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Male behaviour/men suck/guys are abusive/ etc forum posts

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33 minutes ago, Lockfairy said:

Well, obviously, but this comment doesn’t mean what you think it does 😊

If you find someone is agreeing with you all the time even if it doesn't make sense for them to do so, might want to start thinking about why. 

Just now, sigbro said:

If you find someone is agreeing with you all the time even if it doesn't make sense for them to do so, might want to start thinking about why. 

Thank you so much for the advice.

1 minute ago, Lockfairy said:

Thank you so much for the advice.

Happy to help ;) 

As a women who posts/ comments on Fet regularly I know I'm not referring to ALL men. I do however know that I am referring to SOME men. I'm also considerate of THOSE men that feel the need to continually shout NOT ALL MEN because THOSE men may well be SOME men.
As men, you want to know how to overcome the situation?
It's literally a four step program

1. Having an awareness of the inappropriate, predatory, and misogynistic behaviours that SOME men DO display towards women.
2. Don't shout us down/tell us what we experience isn't real, is a figment of our imagination
3. Don't behave in the eay that women here and in other settings 'complain' about
4. When you see the behaviours that SOME men display whether that's OL/IRL, speak up, challenge, educate and enable change amongst your own gender. Women support other women all the time
Yesterday at 09:01 AM, Tiny_ said:

lol this is the modern world narrative right now.

A woman can make a topic, slate men, a man can respond with the truth or opposing view and the man will be cancelled into next week and the woman gets validated.


Who's fault is this you ask?  Men's!  Wait a moment don't cancel me just yet hear me out!

A large majority of guy's validate these women and their poor behaviour you can claim they don't but we all know the truth and why they do it.

The topics you see are just that, after validation and attention much like most dating app profiles and well they get it in spades!

I replied to one of these misandry topics recently and one dude even went so far as to tell me he as a self claimed 8 out of 10 gets more attention and action than a 10 out of 10 guy. (I know I spat my coffee reading it, So Brad Pitt, Ronaldo, Leonardo DiCaprio etc men who have hundreds of millions in the bank, good looks and fame don't get as many offers as Chad probably a 5 or 6 self proclaimed 8 lol!  You get the Idea).


Why do these men act the way they do?

Simple, 'most' not all but most women have been convinced by Disney, social media and the blue hair movement that they are all stunning and brave, and deserve only the best man in the world, they are all queens and deserve to be treated as such.

So you have 'most' women who believe they are 'entitled' to the top 10% of men, you know guy's who are over 6 foot, earn over 6 figures, good looking well dressed Chad basically. (factual top 10% of men)

Why is he called Chad you ask? Well like any human he treats abundance as disposable, he has 90% of women chasing him and his pick.

So he treats these girls like crap, he doesn't care and never will he can have a new girl each night of the week, it's how the rest of the species on the planet operates too, genetics and life.


So all these girls get used and dropped by Chad and then complain "They cant find a real man", or "Why don't men commit today?" You know the lines.....


They then come on here or other dating apps because Chad dropped them, the other 90% of men tell these girls "You are too beautiful", "Your the queen I would treat you right", "OMG you're so pretty!" basically simping, but giving the girls validation to their now bruised ego, then the next Chad hits up the girl and  what happens? lol Yer you know it!  She hops straight to bedroom fun because "He gives her the tingles".


Women are addicted to the tingle's, again 'most' women if your nice to them get turned off, they don't like nice guy's they want the bad boy they are addicted to the dopamine hit of him giving her attention, problem is Chad gives attention just long enough to slip the sausage and then he is bored and moves on, because the girls have a false sense of value they lie to themselves and think Chad is going to commit and then get salty when he doesn't (back to social media for validation).


Women are never held to account or accountable for their own actions see Amber Heard!  Literally they guy has to go to court spend millions to get the truth out because he was cancelled and the girl does what? Yup DOUBLES DOWN the narrative on him being the bad guy.

How many times have YOU seen this happen to you or a friend?

Women are not accountable today for their own actions is half the problem and that court case opened allot of eyes!

The topic goes so deep but I already typed way too much but you guy's get the idea.


So you guy's need to stop validating this poor behaviour if you want to see a change not only in dating and the scene but society as a whole.


