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So my question is, are women into this and if they’re into this is cheating a common thing in a cuckolding situation , or do they stay loyal to there partner? I have tried this and my girl kept f**king him on the side and not with me?


some cuckolding scenarios differ widely. 

like anything it needs to be communicated between each other what works for you both, what does not.

In some scenarios the cuck would not have sex at all - while their partner is being satisfied by others (or where they THINK their partner is being satisfied by others) in some scenarios the cuck would have sex (and be told others are better) and in some scenarios the cuck would have sex and it would barely otherwise acknowledge anything else their partner did.

If you are unhappy your partner is having sex with other people, but not you, there is something wrong in the communication and how you've communicated your expectancies.  

Your partner f**king him on the side is something you risk I'm afraid.
Cuckolding requires consent. If the cuck does not consent, then it is cheating. There are cuckold relationships where cheating is part of it, but you have to consent to the cheating.
So I think you might need to find out if you’re actually a cuck.
I would say regardless of the term we put on things, when people have sex sometimes they get attached. Whether that’s just to the sex itself or the person themselves, it happens. Did you discuss with her beforehand all of the boundaries you both wanted when it comes to cucking? Or after? I would ask if she herself considers it cheating m, or if perhaps she thinks that’s part of the whole ballgame. If it’s not something you’re comfortable with, absolutely be open about that and tell her. If she doesn’t want to stop sleeping with this guy and that’s not okay with you, then maybe consider if the relationship itself is worth continuing. But don’t just dump her without talking and trying to work things out!
Idk... Catgirl is right about all of what she said, but I think it's important that you not expect her to change who she is fundamentally, and really think whether you want to ask your girl friend to make a wife-like sacrifice like compromising a major part of her sexuality for the relationship. If it's not meant to be, be kind and guide her to the curb with a genuine "it's not you it's me" a shoulder to cry it out on if needed, and something light hearted to do afterwards. It could mean adjusting the terms of your relationship so that cheating isn't a thing anymore, and you can set boundaries on safe sex and if you have to report new partners (the second one is not one I recommend. It will only make you jealous, and it seems that's not a turn on for you) you also can choose to just have fun from now on and not define the relationship at all. I wish the best for you.
Emotions are not to be involved in the “lifestyle” that’s a rule. Once emotions are involved, your breaking the trust of your partner. You have to separate them, or your missing the point of cuck, swinging, ect ect
Nothing loyal about having sex with somebody other than your spouse/partner.
1 hour ago, Feodaran said:
Cuckolding requires consent. If the cuck does not consent, then it is cheating. There are cuckold relationships where cheating is part of it, but you have to consent to the cheating.

I think this is the best way to sum up what is being mooted here. You need a clearly defined set of boundaries for most kink play - but it is especially relevant when you involve others in your activities. Cuckolding and Hotwifing are very different scenarios psychologically - but also very similar in the physical sense.
Ask you partner what they gain additionally from ‘cheating’ on you with their Bull - because that seems to be what they are doing here.
It may be that they see it as an extension of the cuckolding play that you are indulging in … or perhaps want it to be - but you HAVE to be ok with that.

I have had several hotwifing experiences over the years - it’s arousing for me to arrive home and walk in on a partner having sex with someone else… or to take that partner to someone late for play while I watch (and occasionally join I )
Only once have I tried cuxkolding. It wasn’t for me.


There's some key pieces of information we're missing here though, the one's @daddyslilcatgirl asked about specifically, so without that it's not as easy to give advice TBH.

But, I'm assuming that you two possibly agreed it was okay for her to do this sometimes only she's doing it TOO much without involving you? If that's the case you have to have a talk and tell her she has to involve you in it more or if she can't handle that then you two just aren't right for each other unfortunately. And if she says okay but then goes right back to doing the same shit again you're just going to have to walk away I'm afraid.

Beyond that there's never really a reason to put up with someone who ***s your trust and consent.

25 minutes ago, mw1997 said:
Nothing loyal about having sex with somebody other than your spouse/partner.

Shaming others kinks is not appropriate in this space.

I was with my last dom/ bf for 12 years and we did this and not once did I go behind his back so I wouldn't say its common
31 minutes ago, locketheart said:

Shaming others kinks is not appropriate in this space.

I think there's a way to interpret this as not shaming. If you're used to traditional sexual loyalty like op seems to be, this isn't that, and no amount of rules can change that. There can be "love-making loyalty" and "emotional loyalty" and if bull wants even poly loyalty, but not traditional monogamous loyalty.

43 minutes ago, locketheart said:

Shaming others kinks is not appropriate in this space.

Shaming people’s personal beliefs is not appropriate in this space.

4 minutes ago, mw1997 said:

Shaming people’s personal beliefs is not appropriate in this space.

Ah, so you were shaming the kink. Look friend, I tried, but Locket's in the right here, I think. You're on fet. The personal belief but goes both ways, and the way you were going about it was a lot more confrontational.


No shaming full stop! - Play nice or you'll be put on a time out! 

Posted (edited)

If you still want to do cuckold, start with a new a guy, and with clear communication about who has sex with who, when, and so on. Does the other guy know she is having sex with him without your liking? If he does, then he is not being respectful or responsible as the other person as well. Even if she said you were ok with it, as a respectable person he should have personally asked you. My rule of thumb is when involving more than 2 people with anything , always ask all people personally.

Edited by Deleted Member
Wrote it wrong.

Ok I see what your asking but what I don’t see is where is this….called… shaming????!!!! I don’t see any shaming here on what you have wrote. You just asked a question, that’s all. And to me, if you all consented on cucking but no talk about her seeing the bull on the side. Well sir common sense would tell you that she is cheating. And you should talk to her about and be nice about. Don’t get anger. Tell her you feelings, maybe she was confused about the whole thing or maybe she just didn’t care. Or possible she has been cheating on you the entire time and you just found out about it. Tell her you don’t like it when your not there. And I am not involved. But if she gets defensive and doesn’t want to do that buddy, we’ll it’s time to give her a boot out the door. And hope it hits her on the way outside. There is nothing worst then finding out that the person you love is cheating on you. Last woman that done that to me, was back in my college days. Been with her for 5 years. We broke up and she said it was her and not me. Yeah come on, nothing made since. Went over one day to get the rest of my stuff and a dude answered the door. She was shocked and didn’t know what to say and come to find out she was engaged to him after 3 weeks of being together. *

Depends on the agreement between the 2 of u or whatever I believe very strongly in communication, but I personally enjoy it as I am a Dom and love bigger dicks 🤷I would never want to make my sub feel like they can not trust me tho❤️hope this helps
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