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PSA - Know your Worth


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It's ridiculous to ask someone for the bare minimum.  If you have to ask for time, attention, honesty, TO BE TREATED LIKE A HUMAN BEING...you are settling and you do not have to do that. Someone breadcrumbing you to keep you next to them...that isn't them caring about you. Being made to question your sanity or perception of events, being gaslit, and manipulated...these are all signs of ***. You do NOT have to take it. I don't care if it's coming from your current or potential partner/s, it is not healthy for you. It doesn't matter what your position is within our community. For all the subs who are figuring out who they are (or already know), Doms don't get to treat you a way you don't agree with simply because you are a sub and they are a Dom (or classify themselves as one). For all the Doms out there, subs don't get to treat you like crap because they're offering their submission (is it really submission and bratting if they are being entirely disrespectful? Noppers). You are a person first and foremost, and there are BILLIONS of people on this Earth. Don't settle. Love yourself and your uniqueness, and don't ever forget what you bring to the table. Just because someone doesn't like what you serve, or maybe it's not enough for them or whatever, it doesn't take away from the worth of what you're actually offering. Other people don't get to determine your worth or worthiness no matter where you are in life.

Sending you all good vibes <3


Thanks for sharing this I say be you that's all that' make u unique don't stop yourself for other people who don't give a D*amn it's only to Entertain You  Laugh at you Pick on you Enough with the Player clowns .. report em Block em 

10 minutes ago, Manny678 said:

Thanks for sharing this I say be you that's all that' make u unique don't stop yourself for other people who don't give a D*amn it's only to Entertain You  Laugh at you Pick on you Enough with the Player clowns .. report em Block em 

*and move on lol

Just now, kree90 said:

*and move on lol

Of course it's waste of Life essence period that's how I feel about it

1 minute ago, Manny678 said:

Of course it's waste of Life essence period that's how I feel about it

I agree. I call it wasted energy. My energy is valuable and there certainly isn't enough of it for people who take advantage of me or who try to play me.


same with me i dont like my mind being messed with turns out. she ghosted me with no answer no honesty


i learned its time for me to move on


i hope my message spreads out there to the Younger Generation

Wow what a time to see this 😢😢 thank you xx

I'm sorry :(  there is barely ever a reason for ghosting. The younger generation actually is TERRIBLE with it. They have these dating sites where you video people and if you don't like something about them, they just swipe on you....LIVE. Dating is horrendous with this new generation (and every generation?). And with communication and responses being demanded right away now...we think someone not texting back right away is the red flag but I actually think our demand for an instant response is the red flag. While I can understand the stress that comes with someone not texting you back right away, it concerns me. I know everyone is different, and constant communication IS IMPORTANT when trying to build a relationship, but I think we set ourselves up for failure thinking that people owe us communication as soon as we send it to them.

4 minutes ago, Morose77 said:

Wow what a time to see this 😢😢 thank you xx

It's always relevant. Hugs to you because you're clearly going through something right now <3

Well said, and I appreciate you pointing out that the patterns of *** aren’t a one-way street e.g. Dom —> sub. Toxic traits are not exclusive to any one role, sex, or any other definable characteristic. As we hold standards for the way we are treated, so must we hold ourselves to a standard of how we treat people. “Do unto others” may not always be repaid in kind, but that shouldn’t matter, because kindness is its own reward.
15 minutes ago, kree90 said:

I'm sorry   there is barely ever a reason for ghosting. The younger generation actually is TERRIBLE with it. They have these dating sites where you video people and if you don't like something about them, they just swipe on you....LIVE. Dating is horrendous with this new generation (and every generation?). And with communication and responses being demanded right away now...we think someone not texting back right away is the red flag but I actually think our demand for an instant response is the red flag. While I can understand the stress that comes with someone not texting you back right away, it concerns me. I know everyone is different, and constant communication IS IMPORTANT when trying to build a relationship, but I think we set ourselves up for failure thinking that people owe us communication as soon as we send it to them.

This makes me think back to earlier times, when people waited weeks or months to receive a handwritten letter by mail…our sense of entitlement to instant gratification is deeply concerning, and the ease with which people discard each other makes me want to just unplug my router, silence my phone, and reach for a good book rather than wade through the cesspool that is social media/online dating.

Yes both sides should be treated equally with respect and kindness.
Love you Kree, one thing this site brought me, was your friendship, and that's a true blessing for me. you've always been a rock for me, and I class you as a dear friend, always. <3
8 minutes ago, Jeneral_Whore said:

Love you Kree, one thing this site brought me, was your friendship, and that's a true blessing for me. you've always been a rock for me, and I class you as a dear friend, always. <3

One hundred and a thousand percent agree!! I will never regret signing up here because of you, Charli, Rz, & Left. You guys got me through some of the roughest times I've had in the last 3 years (and my life!). Love you, too <3 thank you for being so freaking awesome to me always.

Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, TallBastard said:

This makes me think back to earlier times, when people waited weeks or months to receive a handwritten letter by mail…our sense of entitlement to instant gratification is deeply concerning, and the ease with which people discard each other makes me want to just unplug my router, silence my phone, and reach for a good book rather than wade through the cesspool that is social media/online dating.

THISSSSS. I am entirely guilty of saying to people "when you don't text me back, it really bothers me" and that is totally a "me" thing. As in, it's unhealthy of ME to demand someone else A. make me feel better. and B. reply at once as if it determines how I should feel about myself. This is an abandonment wound and I think everyone has one of those these days. It takes a lot of time to heal them, but it's possible (mine's not gone yet but I challenge it every chance I can).

The way that people treat one another is...heart breaking. 

Edited by kree90
Ok. No problem me should have to ask to be treated as a human or for basic consideration. Particularly at the start of a relationship. And if you’re not able to give that then maybe you should look at whether you should be looking at sorting yourself out first before you look to involve someone else (ok it’s not quite that simple because sometimes having a significant other can majorly improve your mental and emotional capacity as we’re a social species and we need interaction). However I would say that within a committed relationship (be it friend, with or without benefits, lover, partner, spouse etc) there will always be times when one or the other has greater or lesser capacity for anything. Sometimes one may have to recognise that the other just isn’t able to put what they want into things or is being drawn in a million other directions at that time so they cannot give all they would otherwise wish to into things. In any relationships there will be ebbs and flows. Regardless of sub or Dom my personal view is that being supportive forms a fundamental part of the dynamic.
3 minutes ago, DeviantInside said:
Ok. No problem me should have to ask to be treated as a human or for basic consideration. Particularly at the start of a relationship. And if you’re not able to give that then maybe you should look at whether you should be looking at sorting yourself out first before you look to involve someone else (ok it’s not quite that simple because sometimes having a significant other can majorly improve your mental and emotional capacity as we’re a social species and we need interaction). However I would say that within a committed relationship (be it friend, with or without benefits, lover, partner, spouse etc) there will always be times when one or the other has greater or lesser capacity for anything. Sometimes one may have to recognise that the other just isn’t able to put what they want into things or is being drawn in a million other directions at that time so they cannot give all they would otherwise wish to into things. In any relationships there will be ebbs and flows. Regardless of sub or Dom my personal view is that being supportive forms a fundamental part of the dynamic.

I heavily caveat this statement that *** is *** and no one should have to deal with it. Either side of the equation. Be it physical or mental. And the moment something steps over into that then there is no actual relationship. I fundamentally believe that ANY relationship (BDSM or otherwise) should be mutually beneficial, and when it isn’t something needs to be addressed and changed.

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