Society will kick back on this topic currently because that's the social media narrative, women are so stunning, brave, independent and don't need men?  Im going to get so much heat for typing this, but I already opted out I really don't care, I focus on me. myself and spend all that *** wasted of girls on improving my life and that's what most guys need to start doing.

Give energy to yourself not them, give *** to improving yourself not them, ironically do that and they will come.


Stop posting comments on this site, the same sad guys every time with the same sad comments the same sad DM's, these girls DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU!

You will never get a girl by simping and telling her how pretty she is or how much a queen she is!  She see's you as weak! And only uses you for validation so stop it!  She is going to go fuck Chad simple!  She will use you but you will never get sex or a relationship from her!


Start having some self respect lads, start focusing on yourself and do things to improve your life and stop trying to give it all away to girls who will take everything you have and give nothing in return.


Then these misandry topics will start to fade over time and women will return to the table, a little more humble and a little more real.

Need sex that much and so badly? Hire a hooker, she is gonna put out, she is gonna be hotter then most girls on this site and it costs what? A dinner dates worth in ***?  

Stop DM'ing girls simping and white knighting they don't care! Literally using you!

And I love you guys loads, Ill be blasted into next week and cancelled now but hey ho' man down took one for the team, get the message out there!

Why is it that you're of the opinion that men are incapable of being friends with, showing support/respect/care towards women when they dare to voice their opinions on certain behaviours she doesn't agree with.
Do you think it's because their goal is to get in their knickers?
Do you truly think that men couldn't possibly have a feminist viewpoint unless they're using it as a front for personal gain?
That if a man is an ally, supports womens rights, advocates for feminism, speaks out against harmful behaviour and doesn't think someone should be able to say and do whatever they want to a woman, they're wrong, and they're less of a man?

If you truly hold that view, you're doing exactly what you claim, Disney do. You're ***ting a picture in which women are unable to advocate for themselves. You've created a scenario where we're damsels in distress and 'need' men to 'save' us.

Before you ridicule a man for standing up for what they believe in, maybe you should check what it is that you believe in, and why you have such a problem

Wednesday at 11:24 PM, Shirt-n-Tie-Boy said:

I've noticed that daily theme too. It's quite in your face, so hard not to. Most females don't like being challenged even when it's fair and reasonable. You can spot a group trend very quickly, I.e. the same 5 liking each others comments, and sticking together peddling and regurgitating the same narrative. It a right union structure that dominates and dictates. As a man it would be easy to join such a club to increase your prospects, but then what sort of pretence and foundation is that for building relationships really, its unhealthy and counter productive.

And we're back to "Fet is a clique" 🙄
To the men who complain that women here judge them too quickly:
Have you noticed there are men on here we interact with constantly? That's because they've earned our trust by not being 🍆's.
Try it.

3 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

And we're back to "Fet is a clique" 🙄
To the men who complain that women here judge them too quickly:
Have you noticed there are men on here we interact with constantly? That's because they've earned our trust by not being 🍆's.
Try it.


Not one man that I’m talking to as friends on here has tried to get into my pants. A couple are subs so we’re not compatible, a couple were previously possibilities where we decided we weren’t compatible but stayed friends, others I look to for advice but have no other interest in and vice versa. One is exceptionally patient. All are respectful. 

They do, however, challenge me, disagree with me and put forward opinions that I occasionally disagree with. We are able to discuss these things without being rude to each other or deciding that, because we disagree, the other person is obviously a troll and not worth listening to. 

Finding the person whose weird fits your weird is a game of patience. The odds are stacked pretty high against finding them in any particular online space. That’s fine, I can be patient (if I try really hard). In the meantime, there are a lot of people in the world that might be friends. And they are not the ones who simply agree with you all the time. 

20 minutes ago, Lockfairy said:


Not one man that I’m talking to as friends on here has tried to get into my pants. A couple are subs so we’re not compatible, a couple were previously possibilities where we decided we weren’t compatible but stayed friends, others I look to for advice but have no other interest in and vice versa. One is exceptionally patient. All are respectful. 

They do, however, challenge me, disagree with me and put forward opinions that I occasionally disagree with. We are able to discuss these things without being rude to each other or deciding that, because we disagree, the other person is obviously a troll and not worth listening to. 

Finding the person whose weird fits your weird is a game of patience. The odds are stacked pretty high against finding them in any particular online space. That’s fine, I can be patient (if I try really hard). In the meantime, there are a lot of people in the world that might be friends. And they are not the ones who simply agree with you all the time. 

