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Cross dressing, how to tell her?


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Get, When Someone You Love is Kinky

Dossie Easton, Catherine A. Liszt
You need to share it or it will absolutely ruin your marriage later on
I honestly feel like this should've been shared in the beginning. I can't be with men that cross dress, it's just a turn off for me. So if you tell her and she gets turned off by it, that's gonna really suck man.
For me, I would have liked to know from the start.. unless you plan on giving up kink, it will likely ruin everything.. but I'm only speaking on my experience. I
It's not something you can hide forever. Let her in on your kink. It will only strengthen your bond if she accepts. Have her watch Rocky Horror picture Show and discuss.
We can’t go back in time 4 years, so all the “shoulds” don’t work here.

I agree with KittyForman, maybe better tell here before you move together so in case she doesn’t accept you, she can make her choice still. Risky it is for sure.

Rocky horror picture show is a great idea.
Chat gpt also could give you ideas of how to communicate it.

Best of luck’s
I'm actually going to follow and check up on this thread bc I actually am possibly MtF and I'm a bit concerned on how to approach it. I'm straight but I feel as though a head to toe feminization (dress up for lack of better words) would really tell me how I feel once it's done. If that makes sense.
Just break it to her if you wanna wife her then you own her honesty so stop being selfish about " ohh I might lose her " and say the truth . I can bet from now that what would hurt her the most is that you been hiding it from her for so long not your fetish itself . So every day matters if she would go over the fact that you lied to her for so long she will probably tolerate your fetish as well . If she dose not and just go well is her right to do so and maybe next time before you involve yourself seriously with someone you man up and tell the person the truth NO ONE deserves to be lied about for years .
Another thing is that marriage is a big step should involve trust and love and feelings and to some extent you always have the option of quitting something you like for something you treasure more , now if your kink is bigger and more important or if she is , is up to you to decide and of course up to her as well she still deserves to know the truth just saying that you can offer her the option to stop if you like .
P.S. don't turn it the other way around please that also if she loves me she can accept me how I am because you didn't gave her this option at the beginning by lieing to her so if you man don't dare to ask for it now

Telling your partner that you're into crossdressing is a sensitive and important conversation. Here are some steps to help you approach this topic:

Choose the Right Time and Place: Pick a quiet, private, and comfortable setting where you both can have an open and honest conversation without distractions or interruptions. Ensure you both have enough time to talk.

Be Honest with Yourself: Before discussing this with your partner, take some time to understand your own feelings and motivations behind crossdressing. Reflect on why it's important to you and how it fits into your identity and self-expression.

Self-Acceptance: Make sure you are comfortable with your own crossdressing preferences. Self-acceptance is essential before discussing it with your partner.

Plan What You Want to Say: Organize your thoughts and emotions before starting the conversation. Be prepared to explain what crossdressing means to you, why you enjoy it, and how it can be a part of your life. Be clear and honest about your feelings.

Be Patient and Understanding: Understand that your partner might have questions, concerns, or even negative reactions initially. Be patient and empathetic as they process the information. Remember that their reaction may be based on their own beliefs and experiences.

Emphasize Communication: Let your partner know that you value your relationship and that this conversation is a way to strengthen your connection. Reassure them that you're open to discussing any concerns they may have.

Listen Actively: Give your partner the opportunity to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns without interruption. Be an active listener and validate their emotions.

Respect Their Boundaries: Understand that your partner may need time to process the information and may have their own boundaries or concerns about your crossdressing. Be willing to compromise and respect their feelings and comfort levels.

Offer Resources: If your partner is open to learning more about crossdressing, provide them with resources such as books, articles, or support groups. This can help them better understand your perspective.

Give It Time: Change and acceptance take time. Be patient with both yourself and your partner as you navigate this new aspect of your relationship.

Remember that every relationship is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach to discussing personal matters like crossdressing. However, honesty, patience, and empathy are key to maintaining a healthy and open dialogue with your partner. Ultimately, the goal should be mutual understanding and respect for each other's feelings and boundaries.

I'm gonna be very blunt on this..... If this is something important to you and she doesn't know it yet you two should not even be considering marriage.
You need to decide keep things as they are and accept to live with it OR tell her and take the possible risks that come with it.

As for how to tell her, calm clear and non confrontational.
I'm not suggesting this but I hide it and try to keep the world's apart. It didn't work out and that's why I'm single so I decided to be upfront and honest and marry someone who matches my kink. You know her and how to deal with her but what's done in the dark will be brought to light so keep that in mind
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