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Good quality collars???


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I’m looking for recommendations for a collar supplier. I want to get my sub a collar but finding it hard to find the right kind of thing. Does anyone have any recommendations for a vendor who is selling a substantial metal collar that is comfortable to wear for long periods but that also is heavy enough and secure enough to remind her what it means. I’ve seen lots of metal collars but many are the same and seem to be imported from China. These are fine but I’d like to find something a little bit more special. I’d love to know if all you kinksters have found what you are looking for ... 😁😁


Please feel free to make recommendations but as always no external links, thanks folks 


I'd suggest trying Etsy as they have lots of unique collars on there.


In looking for specifically a metal collar, perhaps getting something custom fabricated might be an option?

I'm sure that a person could take a design to just about any smaller welding/fabrication shop and have something custom built.  Could easily be made from stainless steel, care taken to smooth any sharp edges, etc.  And the whole thing could easily be passed off as something like a pipe hanger/support for a plastic (or other soft material) pipe that's supposed to see harsh conditions, if discretion is an issue...


Thanks for your comments ... I have looked endlessly on Etsy. There seem to be a lot of generic collars that are resold by many outlets. Leather collars seem to be more bespoke, but very few metal collars. Redneck, thanks for your comments. I have not thought about a vanilla workshop... humm a blacksmith ? I’ll widen my search !


We just had a collar (and other matching bits) made by a company called bound2leather on Etsy. The lady who makes them is so good at what she does. Definately gets 10/10 from me.


For My slave's collar I went with one from China as he likes thick, heavy steel, it is 4cm high and 1kg in weight. It took a while to find just the right supplier, thus, I can appreciate your current search. For a female sub/slave if you are looking for something more delicate and bespoke, I would suggest a jeweller/silversmith (they work in all metals not just gold/silver), if something more robust is required a blacksmith or machine shop specialising in custom metal fabrication. Another consderation maybe to find a craftsperson who specialises in making steel dog collars for the larger more specialised breeds, may sound odd, but they would have the skills, tools and materials to do exactly what you may require. In terms of approaching a vanilla shop/supplier, personally I have never had any issue when requesting items to be customised to my requirements. I am honest about what I exactly need and its use, I want to ensure what is being made is fit for purpose. People want to show their creativity and make unusual items, in the long run, doing such projects will bring business and provides the oppertunity for new clients they may not have considered before.


Lewe has a stainless steel byzantine chain necklace which comes supplied with a similar material heart shaped padlock that runs about $30 US on Amazon. I collared my Sub after engraving that lock with "One to the other, never then sundered" on the reverse and "His" under the keyhole after removing links to make it just tight enough to lay close.


Oooh, great question. Always important to get a quality collar… Have had the cheap (and not so cheap) break during use, which always kinda breaks my concentration.  I used to know a guy who made them, seriously lovely leather collars, lots of detail… Not sure what happened to him tho.  Here lately I’ve given up finding one online and have been making my boy bring one of his ties.  I will say, more brooks bros than bdsm, but still hot.


fetters metal collars, they are a superb bsm metal and leather equipment maker, always top quality....iv'e seen their metal collars some lockable various o rings etc...worth looking them up.

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