Precisely. Having friends who can challenge is so important. I think that that often gets forgotten


As expected the clueless rush in to defend women ignoring the point the OP asked making themselves as men look truly beta and cucked it is staggeringly bad to see, perhaps you guys need to start looking at the evidence and not chasing validation from these particular poorly behaving women that are being discussed.  (And as always not all women, we are discussing a particular type here on topic).


There used to be an AMAZING community here on FET, then a clique moved in and all rush to validate each other and bullied so much most people left!  And what you have left now is the wokeness you see before you, and dare to bring that up and you are targeted by the same group and lambasted by them. They truly do seem to get off on it.

Point this fact out and they belittle as seen in this thread  that fact you can see through their pathetic attempts to manipulate the social construct.


As usual valid points from evidence all over the net at this stage are dismissed and the discussion turns to attacking men for daring to question the current spin doctor narrative from this particular subset of people.

As usual it's ok for women to slate men and moan away but the second a man questions that he is the bad guy, genuinely laughable.

its ok to discuss the poor behaviour of men but dare to raise the same topic about women? You bad person that's misogyny!

I'm a feminist personally, it represents equality for EVERYONE!  Most people who claim to be feminist only use it as a tool to disarm and win an argument but the last thing they want is equality for everyone!


My advise to the OP is, still the same.  Focus on yourself, ignore the negatives who feed into each other on an endless loop, research there are plenty of great Man-O-Sphere content creators online now and slowly the message is starting to spread and this poor behaviour you see in this very thread will eventually be what's not tolerated.


Stay strong, focus on improving yourself first always and be kinda and promote equality for everyone not just one gender.

1 hour ago, Tiny_ said:

As expected the clueless rush in to defend women ignoring the point the OP asked making themselves as men look truly beta and cucked it is staggeringly bad to see, perhaps you guys need to start looking at the evidence and not chasing validation from these particular poorly behaving women that are being discussed.  (And as always not all women, we are discussing a particular type here on topic).


There used to be an AMAZING community here on FET, then a clique moved in and all rush to validate each other and bullied so much most people left!  And what you have left now is the wokeness you see before you, and dare to bring that up and you are targeted by the same group and lambasted by them. They truly do seem to get off on it.

Point this fact out and they belittle as seen in this thread  that fact you can see through their pathetic attempts to manipulate the social construct.


As usual valid points from evidence all over the net at this stage are dismissed and the discussion turns to attacking men for daring to question the current spin doctor narrative from this particular subset of people.

As usual it's ok for women to slate men and moan away but the second a man questions that he is the bad guy, genuinely laughable.

its ok to discuss the poor behaviour of men but dare to raise the same topic about women? You bad person that's misogyny!

I'm a feminist personally, it represents equality for EVERYONE!  Most people who claim to be feminist only use it as a tool to disarm and win an argument but the last thing they want is equality for everyone!


My advise to the OP is, still the same.  Focus on yourself, ignore the negatives who feed into each other on an endless loop, research there are plenty of great Man-O-Sphere content creators online now and slowly the message is starting to spread and this poor behaviour you see in this very thread will eventually be what's not tolerated.


Stay strong, focus on improving yourself first always and be kinda and promote equality for everyone not just one gender.

If you actually read my posts you'd see that far from ignoring the point I've both responded to and challenged it and got called a "white knighting simp" for my troubles and now I'm apparently a beta cuckold - now while I'll disagree that I'm a white knighting simp and actually am someone who has an opinion that happens to correspond with the ladies here, based on many years experience of sites like this and having seen evidence both first hand and that I have been shown of the kind of behaviour the ladies flag on a regular basis - I am guilty as charged at being a beta and damned proud of it I am too - I quite like the idea of being cuckolded too and while we're at it I'm currently wearing a peach coloured thong and have my cock locked in a chastity device - so yep you're right, and you can have those last two for free 😊
Does any of that make me any lesser a person, or someone who has been brow beaten by the matriarchy? Nope, not in the slightest, nor does it make me bow down to women and agree with everything they say.
I'm the first to tell *anyone* regardless of gender when I think they are wrong, or to challenge when my opinion differs from another - and you know what? I don't always get it right either.
You talk a lot of "evidence" and yet offer none to back up your claims - you suggest that "people like me" are chasing validation and trying to get into the good ladies knickers - well for starters most of the ladies of which you think so little of are looking for dominants and I don't have a dominant bone in my body (in a kink respect) and I have enough knickers of my own that fit nicely thank you, so have no need for their knickers either 😀
I'm not sure there is a clique either, certainly I've not noticed one in the 8 or 9 months I've been here - in fact having moved here from another site I can honestly say one of the things I like about this place compared to others is the community feel of it - I obviously can't compare to how it was before I joined but I rather like it as it is.
I've not seen any belittling in this thread either, other than your rather poor (IMHO) and unfounded attempts to do so. What I have seen is people trying to offer their own perspectives and opinions in a rational and thought out way and being met with dismissive statements like "you're a simp and a white knight" and rants rather than equally well thought out and balanced perspectives and opinions.
Yes equality for everyone is what we should all seek, of course it is, but to achieve that you first have to address the inequality towards sections of society that don't currently have that equality.
This isn't about men vs women either but about men *and* women and how to rid ourselves of the vile and abusive behaviour of *some* men towards women and achieve that equality we all seek.

