There are many different types of fetish families out there and all with varying dynamics. If you've ever been curious about leather families, writer Sienna Saint-Cyr talks to Leland Carina, Co-Editor of about how she got into the leather community and how her leather family works.

Tell us a little about yourself. What got you into leather? 

I discovered the leather community when I was living in San Francisco from 2005-12. I have always been kinky, but I hadn't found the right fit in various other sexual communities I had experimented with. The leather community felt like home.


You've mentioned previously about having a leather father, can you tell us about that dynamic?

My leather father is a lovely gay man who lives in San Francisco. He's a long-time participant in the leather community and a fantastic organiser. His name is Daddy Ray Tilton, and our dynamic is one of mutual admiration and support. 

How does your leather family work? Do you live together?

My extended leather family is not a live-in sort of dynamic, but rather a series of social alignments with people I love; it's much more profound than a simple friendship connection. My specific relationship with Daddy Ray Tilton has a title, but many of the people I consider family are less formally connected. My immediate leather family currently includes myself and my boi, who is collared to me. We're potentially open to adding more people if and when we find the right fit.

Leland Carina pictured with her boi
Leland Carina and her boi.

Do you know of other leather family dynamics? How are they different to yours?

Even in my own experience, I've had very different dynamics at different times. For a few years when I was living in San Francisco, I was in service to a Sir and had a Daddy with two girls of my own. The Sir and Daddy were acquaintances with each other, the Daddy and two girls were friendly with each other, and the two girls considered each other leather sisters. I served the Sir (no sex, but sometimes play,) and bottomed for and had sex with my Daddy, and topped and had sex with the two girls.

Some people may be surprised that we were all female-identified, yet resonated with those titles. As far as other dynamics, there is a vast range. On one end of the spectrum, there is Mama's Leather Family, of which I am a member. It includes a staggering number of people, now reaching over 2,000. Mama Sandy Reinhardt is the matriarch, where she considers everyone to be one of her "babies." We're all inducted with our own Mama's Family name and "pinned" with a name badge. All the titles are available on her website. Mine is, "Mama's very, very good girl."

On the other hand, a leather family can be much smaller, sometimes private or other times more public. Very often, you witness elements of D/s, but that isn't a requirement. A leather family is as varied as individuals and relationships are.


Leland Carina is a member of Mama's leather family
Leland Carina (bottom centre) is a member of Mama's family (centre).


Are you an active member of the leather community as well? 

Absolutely! I'm Co-Editor-in-Chief of a website called that is dedicated to leather community journalism and thoughtful opinion columns. Leatherati has been a fantastic touchstone for me throughout my time in the community. I can't say enough good things about Loren Berthelsen, the Editor-in-Chief. Though we've never formalised our relationship, I indeed consider him an integral part of my leather family.

I have a long history of service in many aspects of the leather community. Back in 2012, I was chosen by the leather community as a Leather Marshal of the San Francisco Pride Parade where a human pony pulled me in front of the Leather Contingent; it was an awesome experience!

Thank you, Leland! 

As well as the Co-Editor of, Leland Carina is an artist, writer, fetish model, and sex-positive consultant. Check out her profile for more. 


Sienna Saint-Cyr writes erotica and blogs about kink, poly, body image, most things relating.  

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Cover image: Shutterstock. In-article images: Courtesy of Leland Carina & OCD Photography
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