To**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 This is why I *** doing a 24/7 relationship with a Dom. I’ve talked with several Doms on here and some “reward” you with attention, when you do what they ask and other times completely ignore you. I drop them sooo fast it’s like my phone is on fire. People who use subs to make themselves feel like they matter or are important and then completely fail to give that source of comfort for themselves any attention just shows they are too selfish and self serving to love or care for anyone besides themselves.
4R**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 1 hour ago, jcnyhc said: Then dont be submissive sounds like a formula for failure Well that's rather unhelpful isn't it!
4R**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 1 hour ago, zephyrhills617 said: That's why I have zero sympathy, yall are choosing these guys who prove that they are garbage. That's a tad harsh. Granted it's a repetitive story but people generally learn from mistakes.
4R**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 1 hour ago, Lozz-9290 said: it came to light that through out my time as his sub he had lied about his age, he was 58 and that's not what he told me, he said he got divorced 6 years ago when infact he was still married and living with her happily If only I had a £ for every time I've read a comment similar to this! Alas, as many will say, 'vetting' is sooooo important - for both sides of the party. Take your time, do your homework, get to know the person, question everything. Of course, that's all very easy to say, but not so easy to do, especially if someone is adept at being dishonest and covering their tracks.
Da**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 Fine words all around. It’s also important that you caution submissives to be more careful and selective in the vetting process. A dom should earn your submission, and treat it as the amazing gift that it is. M sure some of this is the dom, but helping submissives to have signs to look out for and what to avoid would also be helpful so they recognize the fakes and don’t waste time
To**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 This is why I’m afraid of being led 24/7! I have had talked to a few Doms on here. A few use attention as a “reward” for being a “good girl” and ignore me 98% of the time and then the Doms would angry when I sought attention elsewhere. In my personal opinion these types of Doms are only using their subs as a form of personal validation. They want you to fawn over them and the Doms then can dish out their attention at their own convenience. They want to feel important and the ability to ignore you gives them that feeling of importance. That is also why when you pull away the will then blow up your phone and gaslight you into thinking your the one whose at fault. These types of ppl are selfish and self serving they don’t have the ability to love you or anyone else for that matter. They grow your attention as a service that they can take and leave as they please.
ze**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 1 hour ago, DuchessFeuille said: And… you WANT to be judged by your personality? Thank you for assuming instead of starting a real dialog. You can be the true you tells someone the real truth and still be a good person. So you can go ahead and label me because I'm saying what people are scared to say to women, but ironically have no problem dishing it out all day to a man who says the same thing.
Deleted Member Posted June 20, 2023 Author Posted June 20, 2023 1 hour ago, Lozz-9290 said: I was dropped by my master and i have never felt such loss... it came to light that through out my time as his sub he had lied about his age, he was 58 and that's not what he told me, he said he got divorced 6 years ago when infact he was still married and living with her happily and many other things including his name.. the dishonesty was impossible to understand when I had given myself to him fully and obeyed his every need Are you ok? I’m here if you need someone to talk things through with.
Do**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 You don't choose Dom's who prove they are garbage, it happens in an instant.. the sub is left with nothing while the Dom just.. stops.. it's harmful to the subs emotions and can be harmful to the Dom in some cases xD lol
Du**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 5 minutes ago, zephyrhills617 said: Thank you for assuming instead of starting a real dialog. You can be the true you tells someone the real truth and still be a good person. So you can go ahead and label me because I'm saying what people are scared to say to women, but ironically have no problem dishing it out all day to a man who says the same thing. You came to this thread making assumptions, my guy, and you are continuing with the same incel-type comments we are all sadly too familiar with. I’ve seen your profile, too, and it’s more of the same. Help yourself by learning from the many others here who can guide you towards more positive interactions.
Je**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 26 minutes ago, zephyrhills617 said: Thank you for assuming instead of starting a real dialog. You can be the true you tells someone the real truth and still be a good person. So you can go ahead and label me because I'm saying what people are scared to say to women, but ironically have no problem dishing it out all day to a man who says the same thing. Most people aren’t afraid to say those things to women. They just know better lol. Many of us don’t choose based solely on looks. Many “less attractive” guys are assholes and many “good looking” guys are decent people. You get rejected because of your bitter entitled personality and you assume it must be about looks and the women rejecting you must just be shallow. It’s easier than accepting the truth that you need to work on yourself as a person.
Au**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 I feel very lonely and lost. I’ve been crying for a week and I need a hug like my next breath. I left him because he was barely there and I was getting very needy and anxious til I couldn’t take it anymore.
Deleted Member Posted June 20, 2023 Author Posted June 20, 2023 I doubt any of them have the kind of personality that feels like an indulgence to be around in the first place.