I have attempted not to join in on the thread as I feel it's not benefitting anyone! Men and women have always been different however, most men have always been more aggressive when doing online dating. I have lots of female friends (who I'm not interested in sexually) say they have had abusive messages from the start,r have had nice messages then once no reply they turn nasty or lastly if they reply to these messages with a "no thank you" or "sorry not interested" then some men become arseholes and are nasty with attempting to degrade the person they were trying to attract! Do you really think that this is showing them respect? I have always attempted to treat women/ladies as I would like any man to treat any female members of my family, which is respect and dignity.

Once we have discussed what we want from each other and we are in a relationship with a direction of our roles then honorific can be discussed.

So basically everyone (no matter what gender) needs to be able to show respect to each other, otherwise what becomes of society, our kink society let alone all other societies?

Not sure if what I say makes people think but bashing on each other is not a good way for us to go down!

Call me crazy, but I just don't see that men in general are being attacked here. I don't see it in this thread, and I haven't seen it in the several previous threads that I assume inspired this one. I'm reminded of the political debate around terrorism the US had after the 9/11 attacks, where liberals were complaining that conservatives were saying the terrorists were Islamic (which was true), because they didn't want people to start associating Islam with terrorism. The fact that women get a lot of unsavory messages from men is... pretty much irrefutable. In recent public photo comments, I've seen "I want to cum on your tits", "Can I breed you?", and a couple different copypastas about how the woman has now found her new master. There are often worse private messages, and we've seen thousands of those posted by women at this point. Admitting that these kinds of messages exist and are sent by men doesn't mean I subscribe to any negative portrayals of men in a general sense. To me, it's nothing more than an acknowledgment of reality, in the same way that acknowledging the 9/11 terrorists were Muslims does not imply that other Muslims are terrorists. 

It seems like some guys feel personally attacked when women post these kinds of things, and I don't understand that. I don't think those posts feel like attacks against me at all. I don't recognize myself in them, and I've never thought of them as anything other than complaints about offensive behavior or the specific guys that engage in it. I suppose occasionally, some of the posts might have some kind of language that could be taken to include all men, and I guess people could chime in with "NOT ALL MEN", but even then, that's probably just poor word choice or ambiguity, and it's not like we don't know what they mean. When a women is posting about *** she's received, maybe she could have said it better, but I think it's fine to not get caught up in semantics. If she genuinely thought it was all men, she wouldn't be here in the first place. 

The thought process when seeing these posts should be simple: Do I recognize myself or my behavior in the content of this post? If yes, then maybe I should think about changing my behavior. If no, then this post isn't about me.

So what's real beta cuck behavior?  Acknowledging reality and being secure enough to not feel threatened by it? Or getting butthurt when a women posts about her experiences? 


I think I'm very close to the point of quitting the forum now to be honest. Despite blocking the main antogoniser and their followers and staying clear of interaction with them all, I continue to find myself targeted. Once your on their radar thats it really. One person despite having no moderation duties seems to be in charge and running the show. It's just not worth the stress or negative contribution to ones wellbeing. It's just deja vu:-

Step 1 - targeted and insulting comment to provoke a reaction.

Step 2 - all the usual followers like Step 1 post.

Step 3 - mods don't deal with it and bury head in sand. 🙁

Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, Shirt-n-Tie-Boy said:

Step 1 - targeted and insulting comment to provoke a reaction.

