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WOMEN WHO WANT WOMEN........ men thinking they can "give you better"


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1 minute ago, JenniferTP said:

Oh dear 🤣🤣🤣



Dont get me wrong i love men. I love the one i have also.

But other men are pushing me beyond repulsion.

My biggest turn off is sleaze and ignorance. And the more its happening the more im becoming opposed to my search cus its always the same shit.

I adore women and thankfully despite not yet connecting with one... they have been respectful and considerate. 

I hope one or two rare sightings of a genuine male preferably in stockings with brown eyes can show me some hope so i may feast upon cock again 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Do you find it's more the males who don't have profile photos Or doesn't that make any difference? Majority are hiding behind the stock image to troll Females here.  


I have brown eyes 🤣 although I don't look good in stockings although partial to some tights 🤔.......  

4 minutes ago, Mr-Brown said:

Do you find it's more the males who don't have profile photos Or doesn't that make any difference? Majority are hiding behind the stock image to troll Females here.  


I have brown eyes 🤣 although I don't look good in stockings although partial to some tights 🤔.......  

Im pretty sure ive checked u before but youre a daddy dom? Someone whos very like you if its not u lol 


And no i find even those with pics and detailed profiles.. doesnt matter.. they still think they can "try me" anyway lol

3 minutes ago, JenniferTP said:

Im pretty sure ive checked u before but youre a daddy dom? Someone whos very like you if its not u lol 


And no i find even those with pics and detailed profiles.. doesnt matter.. they still think they can "try me" anyway lol

I am indeed! 😊..... But wait "I could change you" 🤣 joke.... 

2 minutes ago, Mr-Brown said:

I am indeed! 😊..... But wait "I could change you" 🤣 joke.... 


Daddy doms are most definately not my thing for sure. 


Well at least (and unfortunately) i know i am alone in receiving behaviour from those kinds of men.

But perhaps some who do display this behaviour can read this and check themselves for going forward. 



We can hope jen but got the hurly stick n breeze block if ya need ;p
1 hour ago, JenniferTP said:


Daddy doms are most definately not my thing for sure. 


Well at least (and unfortunately) i know i am alone in receiving behaviour from those kinds of men.

But perhaps some who do display this behaviour can read this and check themselves for going forward. 



I am not*

You can set your message filter to only receive PM’s from the genders you wish to connect with.
Jen, can I ask, did the inappropriate/unwanted/***y annoying contact from cis men increase once you changed your profile to looking for woman only?
The mind boggles, it really does
31 minutes ago, HoneyCunt said:

You can set your message filter to only receive PM’s from the genders you wish to connect with.

yes lovely, i know but i am keeping that option open incase femme men or crosdressers do/want to approach. thats my preferred with men some are NB i get that but some are listed as male 

28 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

Jen, can I ask, did the inappropriate/unwanted/***y annoying contact from cis men increase once you changed your profile to looking for woman only?
The mind boggles, it really does

yes... in fact not only has it increased but they seem to want to "try" me like some sort of chellenge, it has me dumbfounded.

a man pmd me like an hour ago asking to view my private gallery.... i didnt reply. i have it private for a reason but why on earth people just view for that is beyond me. i dont wanna be used like some weird wank bank material either but i suppose theres no way to know or avoid that 


14 minutes ago, JenniferTP said:

yes... in fact not only has it increased but they seem to want to "try" me like some sort of chellenge, it has me dumbfounded.

a man pmd me like an hour ago asking to view my private gallery.... i didnt reply. i have it private for a reason but why on earth people just view for that is beyond me. i dont wanna be used like some weird wank bank material either but i suppose theres no way to know or avoid that 


I truly don't understand it, is it like some kind of achievement for them???? Utterly bizzarre!
Yeah, i had that msg this week, 'can I have access?' To what? Turns out he was new and Fet had suggested he ask for access to pics they'd decided should be web only so fair enough but, thats where the conversation ended, so yes, wank bank material, though he'd be mega disappointed, mine are not at all risque 😂😂

I've never understood why people (and it is typically men) feel so entitled to anyone's attention.

It honestly makes you wonder... If I started messaging these men who have been harassing you, and I just began outright with how I was going to defile them and *** them. How would they take that? Would they reply and politely say no thanks? Would they report me or block me? Or would they just completely ignore me?

Perhaps we should try a little social experiment Jen. You forward me what they say, and I'll send the exact same message (with gender references changed as required) to them and we can compare reactions... 🤣
1 minute ago, Britguy_69 said:

I've never understood why people (and it is typically men) feel so entitled to anyone's attention.

It honestly makes you wonder... If I started messaging these men who have been harassing you, and I just began outright with how I was going to defile them and *** them. How would they take that? Would they reply and politely say no thanks? Would they report me or block me? Or would they just completely ignore me?

Perhaps we should try a little social experiment Jen. You forward me what they say, and I'll send the exact same message (with gender references changed as required) to them and we can compare reactions... 🤣

Piss off Brit...


Nah I'm kidding!

Lol, as fun as that would be, I don't think I could lower myself to do what they do. I have ignored many a message which displays this behaviour but as above, it has actually gotten worse since I said I want a woman. You know me well enough now to know I don't take shit and I can have some great place putting remarks back to their ***, but it is just sad that I need to do that in the first place. 

As fun as it would be giving the trolls back what they dish out, they'll probably still be happy their getting any responses, knowing they've hit a nerve somewhere. Grr! 

34 minutes ago, JenniferTP said:

Piss off Brit...


Nah I'm kidding!

