came to tonight's munch on the fabulous topic of BDSM arts and crafts, and thank you to our fabulous hosts @Philip2004 and @Jolene79 who as first time hosts did a fantastic job!!!! Hope you can all make it same time next week 💜

On 3/27/2020 at 11:40 PM, Annalou said:

Hi there! Do you love a book that gets you in the kinky mood? What kind of erotica is your preferred choice? We'll discuss BDSM erotica at the next Online Munch on Thursday 21st October at 8pm UK time in the Live Chat. Our host will be @Lady_Char – grab a copy of your fav book, and let's talk! 

Hi All, the Online Munch is now LIVE,  please join us via the Desktop or Mobile Desktop versions of the site by typing in Fetish.com into your browser and join us in the Online Munch chatroom via the Chat option.  Hope to see you all there. 😊

5 hours ago, PixieDust said:

Hi All, the Online Munch is now LIVE,  please join us via the Desktop or Mobile Desktop versions of the site by typing in Fetish.com into your browser and join us in the Online Munch chatroom via the Chat option.  Hope to see you all there. 😊

Thank you to everyone that came to tonight's munch. Sorry me nor @PixieDustcould be there fully. But wanna say huge thank you to @Lady_Charfor being a fabulous hostess. Hope to see you all again next week 

On 3/27/2020 at 11:40 PM, Annalou said:

:jack_o_lantern: It's the spooo-ooo-oo--oooky season. That means one thing: it's horror time! What's your fav horror movie? What makes a good scary film? Best death scene? Join us at the next Online Munch on Thursday 28th October at 8pm UK time in the Live Chat. Our host will be @lil-monster. See you there! :ghost:

Hi All,  please come and join our 🦇🦇🦇 Horror Themed Online Munch🦇🦇 🦇 which is now LIVE,  you can join us via the Desktop or Mobile Desktop versions of the site by typing in Fetish.com into your browser and enter via the Online Munch chatroom via the Chat option. 

Hope to see you all there. 👻🎃👻

1 hour ago, PixieDust said:

Hi All,  please come and join our 🦇🦇🦇 Horror Themed Online Munch🦇🦇 🦇 which is now LIVE,  you can join us via the Desktop or Mobile Desktop versions of the site by typing in Fetish.com into your browser and enter via the Online Munch chatroom via the Chat option. 

Hope to see you all there. 👻🎃👻

Thank you to everyone who joined our Horror Themed Online Munch discussion it was great fun.  A big big thank you to our Horror Scream Queen hostess with the mostess @lil-monster for hosting another fabulous munch 🦇🦇🦇

Happy Halloween everyone 👻🎃👻

  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/27/2020 at 11:40 PM, Annalou said:

Hi kinksters! I hope you're all well. The Online Munches have been going strong for over a year – and have kept many of us connected (and kinky) through a pandemic and multiple lockdowns. It's been a genuine joy to see how the community came together and poured efforts into making life a little bit more normal. However, it's time to say goodbye! The world is opening up, real-life munches are available in many areas, and our organizers need a well-deserved rest! I would like to say a personal thank you and congratulations to the almighty power duo @lil-monster and @PixieDust for the creativity and hard work they've put into the Online Munches week after week. You're shining lights in the community! All there is to do now is come together for one final munch on Thursday 11th November at 8pm UK time in the Live Chat and look back at the good times. Hope to see you there :)

Please come and join us for the final the Online Munch which is now LIVE,  you can join us via the Desktop or Mobile Desktop versions of the site by typing in Fetish.com into your browser and head to the Online Munch chatroom via the Chat option.  Hope to see you all there. 😊

4 hours ago, PixieDust said:

Please come and join us for the final the Online Munch which is now LIVE,  you can join us via the Desktop or Mobile Desktop versions of the site by typing in Fetish.com into your browser and head to the Online Munch chatroom via the Chat option.  Hope to see you all there. 😊

Well that's a wrap folks!!!!! Thank you to everyone who's ever come to one of our fabulous munches and took part and or just observed and taken away something on a topic they never thought they would!!! And to all the hosts too we've had over the last 18 months or so. Honestly the munches wouldn't happen if it weren't for guys showing up when you could........but the biggest thank you goes to @PixieDust my sis!!!!! 👯‍♀️😍 Thank you for being there when all I wanted to do was throw the towel in over and over and when I just felt like the munches were just done and dusted, thanks for seeing me thru these !!!! Love ya 

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