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News Feed Template for Challenge, Forum, Treasure Hunt - Fetish.com (20).png

It's hard to believe we've only been around 2 years. What a wild ride. 


Of course, you're all invited to join in on the fun. You can get a whole lot of kinky shit done in a couple of years. So, tell us - what experiences have you had since joining the Fetish family?

Have you found a new kink on Fetish.com? A new playmate? Or the kinky partner of your dirtiest dreams? We want to hear your success stories and celebrate kink! After all, that’s what we’re here for; creating an online platform for kinksters to discover, flirt, date and feel a sense of community.

Post your success story below and, if it’s about finding someone special, add a link to your partner(s)’ profile too - as always, if they give you permission ;)


Didn't know it was only #2 years seems so organised But I'd not heard of it Be4 either....Happy Birthday!!
More advertising and promotions in various regions of the world! Growth of the site population is really slow because it seems as if the site expects all if its growth via a Google listing. This is hurting the site in many ways! People join, see if it empty-ish and figure it's a dead site. The chat rooms turn into tubmbleweeds once UK chatters have bedded. Hard to have a prolific discussion in the forum when 95% of posters are one word/one liners. ADVERTISE! I know in my area there is a very active public scene that would enjoy this site; we have several dungeons open every weekend, play parties throughout the month, and many annual conventions - trade in sponsorships! Use the struggle community here to help the public community, and you'll be amazed how this site's population *BOOMS*!
A second suggestion: Vet your staff and only use individuals actually active in BDSM and fetish, the lifestyle and community. For a "kink-positive" site, a lot of my ASFW pics with barely any kink to them have been denied for what seems like immature or bigoted reasons. Having a kink-experienced crew is necessary for the success of this type of site! Likewise, no one is here for vanilla advice and vanilla restrictions.
A third suggestion: BUCK THE SYSTEM! What you have created here is a virtual community of individuals that want to change the world and fight against unjust laws regarding our sexuality. I'd really enjoy seeing the collective here used to show why this glorious lifestyle deserves the same civil liberties and protection as any other alternative lifestyle! We have to challenge the current system, which should be the aim of every site that has the ability to create a reference point in history for the courts to observe and see, we are just like everyone else and deserve the same consideration in regards to our chosen lifestyles. "Be the change you wish to see in other [sites]!"
3 hours ago, 1needmore said:

It would be great if you had android and ioS app

I can answer this one as my day job is currently doing a lot with app development.  All ios apps have to go through vetting before they can be downloaded from the store - being a website of an adult nature would exclude it.   Android vets to put in the store but CAN be worked around by giving people access to the installation files - though this has it's own problems with users having to manually update to keep on the latest version 

It's now easier to mobile optimise websites, so an optimised website would have far more benefit than an app with all the constraints.


for me...

I did join with a view of finding some local - either play partners or side relationship.  (I'm married, here with my wife's full knowledge) and that didn't really happen - but during the process I did externally advance my relationship with someone else who is now my Mistress (but still isn't local! doh) 

I dunno, I kinda like it here - while I have grumbles, many of which can be ironed out, it's generally a lot more chill and friendlier.   The idiots that put their head above the parophet seem to disappear just as quickly.  

I think it's important to be inclusive to all (I hate saying "we were all new once" - but, we were...) but of course kinda keeping on top of those that really can't string a sentence together or who just thread bump


Supposedly they've been working on an app for a year, according to the Fetmods.


I love how this wonderful community comes together to help people in need. They give out great advice, support and encouragement and it makes my little heart happy to see it. :)

The fetish.com community is awesome. I love how we come together to help everyone from newbie to BDSM stalwart. :)


Well I joined in October 2017, and have made some fab friends along the way, I have had the pleasure of chatting to many of you on here, watching people grow and develop in their own diverse way, and it's that diversity that allows this site to flourish, as a community this site has more to offer than other so called offerings out there, and I for one am grateful for it.

I have been fortunate enough to have met @saphy in January 2017 on here, and we had many hurdles to face, yet this platform kept us together and allowed our journey to develop and grow.

