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Why is it so hard to find other Primal Kinksters?


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I do know of another bdsm site that there's a lot of other primals and I am willing to send you the name of it when you're ready
I am in a have always been a major, primal, hunter/pray my problem is I’m trying to find another hunter that’s willing to share dominance. I’ve been dating for long time and within that time I’ve only found two or three others that were like me. I signed up for this site, hoping I would find more, but if that’s not the case I could use that website.
  • 2 months later...

An ex of mine informed me that I was a controlling dominant bratty sub, and that what I was looking for is a primal predator. I'm a thicker woman who is somewhat difficult to overpower I guess that's why I get turned on by the thought of a beastly man. My current boyfriend isn't into much that I am into and I have a need to feel *** and *** I don't know why I'm turned on by this...... Comments welcome need guidance.

Good question.
Honestly, I didn't even know this kink existed, but it's something I would actually be interested in trying. I'm a large athletic man who does enjoy hunting IRL, so the idea of hunting a partner sounds very exciting. I just never thought of that as an option
I don’t understand how one would practice BDSM without the primal kink. Maybe other parts are highlighted more but the power dynamic is baked in if you ask me. Is it about the savagery and ravishing verses the stoic commands of a dapper dom? Even when I do the dapper angle, there is a primal thirst under it.
1 hour ago, Zelig said:
I don’t understand how one would practice BDSM without the primal kink. Maybe other parts are highlighted more but the power dynamic is baked in if you ask me. Is it about the savagery and ravishing verses the stoic commands of a dapper dom? Even when I do the dapper angle, there is a primal thirst under it.

To be honest I'm not deep into the BDSM but This primal concept. I'm loving it. I've never partaken it. I know nothing about it but the idea is sexy as hell. Maybe it has more appeal to a whole different genre of people. I mean I find the BDSM sexy to look at but practice in the more vanilla ways when I actually do it. Rope and blindfolds and such. But the primal that sounds, epic

  • 2 weeks later...
Primal has always appealed to me. I suppose it's hard to really find members who are truly willing to let go and get down to the nitty gritty parts of it. We live in a world of watered-down superficiality where anxiety and instant gratification reigns Supreme. The last "primal" hunter I met was willing to learn but incapable of bringing the prey out of me. Come to think of it, damn near every BDSM Scene Party or the like I've gone to in the last few years have been a replay of the one before it. What was once taboo is now commonplace, and most of us are craving a new step but cannot make it. Societal norms and people's "morality " can fester within the darkest of dungeons but never face the light of day. Thus why its hard to break through the daily mask and find partners that are on par. Sorry for the vent. Feels good to say it though.
51 minutes ago, SandySlut said:

Primal has always appealed to me. I suppose it's hard to really find members who are truly willing to let go and get down to the nitty gritty parts of it. We live in a world of watered-down superficiality where anxiety and instant gratification reigns Supreme. The last "primal" hunter I met was willing to learn but incapable of bringing the prey out of me. Come to think of it, damn near every BDSM Scene Party or the like I've gone to in the last few years have been a replay of the one before it. What was once taboo is now commonplace, and most of us are craving a new step but cannot make it. Societal norms and people's "morality " can fester within the darkest of dungeons but never face the light of day. Thus why its hard to break through the daily mask and find partners that are on par. Sorry for the vent. Feels good to say it though.

I know the feeling, finding fresh prey to experiment and push each other is so difficult

I never started with that out the gate. I would cultivate with other, more common, BDSM practices. Sometimes they see the darkness and their curiosity lures it out.
I have found it a huge issue, yes. So many subs are either extended picky, and all want the same few scenarios and people, or they're too easily offended. Difficult to practice without and prey
  • 2 weeks later...
There's another kink site with better odds on meeting primal others. Both hunters & prey.
Check out Fetlife.
It's more like a facebook for kinksters, but it's the "events" and "places" ***ures that puts them above all kink apps and sites.
*features* that is. They also have specified groups for Alphas, Primals, Subs, etc. AND a classifieds section in each group for those searching.
for the same reason it's harder to find people for 24/7 bdsm and consensual nonconsent. it takes a greater deal of trust between two indit
Because it's more a niche kink that shares headspace with switches. That ***istic enthusiasm comes from a okay of wanting to set you mind free from being so cerebral. It's like a release... Just letting go. Much of bdsm is focused around power and restraint. Primal want to loss control. I see it as an addendum then, to enthusiastic vanilla sex.
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