Lol, as fun as that would be, I don't think I could lower myself to do what they do. I have ignored many a message which displays this behaviour but as above, it has actually gotten worse since I said I want a woman. You know me well enough now to know I don't take shit and I can have some great place putting remarks back to their ***, but it is just sad that I need to do that in the first place. 

As fun as it would be giving the trolls back what they dish out, they'll probably still be happy their getting any responses, knowing they've hit a nerve somewhere. Grr! 

Perhaps part of the issue lies with the inability to sort/filter members by what they're looking for. Unless you're upgraded, if you are searching for women near you, you get shown every woman even if they wouldn't want to hear from you. I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult for the app & site Devs to just change the script so that we don't get shown people who don't want us to contact them. Heck, it would make my life a lot easier as I keep seeing nice looking profiles but then once I read them I see they're looking for women or couples (for example) and then I feel like I've wasted my time...
For the men who don't bother even reading profiles, this then means they'll send unwanted messages. 🙄

10 minutes ago, Britguy_69 said:

Perhaps part of the issue lies with the inability to sort/filter members by what they're looking for. Unless you're upgraded, if you are searching for women near you, you get shown every woman even if they wouldn't want to hear from you. I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult for the app & site Devs to just change the script so that we don't get shown people who don't want us to contact them. Heck, it would make my life a lot easier as I keep seeing nice looking profiles but then once I read them I see they're looking for women or couples (for example) and then I feel like I've wasted my time...
For the men who don't bother even reading profiles, this then means they'll send unwanted messages. 🙄

Yes to be honest it says "show me the members only looking for women" but a lot of those women have all genders listed but aren't actually into women. It would be good to search by "lesbian/gay" sort of thing but I know that's not really all that practical. 

So yeh despite me looking, most women looking for women aren't actually if that makes sense. But it would be handy if you can search by term like for instance, I'd love to be able to type in 'crossdresser' and with the age range applied or whatever, be brought up more speicific results. Or even search by brown eyes cus I am so damn picky haha. 

As for unwanted messages, yeh, it seems to be the case. They don't read or want to change my preference. It would literally be like me approaching a gay man and saying 'I want to fix you' or 'I know you like men but I thought I'd try anyway'. They'd laugh me out of their inbox haha

19 minutes ago, JenniferTP said:

Yes to be honest it says "show me the members only looking for women" but a lot of those women have all genders listed but aren't actually into women. It would be good to search by "lesbian/gay" sort of thing but I know that's not really all that practical. 

So yeh despite me looking, most women looking for women aren't actually if that makes sense. But it would be handy if you can search by term like for instance, I'd love to be able to type in 'crossdresser' and with the age range applied or whatever, be brought up more speicific results. Or even search by brown eyes cus I am so damn picky haha. 

As for unwanted messages, yeh, it seems to be the case. They don't read or want to change my preference. It would literally be like me approaching a gay man and saying 'I want to fix you' or 'I know you like men but I thought I'd try anyway'. They'd laugh me out of their inbox haha

Yes but you can't apply that filter of "show me the members only..." unless you're an upgraded member of the site.

12 minutes ago, Britguy_69 said:

Yes but you can't apply that filter of "show me the members only..." unless you're an upgraded member of the site.

You should be able to? 

In home page... its a tick box basically..

🤮🤮 this is a whole lot of cringe I'm not gonna lie. Sorry to hear you've had that happen
On 11/17/2021 at 1:30 PM, Mr-Brown said:

Plain and simple is men are quite simple lol. It's a shame they can't read and move on. I mean there's plenty of people here to talk too. I don't understand why they think they can. "fix" you.....I don't blame you for going for women. If I was a woman I'd stay away from men 🤷🏽‍♂️😬

Excuse me, Mr-Brown, not all men are simple. If they are,  do you include yourself? Please don't tar us all with the same brush. As the OP has said, "the male gender isn't the issue. It's some men who won't read." Some don't , because they're using the "self importance and if I can see it, then I want it", syndrome and don't care who's feelings they hurt, in the process. Many of us wish to disassociate ourselves from such knuckle draggers. I appreciate how much the comments made offend. But back to the school bully comparison, if you don't rise to their bait, they'll soon get fed up and then they'll go away. There's no redress on a site like this, unless many people report the same individual and admin do the right thing and close them down. However, if the individual is hell bent on upsetting people, they'll reappear as someone else, and start all over again. It's their warped pleasure, to upset. All walks of life suffer from such unreasonable people, and some are female too.

Jennefer i am really sorry that you have to put up with that i was a therapist and psychologist,retired,but as humans we have free will,its sad that people forget that?society as a whole dictates what is normal and not,but although thats the way they do it times are changing but we still have a long wat to go before we all just live and let live sadly before it happens we may have about 700 years yet before that happens dont let it get to you god bless
  • 7 months later...
Being turned off of men totally because there's so many bad ones out there is understandable.
But it's the exact same, sad conclusion that men in incel, mgtow and other extreme female-avoiding / female-negative groups have about women.

There are endless numbers of horrible men and women out there - if you're coming across a lot of bad ones, that is something to look at about yourself - who does it affect you so much? Do you perhaps attract such people? Are you giving them your time? If so... why?

Here's an observation - you spent time sending multiple responses to a guy you were aware that you were clearly never going to like.

Of course you're exhausted, if that's how you're dealing with such people.

I encounter women who are a waste of time too - they are identified and then no longer given my time/attention. No big deal. I keep looking until I find the good women. Getting upset at all women would be understandable, but would be unhelpful, a waste, would be unnecessary and ultimately would only hurt myself. It's like complaining about getting burned when I drink hot chocolate. I'm probably doing something wrong, somewhere in that situation.

Hope it gets better soon :)
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