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Plus sized confidence boost tips?


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Ive come to realize especialy woman everyone is beautiful outside especialy the more skin shown its about ur spirit and most sexy for me especialy a bigger gal as u say is even if ur uncomfortable and dom ur confidence ooohhh gets me goin thinking about it i body shame myself as well im a small guy but im also an amputee still trying to deal with that
Fake it if you have too, but don’t be afraid of being larger. It’s not the size that counts, it’s the confidence to rock it unashamedly. Again fake it if you have to, but you’ll soon see that people respond favorably to the confidence to be you.
This might not have been mentioned yet, I would suggest if you watch porn try to find some that have similar body shape as yourself or read spicy books which has curvy main characters. For so many years we have been given the image of thin/skinny so we are conditioned to think that's the body image to be acceptable, there has been slight improvement now with body positivity but I have found exposing myself to more of what's real vs media or models types it has helped me alot
I used to be concerned about my size, but now I'm aware that it is a turn on for many. Horses for courses...
"I want to be confident but I'm not sure how to boost it" - just focusing on this part. Even though there are many different ways to tackle the matter, I see how you want methods to work through it internally, and how external validation isn't the only way to boost confidence.
For me, I started to increase confidence in my body by learning to tolerate it first. Gradually I'd shift tolerance to appreciation, and sometimes admiration.
An example:
I used to be really self conscious of my legs. They are not long and slender as per the ideal of the "perfect woman". They are short and muscular, with defined calves and quads. Total beefcakes.
At some point I read an article about learning acceptance of the body by teaching yourself to tolerate and avoid negative talk about individual body parts and also your body as a whole.
I decided to replace the "I hate my legs" monologue with "I appreciate how they move me from A to B".
The "I appreciate how they move me from A to B" gradually became "Man look at all that amazing muscle that helps me move my body so I can do what I want to do."
I'm now at such a stage where I actually really love my legs/ muscle and I feel confident because of my functional strength.
On a side note, going to the gym and playing sports really did wonders for me, not from a weight perspective but from a confidence perspective as I appreciated the muscle and discipline it created.
Like you, I also struggle quite a bit with my confidence around my weight.
I'm still insecure, but I've started to gently improve confidence by initiating similar talk (and also doing research about the body).
The fat pouch at the bottom of the female belly - actually designed to protect the uterus. I used that knowledge to appreciate the function of it. I'm still insecure about my overall weight, but now when I see that little pouch, the part I used to hate the most, I just say thank you for doing your job and trying to preserve the possibility of me having children should I ever want them. Realising it's natural (despite what ideals might tell you) also helped with confidence.

My overall weight (and this is maybe a little unorthodox) I'm presently trying to appreciate for how it actually helps me on the volleyball court. Usually it's a sport where you're told to loose weight so you can jump higher, and so I've often been super insecure. Recently I realised the slight later of fat over my ribs helps to make dives less ***ful. Everyone else is afraid of them cause they can hurt - not me, and it makes me one of the better receivers on my team. It's an absolutely random reason to appreciate fat, and by voicing it here I'm expecting critique and to be told it's insanity, but hey, it works.
My bet is you don't play volleyball, but maybe there's another reason you can appreciate your later of fat for. Maybe you have a squishy butt that allows you to sit comfortably at work for long periods. Maybe you're extra nice to cuddle. Maybe it means there's more of you to love. Maybe your tummy keeps you warm when it's cold.

Stretch marks - how wonderful your body accommodates changes, that you have a reminder of the amazing things you can do.

I always view scars similarly, having a few myself. They are a sign I persevered and healed. I also low-key thing of them as "battle wounds"

My last little note is all the quirks and perceived blemishes on your body - they make you you. They are unique and belong entirely to you, and I think that's pretty cool.
If you were my domme and I looked up and saw your scars or stretch marks I very much doubt I would see them as ugly, but rather a beautiful reminder of the personality infront of me.

  • 2 weeks later...
Watch ameteur porn. Porn of none actors with normal everyday bodies have fun. My biggest thing is "fake It till you make it." Start posing and takin pics of yourself in positions YOU find beautiful.

Guys are simple af lol they see naked lady, they wanna do things. Men love to see a woman who is unapologetic about her body. I know it's easier said than done. But you have to practice.
  • 2 weeks later...
There is no need to feel insecure about your body size. There are plenty of people that are fine with plus-sized women (and some even prefer them).
Me personally, I don’t mind if a woman is plus-sized, and honestly, it makes for better cuddling. Recognize that what you have can be viewed as a blessing rather than a burden.

The right people won't care about your body. They'll only care about you.


I have been in the industry and have multiple platforms that I put my content up on. Beautiful women like yourself make a lot more than me! Embrace it, love it, trust me there are so many people that will find your tummy absolutely sexy as hell .

Just know that you are beautiful and  your tummy is an asset , I promise.❤️💋

Ur way better then u think I find curvy submissive women are far more sexual and passionate
Affirmations and accept who you are while attempting to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you don’t feel good about yourself that’s gonna be felt energetically.
well as a plus size lover i’d guess all the things you are worried about are the things i love
size, hanging even stretch marks and scars are exciting to me

find someone who loves the parts of you you don’t like

we do exist

Any man who thinks your too big must not have the right mental/emotional/physical equipment to take care of you anyway!!! Good riddance!! Let your BEAUTIFUL lights shine, girl!!!
I am too, just recently found a guy who likes big women.
Big womem are lovely and astounding it takes a real man to love all that woman and to satisfy her needs. Give me booty and belly all day 😋😍🤤🤤🤤
  • 2 weeks later...
there’s definitely always someone out there that thinks all women’s bodies are masterpieces like me I love everyone
Now granted my girl is not a Domme but a sub but she is definitely a plus sized girl.

You know the bottom line for me as her Dominant is that I love her totally. As far as I am concerned every bit of her, (including her belly) is just more of her to love.

We love one another deep down and that is all that really matters, both of our bodies are transient at the best of times.

For instance I have convulsions and she loves me while I convulse, so really what are a few more pounds between lovers.

Just my humble opinion of course.
  • 2 weeks later...
Finding plus sized lingerie and wear the lace girl! If I’m wearing panties it’s always lace. Real confidence boost even if only you know it. Find a boudoir photographer or even have a friend do it for you. Tons of tips for poses and ideas on TikTok and such. Write out on sticky notes what you love about yourself, inside and out. Put them on your bathroom mirror read them every time you wash your hands, fix your hair, brush your teeth etc. retrain your brain to focus on what you love instead of on what makes you self conscious. Totally get the struggle, but find what makes you feel sexy and embrace it!
Wear whatever you want. I am not that confident but I have worked on it a lot. I tried on that thing I thought was sexy, I took the pictures (sometimes lots), I posted the pictures (but kept it at a level I felt comfortable with), eventually you will be good with wearing whatever because you know you are a badass sexy bitch (or whatever). "M" has seen me in every way and has shown he loves every bit of me so I have no issues with wearing anything or nothing with him.
Following for myself!!!!
I do find cute and sexy outfits a confidence boost...as well as keeping my hair and nails looking nice

I love a nice big overhanging wobbly belly. It's a huge turn on for me. 

  • 1 month later...
I as a man who only exclusively dates plus sizes or bbw women I make it a point To show extra love to the area of low self esteem and not all bbw have self esteem issues but you can’t demand the attention not because it’s bad but because now you think its ***d ego stroking drop kings about if subtle but not too subtle let him feel like he’s the one who made that decision and lastly
Ladies you are beautiful every day wake up look At your self in the mirror positive affirmation and tell your self you want a man that’s gunna essentially take controll of that with out question
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