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My girlfriend wants to know, for punishments, if you guys have ever had to write sentences?
Yep! I once had an owner who had me right that she was always right 300 times and send it to her! It took ages and my hand hurt, but I learnt my lesson haha
I've also been set essays before if she decided that it was necessary
I've used writing lines as a punishment. It's more cerebral than a spanking. Less likely to be traumatic. So I prefer the method for minor offenses.
Not since I stopped dating my school teacherā€¦
Yh we called then lines xD.
You know like the Simpsons opening where Bart is writing on the blackboard. It's basically that exact as the don you decide what is wrote based on her bratty behaviour ^^
I used to make an ex of mine write sentences.
Shit drove her nuts, but got my point across.
I used that as punishment on times. And it be more of a punishment if he/she/they expected a spank.
Cant say if it is widely used across the lifestyle.
I've heard of some that use that as punishment I personally don't use it
Personally Iā€™ve never had to do so, and Iā€™ve never assigned them as Iā€™m more of a hands on kinda guy, but Iā€™ve heard of them! Sentences like ā€œI will drink my daily waterā€ and ā€œI will not disobey daddyā€ etc etc, itā€™s definitely a thing
I have actually used that very effectively it had submissives that needed punishment and I knew that they hated writing so I would make them right essays about what they did and why they did it
I have not, but I have absolutely heard of this being done. It's not something I'd be cool with though.
Occasionally I'll have a sub write a sentence 200Ɨ in cursive for punishment, yes. Most people legitimately hate this lol so it makes a suitable punishment šŸ‘šŸ»
I've given subs "lines" to write, usually the lines will be specific to some form of unacceptable behaviour they displayed & to attempt to correct that behaviour by the repetition of the lines reinforcing the message I'm trying to tell my sub about her behaviour

I have never made my sub write sentences or anything like that but I have heard of it

I have, and I do like them as a punishment. It focuses my mind on the unwanted behaviour and reminds me of my place. I find it quite cathartic.
Yup. Could do some of it through writeforme.org but pen and paper will get the job done, too.
Yes. When I was a young warthā€” I mean little, my first Dom used to make me write lines. I loved it so it was more of a funishment haha. Repetition works best for me so things stick better that way.
Yes I have and I dont like it
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