Yes I agree with @Cade there is a big opportunity to progress the community element further, and see perceptions dismissed thro equality, diversity, education and set  Fetish apart from the rest. It's pleasing to have such a depth of people with their own unique qualities in one place, let's see more people contribute in a progressive and thoughtful way, make this site the place to go not just to 'hang out' but to find their own space, their own level of development, to seek another or just simply a friend base, whichever suits I'm certain anyone joining will be met with a warm welcome and a community like no other.

Happy Birthday Fetish.com 🎂🍾🥂


I have been a member just over a year, since I became single again and wanted to reconnect with the community having been in a vanilla relationship. I feel at home.

I suppose that I was hoping to meet someone, that I have not as yet, but I have connected with some great people through the forum discussions, the competitions are fun and there is heaps of information in the forums.

In fact, I am surprised that the site is only a 2 years old. It seems a lot more researched and professional.

I also like the fact that there is active review and blocking of fake profiles

Posted (edited)

I've been a member now for nearly a year I was here in 2017 but left when I met my Dom on here then came back when we spilt up so if I'd have stayed I'd have been here for the whole two years! I've had some up's and downs on this site met a few Dom's who have messed me around but what I have gained is all the friends I have made while here, couldn't ask for better friends but to me they are my family they know who they are. ♥️♥️ 

I do currently have a play partner who I met on here he is showing me things that I didn't even think I could do and opening my eyes to kink and I've never felt more sexual and confident since meeting him!!! 

One thing that fetish is great for is the forum where you can ask questions and learn from other kinksters some things do need sorting out on this site but apart from that it's one of the better sites for our community out there.


Edited by Lilmonster

I joined the site about 9 months ago and even if I've not met anybody on here yet, I've had a lot of fun. one thing that does annoy me is that I am a verified member. That means I've proved my age and who I am. 

I look at somebody's profile pictures and can't view some of them because I need to verify my age. Pardon. I've verified my age, not just said I'm over 18. Can this fault be rectified please.

7 hours ago, Happytwo said:

Hi there it’s not obvious how to improve your profile or get more interest from females. A little helping hand would be great.

start by calling them women, not females

there are loads of easily google-able guides to improving dating profiles

or this in-site guide might help


7 hours ago, Zeus2512 said:

I joined the site about 9 months ago and even if I've not met anybody on here yet, I've had a lot of fun. one thing that does annoy me is that I am a verified member. That means I've proved my age and who I am. 

I look at somebody's profile pictures and can't view some of them because I need to verify my age. Pardon. I've verified my age, not just said I'm over 18. Can this fault be rectified please.

I believe these are 2 different actions, you need to verify your age specifically to view NSFW /18+ images.

5 hours ago, VictoriaBlisse said:

I believe these are 2 different actions, you need to verify your age specifically to view NSFW /18+ images.

That's what doesn't make sense to me. To be on the site, you are supposed to be 18 in the UK because of the possible images you might see or put up. Age verification is supposed to be mandatory in the not to distant future and to prove who you are, so having proved who I am once, I shouldn't have to say yes i'm over 18 and it's not a verification process, just a yes i'm over 18 tick box, not a proof that I am old enough to view the images. Anyone can tick the box, but if you have proved to the site owners that you're old enough, that should be good enough.

Enough said on that matter. I still like the site. The search competitions are fun and an excellent way of introducing people to the different parts of the site that they may not usually visit. And the reward points are a good idea as well.

On 1/14/2019 at 7:33 PM, Slavejames087 said:

By having country select for chatrooms

I would add to that, in the search as well.

8 hours ago, Zeus2512 said:

Enough said on that matter. I still like the site. The search competitions are fun and an excellent way of introducing people to the different parts of the site that they may not usually visit. And the reward points are a good idea as well.

I'm afraid I must add to this.


Within a day or so of opening the account and uploading pictures, it was suspended pending verification. To verify, I had to send a photo of my face!