When (you feel) this occurs, are you reporting it? If not why not? If so, is there anything else you might take away from the lack of action other than "mods burying heads in sand"?

Edited by Aranhis
2 hours ago, Shirt-n-Tie-Boy said:

I think I'm very close to the point of quitting the forum now to be honest. Despite blocking the main antogoniser and their followers and staying clear of interaction with them all, I continue to find myself targeted. Once your on their radar thats it really. One person despite having no moderation duties seems to be in charge and running the show. It's just not worth the stress or negative contribution to ones wellbeing. It's just deja vu:-

Step 1 - targeted and insulting comment to provoke a reaction.

Step 2 - all the usual followers like Step 1 post.

Step 3 - mods don't deal with it and bury head in sand. 🙁

There's a clear dissymmetry in regards to behavior standards. I'm a big boy and can handle people who disagree with me but that is very much not the case on the other side 😉. Reflection of society as a whole unfortunately.


See; part the reason there's been so many circular threads recently is because there are people on 'both sides' of whatever the point is that keep going when there are folk disagreeing with them


20 minutes ago, sigbro said:

There's a clear dissymmetry in regards to behavior standards. I'm a big boy and can handle people who disagree with me but that is very much not the case on the other side 😉. Reflection of society as a whole unfortunately.

I can accept people the way they are (I feel sorry for them). I just don't want to see their postings and mischief making, however the problem is even when you self censor and filter it out with the block feature, things still slip through as people reply to posts using the "quote" and that is not blocked out. I am not a rash or impulsive person, I will sleep on it, but its so upsetting I feel today could be the last day I contribute on the forum.

23 minutes ago, sigbro said:

There's a clear dissymmetry in regards to behavior standards. I'm a big boy and can handle people who disagree with me but that is very much not the case on the other side 😉. Reflection of society as a whole unfortunately.

You see by phrasing it as "sides" you're perpetuating a divide by doing so - just because people disagree on certain subjects, or hold different opinions, doesn't mean they are opposed in all respects.
And then to suggest people who hold opposing opinions to your own "can't handle it" - especially in response to someone who by his own admission and actions clearly can't (otherwise why block anyone that disagrees so they don't have to be seen) is somewhat ironic...dontcha think?
I have no beef whatsoever with opposing opinions and debating with them in an open and intelligent, balanced and reasoned discussion - what I do have a beef with is when it is reduced to insults and petty dismissive accusations like "white knighting" and "only saying it to curry favour" and worse by way of debate.
On the whole I think the moderators do a decent job in very difficult circumstances with little or no reward and think they only step in and remove things when they believe there is good reason to - and no before anyone suggests I've only said that to do so, I am *not* saying that to curry favour or look good, it's what I honestly believe - one of the things that attracted me to this place was the sense of community here and that is in part down to the moderation of the site, and in part down to all of its users who make it what it is, regardless of whether I agree with them or not.

2 minutes ago, gemini_man said:

You see by phrasing it as "sides" you're perpetuating a divide by doing so - just because people disagree on certain subjects, or hold different opinions, doesn't mean they are opposed in all respects.

If you have a fundamental ideological difference which we clearly do, there are sides. The base of most of these posts derives from a worldview I feel is not reflective of reality but if we can't discuss that openly then there is no point. 


by irony. there's someone on here who is politically very different to me - but when it comes to kink topics I agree with him for the most part (in saying that probably most people would disagree with me on one point or another - which is fine, it'd be boring if we all agreed) 

I see it more in attitudes than anything else.

14 minutes ago, sigbro said:

If you have a fundamental ideological difference which we clearly do, there are sides. The base of most of these posts derives from a worldview I feel is not reflective of reality but if we can't discuss that openly then there is no point. 

I didn't say there weren't sides - I said you are perpetuating them by phrasing it that way which is different.
Agree though that opposing views sometimes have to agree to disagree because no middle ground will be found - though would disagree those opposing can't be discussed openly but to do so takes both corners to be able to do so and not resort to the kind of behaviours I mentioned in my post.
And sometimes as eyes suggests it just needs to be left and not end up in the same circular argument again which also perpetuates a long tired and drawn out conversation - so perhaps in this instance the thread should be left to die once more.


we permitted this thread in good faith, through balance and so on; but it's now no longer being used as conversational.


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