Se**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 I am the Dominant partner in our relationship, I assume the fruits and responsibilities of ours. Communication and guidance are top priorities. My Lady is my lady, she is my toy and I protect and cherish her before any and all others. She understands that she is mine, and I have her best interest at heart. My feelings is if a D/dom is real he or she will feel the same , any less in my book is a user, that either doesn't know or doesn't care for the one , in their care
Ra**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 16 minutes ago, AuroraBoreal said: I feel very lonely and lost. I’ve been crying for a week and I need a hug like my next breath. I left him because he was barely there and I was getting very needy and anxious til I couldn’t take it anymore. I'm really sorry you're struggling at the moment. Sending big hugs with your consent. All i can say is The *** will go away eventually 🤗
Au**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 8 minutes ago, Ravynbitch said: I'm really sorry you're struggling at the moment. Sending big hugs with your consent. All i can say is The *** will go away eventually 🤗 So kind of you. Thank you. His support and contention were everything to me. I feel like left without a ground.
Do**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 Losing a sub can be just as unfortunate.. as I just lost mine today after 6 years
To**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 5 minutes ago, Dom4fun92 said: Losing a sub can be just as unfortunate.. as I just lost mine today after 6 years I’m sorry, for your loss…I wish you luck in inner healing. If you need to talk I’m here 😊
Ta**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 3 hours ago, zephyrhills617 said: That's what happens when you choose a dom by looks. The pretty boys come on here all the time doing that. If you're gonna base who you choose on the profile rather than talking to them and finding out who they are underneath, you're always gonna have this problem. It's just like regular dating, yall will purposely take the handsome piece of garbage over the guy you'll treat you right then complain about the dudes who are clearly garbage. That's why I have zero sympathy, yall are choosing these guys who prove that they are garbage. Stop projecting. This isn’t about you or your insecurities. Ghosting is dogsh*t behavior, whether it’s done by a Dom, a sub, or a vanilla, but submissives go to an especially bad place because many of their decisions have been made by someone else for an extended period of time, and they struggle just to function. After reading your comment and seeing what a bad attitude you have, it’s pretty clear you’re not getting picked because you’re not the knight in shining armor you think you are.
ze**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 1 hour ago, JenLynne said: Most people aren’t afraid to say those things to women. They just know better lol. Many of us don’t choose based solely on looks. Many “less attractive” guys are assholes and many “good looking” guys are decent people. You get rejected because of your bitter entitled personality and you assume it must be about looks and the women rejecting you must just be shallow. It’s easier than accepting the truth that you need to work on yourself as a person. Like usually I'm demonize for saying the truth and automatically label the devil without even getting to know me. Which is the true problem you all what to assume without getting to know someone. Because yall were actually learning and choosing by personality, yall wouldn't be complaining all the time about the guys you choose. You would've figured it out before taking the next with them. And if yall were really choosing by personality, the bad people would be lonely and the good people would be happy. Not from what I see. And give me a break, before I started speaking out none of yall would even reply to my respectful emails. But when I good man gets fed up and speaks up, he's labeled the devil and it's his own fault because of what he said. Doesn't explain the time when he kept silent. Maybe you need to think beyond your personal vendetta you were brainwashed it.
Aa**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 True submission, is the ultimate gift that a Dominant can ever receive. His responsibilities surrounding that gift are sacred and definitive, he must not fail his Submissive. Why the “drop” happens so suddenly is down to “pretend” Doms, that just want to fool around, without realising submission is a very intense, deep state of mind.
FETMOD-BD Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 OK Play nice please - Don't make me get the POINTS stick out.
Ta**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 25 minutes ago, zephyrhills617 said: Like usually I'm demonize for saying the truth and automatically label the devil without even getting to know me. Which is the true problem you all what to assume without getting to know someone. Because yall were actually learning and choosing by personality, yall wouldn't be complaining all the time about the guys you choose. You would've figured it out before taking the next with them. And if yall were really choosing by personality, the bad people would be lonely and the good people would be happy. Not from what I see. And give me a break, before I started speaking out none of yall would even reply to my respectful emails. But when I good man gets fed up and speaks up, he's labeled the devil and it's his own fault because of what he said. Doesn't explain the time when he kept silent. Maybe you need to think beyond your personal vendetta you were brainwashed it. Your whole argument is nothing more than a straw man and victim blaming. Get over yourself already. You’re bitter and it shows.
Va**** Posted June 20, 2023 Posted June 20, 2023 3 hours ago, JenLynne said: Wow it’s f**cking gross how many men are blaming the women in these scenarios or putting down being a sub in general. If the kink scene isn’t for you little boys then move along. If dating isn’t something you’re mature enough then stay at home in your mom’s basement instead of inflicting your issues on the rest of us I’ve been reading what you have been writing, as well as all the great (albeit ***ful) stuff from other subs and there two things I would like to add: [1] there is a huge responsibility in being in the care of another’s emotional well being and that should never be ***d; and [2] Good Girl - well done. All you subs have my admiration for being able to do what you do. That level of trust is something I just could not give, so I am in awe and truly understand who has, and releases, the power I get to play in.
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