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I have heard of others speak so much about subspace and sub drop.
Is subspace where you feel like every part of your body is tingling and any minute you think you will pass out and get don’t?
If not - I have no idea what subspace is - despite heavy Impact play.

Is sub drop where you feel high and low with emotions; feeling great for a few days and down the next - unsure why, could it be just lifestyle, could it be just tiredness. I don’t know. Have played around 5 days ago and feeling up and done today; it’s too late to feel such a thing?

If it is sub drop I don’t want it - it makes me feel weak and a victim of oneself - something that I have fought many years to never feel again.
Does it question who you are? Does it make you want to turn away from the rabbit hole and run the other way.
What the hell was I thinking; what was I doing in this exciting place of now being able to express myself like I have never been able to before.

Sitting here frustrated my body takes ages to heal; sitting here wanting to play; sitting here hating the fact that right now I feel like an emotional rollercoaster and feeling alone yet surrounded by friends.

Is this and am I normal!?

If so I don’t like feeling weak mentally and emotionally. Yet here I am trying to reflect within oneself and be brave enough to write such weakened emotions.

Maybe a good kick up the backside is needed and to just get over oneself.
I'm fortunate enough to never have experienced sub drop (yet).
But my sub space feels like being suddenly high as a kite. Completely spaced out, unable to speak properly, feeling dreamlike. My previous Mistress would instantly look after me with cuddles, sips of water, etc, until it passed. It's a lovely feeling.
During a scene the body is creating a cocktail of natural *** like endorphinnes and adrenaline. These create a euphoric feeling and at the extreme you hit subspace, which is like being high.

Sub drop is like coming down off a high, while the body rebalances the natural level of these chemicals, it can make you depressed, lathargic, self recriminatroy (why did i let these things happen).

The best way to allieviate subdrop is proper immediate aftercare to reassure you as well as longer term aftercare(calls to see how you are), rehydrate witg water or isotonic drinks (flat lucozade sport), chocolate/sugary sweets.

I know.one sub who watches disney movies the day after a scene.

Everyone is different and most subs build a subdrop box.with items that help her recover.
There is a really cool in depth Subspace page ill have to dig it up, but it deals with and how it is a brilliant experience, and from what i've been told IF done correctly. I have tried to get there myself but haven't had much in the way of a Domme to try. (Not because im submissive, i just feel you should always try what you dish out) but Seriously ONLY done correctly. Effectively the packets of endorphins release every 10min or so (dont quote me again) be it from ***, stimulation etc what ever the session entails. that isnt just constant play, its like a sine wave. peaks every 10min to release a packet and then just tone it down for a bit then back up. too much to put here. These are naturally built up over a scene. Every time a pack releases it stacks up in the body effectively, but also a by product is other chemicals such as adrenaline to name a main one. This causes the elevated heart rates, the excitements etc. Now when you finish the scene your body can only process and break down the chemicals at different rates, it takes farrrr longer to come down off the endorphins than the adrenaline, causing you to have a massive imbalance and what i believe is know as "Sub Drop" now this can cause shivers, anxiousness there is a million different reactions but the bottom line is immediate after care limits the symptoms prevents this having real any mental damage on the Sub. So NO stimulation, or minimal if they enjoy a little cuddle, lots of reassurances as mentioned maybe a little water to sip at to re-hydrate, but its just CARE its not PLAY. If you do not do this it can seriously mess someone up and its not even a joke or funny. I don't read much into the bad side effects of no aftercare as all I need to know is that its never something to do. End of. Comments welcome I have thrown this together at work so any edits are appreciated. Not claiming any way to be an "expert" by any means just own research for safe play, so again additional info i missed very welcome.
Angel what is written below, depending on the individual, is basically the situation. But the thing that is so important with either of these is the need for aftercare. As a dominant, it is MY role to take you to places within the scene, BUT it is also my role and responsibility to ensure your safety and wellbeing. So depending on what happens within the scene dictates how much and what type of aftercare I have to ensure happens. It is not just the case f giving a cuddle and a drink and then leaving. AFTERCARE may be needed for a couple of days, and I know of at least 2 instances where hospital has been needed. That is why I cringe when newbies/youngsters give of themselves so quickly and to dominants that they really don't know if they can trust or not. This life is suppose to be fun and exciting, BUT it has some very real DANGERS to it, and unless you research and build trust, you can end up in a very bad way.
33 minutes ago, MrS_41 said:
There is a really cool in depth Subspace page ill have to dig it up, but it deals with and how it is a brilliant experience, and from what i've been told IF done correctly. I have tried to get there myself but haven't had much in the way of a Domme to try. (Not because im submissive, i just feel you should always try what you dish out) but Seriously ONLY done correctly. Effectively the packets of endorphins release every 10min or so (dont quote me again) be it from ***, stimulation etc what ever the session entails. that isnt just constant play, its like a sine wave. peaks every 10min to release a packet and then just tone it down for a bit then back up. too much to put here. These are naturally built up over a scene. Every time a pack releases it stacks up in the body effectively, but also a by product is other chemicals such as adrenaline to name a main one. This causes the elevated heart rates, the excitements etc. Now when you finish the scene your body can only process and break down the chemicals at different rates, it takes farrrr longer to come down off the endorphins than the adrenaline, causing you to have a massive imbalance and what i believe is know as "Sub Drop" now this can cause shivers, anxiousness there is a million different reactions but the bottom line is immediate after care limits the symptoms prevents this having real any mental damage on the Sub. So NO stimulation, or minimal if they enjoy a little cuddle, lots of reassurances as mentioned maybe a little water to sip at to re-hydrate, but its just CARE its not PLAY. If you do not do this it can seriously mess someone up and its not even a joke or funny. I don't read much into the bad side effects of no aftercare as all I need to know is that its never something to do. End of. Comments welcome I have thrown this together at work so any edits are appreciated. Not claiming any way to be an "expert" by any means just own research for safe play, so again additional info i missed very welcome.