Now look at that photo and tell me I look underage. 

Then explain why you want a copy of my passport (to sit on a server God knows where that is waiting to be hacked one day)?

The site has huge potential. However I'm afraid there's way too much control and waaay too much emphasis on making ***.

Firstly, every photo and post on the forum etc has to be vetted. Meaning that the members of the site can't be trusted to take responsibility for their content and sometimes have to wait 3 days for their images to show because some guy sitting in an office somewhere pulled a sickie for 3 days. However, and more worryingly, posts on the forum can then easily be shared across various social media platforms without the owners consent (because the moment I post my content on this site it apparently becomes the property of the site - and that's supposed to encourage me to post more content).

Then there are what I can only describe as "meaningless" rules, such as not being able to block someone until they send you a message! There's not an ounce of logic in this rule and it means I have to endure the feet pictures in the main feed (feet pictures to me are what dick pics are to you. I don't won't to see it unless I've asked for yours!) Or the wannabe findoms who come along thinking this site is just full of desperate old men who are willing to throw their *** at some fake Instagram account, of course only to get reported by me and, funnily enough, are never seen again.

Secondly the emphasis on making ***.

Now, I understand as well as everyone that the site has financial costs in order to run. But come on guys!!! There are huge restrictions on what a free account can use and almost everything you click on takes you to the payment page. Personally I have been paying £5 a month to another very well known kink site for almost two years, just to get a little sticker saying "I support xxxx" a longer feed and be able to view videos. But I pay it happily for the sole purpose of supporting the site financially. Here, however, reminds me a little of those markets in Cairo. Everywhere I look, there's the same guy asking for Bahshish! 

Kinksters spend shit load of ***. We all know this. But we don't enjoy being held to ransom (outside of an agreed dynamic of course). 

In short, it would benefit everyone, especially the site itself if there was more emphasis on the users and their kink and less on blatantly trying to turn a profit. This is where @Cade makes a very good point above about having kinky staff (so to speak) perhaps volunteers are a way of cost cutting. I, for one, would definitely set time aside to help out if I can. 

Always like to end on a positive note. 

I have been a member for over a year and generally spend time rating pictures. I have regularly enjoyed perving at various images of members such as  @Lilmonster and @Beau (Thank you Ladies) and read (and re-read at times) many many brilliant comments from @Jed and @eyemblacksheep.

I have learned many things from many people on here, usually without their knowledge. I read a lot of profiles, comments, forums and status updates.

However before all this happened, I got chatting with a beautiful little swan that had a broken wing who had given up hope of ever flying again.

Over a year down the line, I'm proud to see what a fantastic Sub @Myrtz has become, not only pushing her own boundaries and going to places she's never imagined existed before but also keeping me on my toes at all times by being a handful thus making me a better Dom and above all a better person.


So thank you everyone. Whether I've sent you a message or liked your pic or comment, thank you for sharing with me whatever you wanted to share that day!

Here's to the next 2 years! 🥂

8 minutes ago, SirPhileasFlogg said:

I have been a member for over a year and generally spend time rating pictures. I have regularly enjoyed perving at various images of members such as  @Lilmonster and @Beau (Thank you Ladies) and read (and re-read at times) many many brilliant comments from @Jed and @eyemblacksheep.




Aw thank you 😊😘

Posted (edited)

I should have said enough from me on this matter. :)

Edited by Zeus2512
2 hours ago, SirPhileasFlogg said:


I have been a member for over a year and generally spend time rating pictures. I have regularly enjoyed perving at various images of members such as  @Lilmonster and @Beau (Thank you Ladies) and read (and re-read at times) many many brilliant comments from @Jed and @eyemblacksheep.

@SirPhileasFlogg you Sir are too kind, many thanks for your kind comments, and a big thank YOU for sharing your most eloquently put thoughts. As a community the more we become involved the stronger we are together, so it's testament to members such as yourself to offer your insight into the extra potential this site has the opportunity to realise. 

Tips my hat to you Sir. 


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