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Normal is Boring Treasure Hunt Clue List Glossary:

:one:Ā Ā :two:Ā Ā :three:Ā Ā :four:Ā Ā :five:Ā Ā :six:Ā Ā :seven:Ā Ā :eight:Ā Ā :nine:Ā Ā :one::zero:

:one::one:Ā Ā :one::two:Ā Ā :one::three:Ā Ā :one::four:Ā Ā :one::five:Ā Ā :one::six:

:one::seven:Ā Ā :one::eight:Ā Ā :one::nine:Ā Ā :two::zero:Ā Ā :two::one:Ā Ā :two::two:

:two::three:Ā Ā :two::four:

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3 hours ago, Kenny219 said:

I have all but number 22 don't know where to look


1 hour ago, BeckyFootPrincess said:

Can someone help me with #24 please šŸ™šŸ»

Have sent you both a message

Found them all!!! Absolutely loved my first treasure hunt and can't wait for the next one!! Thank you to Pixie for all of her helpā¤

Completed my first treasure hunt! WooHoo!

For the life of me I cannot find the last 4
4 hours ago, AlexH23 said:

any hints for 6,8&20 are appreciated

Went to message you but I see you have them now which is great.Ā 

1 hour ago, Chaseman1022 said:

I dont know what icons I am missing; I am on #21-#24. Thank you, and much appreciated!


32 minutes ago, redtoesinface814 said:

For the life of me I cannot find the last 4

I tried to message you both but your criteria settings are preventing me from doing so.Ā  You are welcome to message me if you would like some help.Ā 

I cant find the last 4, is there a problem with the app?
56 minutes ago, Sloblock69 said:

I cant find the last 4, is there a problem with the app?

Please refer below regarding the issues with the App, for now you will need to collect them from the Website version of the site via the Desktop or Mobile Desktop.Ā 


On 8/11/2021 at 1:20 AM, Annalou said:

Hey guys! The updates for the new FET app versions have caused a few issues with the Treasure Hunt icons, but the tech team are working on a solution. If you can't see the icons right now, log into Fetish.com, and you can find them there! <3



Got them all in my first treasure hunt! So much fun, thank you to all who left clues, hope mine helped others as well.

how do i know what clues i need to use to get the rest of the picture as i found loads without using the clues
Hey Iā€™m new to this site.. is there anybody thatā€™s willing to help me???

Can anyone help me with the last 4 clues please!

7 hours ago, mr_kink said:

how do i know what clues i need to use to get the rest of the picture as i found loads without using the clues

I tried to message you but your search criteria is preventing me from doing so.Ā  If you would like a hand you are welcome to message me.Ā 

2 hours ago, Sw33tTr3at11 said:

Hey Iā€™m new to this site.. is there anybody thatā€™s willing to help me???


1 hour ago, Delicate_soul said:

Can anyone help me with the last 4 clues please!

Have sent you both a message

2 hours ago, KinkyDevilishDuo said:

Can I get a clue to #7 and #24 please šŸ˜Š

Was going to message you but see you have the pieces now which is great. šŸ˜Š

i need help with 6, 13, & 24šŸ˜© can anyone help?((:
30 minutes ago, xtinaa said:

i need help with 6, 13, & 24šŸ˜© can anyone help?((:

See you have them all now which is greatĀ šŸ˜Š

3 minutes ago, sprague345 said:

This has been confusing lol

I tried to message you but your criteria settings are preventing me from doing so.Ā  If you would like a hand with the last two pieces you are missing, you are welcome to message me.Ā 

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