Very good explaination, i've heard the same in regard to time it takes for the various tanks to refile and its in line with what youve said, though it may increase the deeper into the session you go as the body tries to keep up with the production of so many compounds.

1 hour ago, TheBookCollector said:
During a scene the body is creating a cocktail of natural *** like endorphinnes and adrenaline. These create a euphoric feeling and at the extreme you hit subspace, which is like being high.

Sub drop is like coming down off a high, while the body rebalances the natural level of these chemicals, it can make you depressed, lathargic, self recriminatroy (why did i let these things happen).

The best way to allieviate subdrop is proper immediate aftercare to reassure you as well as longer term aftercare(calls to see how you are), rehydrate witg water or isotonic drinks (flat lucozade sport), chocolate/sugary sweets.

I know.one sub who watches disney movies the day after a scene.

Everyone is different and most subs build a subdrop box.with items that help her recover.

I definitely have that ‘why did I let these things happen.
My play is my masochist side without sexual play. I don’t feel the drop straight away; I think that’s why I was shocked of how down I was feel days after.
My sadist has been very good keeping in communication and seeing how I am
Thank you 😊

Thank you all for your replies and information it is really helpful.
I was ensured that I had a drink after heavy impact play a hug and verbally that’s it for me. The shock of subdrop was overwhelming and even though it was my third play, it was my very first experience of it and hope to not experience that again.
I will have to work on ways to see myself through afterwards to helps stabilise equally.
An easy way to kind of explain what subspace & subdrop is to compare them to a night out.

Going out on the weekend, going to a bar, then off to a club, having a drink & *** if you do them. You plan your night out so you have the anticipi & then on the night your having fun, all your senses are heightened, your feelings, your emotions, the euphoria taking over your whole body & mind.

Then it's back home, the people have gone, the music's gone, the alcohol & *** have gone & you have your come down, coming from a place of such heightened feelings & back to work Monday morning, feeling low, missing those feelings & sensations, that euphoria & all you can think about is getting through the week although you don't know if you can, you don't know if you can be bothered with work or bothered with anything you just want that euphoria again & can't stop thinking about being in that place that gives you so much pleasure & the weekend seems miles away again.
After the release of neurotransmitters during play which allow sub space and the highs then comes the drop which can be that day or days later where lots of different factors contribute.

But my take on drop whether you are sub/Dom is the opposite from wanting to run from it. I am in gratitude for the drop as I have experienced the emotional highs which take me to such dizzy heights it is only natural for the body to come back down to earth with a bang whether it be your physical or mental body.

Therefore, IMO it is with many blessings in which I experience drops and I put in place several self-care uplifting experiences and write my gratitudes that got me to this emotional place.
3 hours ago, GoodGirl1003 said:
After the release of neurotransmitters during play which allow sub space and the highs then comes the drop which can be that day or days later where lots of different factors contribute.

But my take on drop whether you are sub/Dom is the opposite from wanting to run from it. I am in gratitude for the drop as I have experienced the emotional highs which take me to such dizzy heights it is only natural for the body to come back down to earth with a bang whether it be your physical or mental body.

Therefore, IMO it is with many blessings in which I experience drops and I put in place several self-care uplifting experiences and write my gratitudes that got me to this emotional place.

What a wonderful and beautiful explanation

Hello Angel, I'm sorry you've had a bad drop this time. It's not a great feeling! Some great advice here from others. There was a munch which talked about sub drop - I think Thebian was involved and perhaps he can point to the notes or someone else can. Preparing for feeling that way and having a strategy makes a big difference as the feeling is...***y awful. I'm glad your sadist is taking care of you.
2 hours ago, Dragonflylover said:
Hello Angel, I'm sorry you've had a bad drop this time. It's not a great feeling! Some great advice here from others. There was a munch which talked about sub drop - I think Thebian was involved and perhaps he can point to the notes or someone else can. Preparing for feeling that way and having a strategy makes a big difference as the feeling is...***y awful. I'm glad your sadist is taking care of you.

Thank you sweetie 💗

1 minute ago, PassionateAngel said:

Thank you sweetie 💗

Take care! 🤗

  • 4 months later...

Thank you for this thred its helping me understand things much better.   The subspace and frenzy had a big effect one me. 

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