is an alternative to regular dating sites, and it’s right there in its name. How does work though - and can you find kinksters who share your particular fetishes and interests? In the spirit of serving our vision to be the most trusted BDSM and Fetish community, we've asked Victoria Blisse (The Queen of Smut) to look into for us. Overview | The alt-ernative? is a website tailor-made for people into BDSM and alternative lifestyles, so you don’t have to dance around the vanilla - you can strut about in your latex catsuit and find others who are into the same thing as you. But how easy is it to connect with other kinksters with an login?

Forming part of a larger group that contains the famous site, Adult Friend Finder, the first dating site primarily aimed at finding sexual partners, does an login get you all the smooth professionalism you’d expect for all that experience? Visual Appeal | Dark and brooding

I knew I’d come over to the dark side from the moment I arrived at It’s black, with a highlight of grey with white text. It’s completely different from any of the mainstream dating sites which are bright and fresh. However, I couldn’t write an review without mentioning how dated it looks. Blocky and crowded, it takes a little while to work out where everything is.

As an example, the message inbox is cluttered, and it can be challenging to work out where your messages are as there are lots of different folders they can end up in. On my first login, I spent a lot of my time just working out where everything was.

Screenshot from home page members can even bash one out... a blog, that is. Navigation and User Experience | Old school

I had trouble signing up to The first two times I tried, I ended up being blocked. I’m unsure why, but I suspect because of the email accounts I used, maybe I looked like a spam account. The process otherwise was fairly easy, but not necessarily friendly to all.

Questions are very binary, focusing on male or female, and transvestite, transgender and transsexual people are lumped together as one group. Also, the only orientations you can pick from are straight/gay/ bisexual or bi-curious. You can, however, select a profile as a couple, not just as a single person which is useful for those kinky couples out there who are looking for more.

Once you’ve signed up all you need to find fun kinksters is in the top bar of the site when you start your login. It’s easy to search members, check webcams, photos, videos, join groups or chat with others. However, some of these things you’ll only be able to do if you’re a paid member, more about that later.  Though if you’ve read any other review, you might have an idea of what’s coming.

Once you have an idea of what is on offer, it’s relatively easy to navigate. It’s finding everything in the first place that I found hard work. There is just so much, and it’s difficult to search out the specifics that you want. Even when using the various search tools, you get lots of hits for items that might mention the keyword you entered but don’t really have much to do with it.  Compared to the barrenness of mainstream dating sites you are quite spoilt for choice.

The site runs well, I noticed no lagging and when using the IM feature, I didn’t have any problems with it freezing or anything like that. Once you get to grips with the vastness, works well.

sign up banner review Community Feel | Kinks, fetishes and more has several ways to connect with the fetish community at large, from groups, blogs, and magazine articles, to live chat, webcams, and IM. It’s possible to meet lots of different kinksters. I could put all my kinks and fetishes on my profile so that people can see it at a glance. Meaning there was no awkward moment where I confessed what I was into. You can be honest about who you are with an login.

It seems there are more men on than women; one source suggests the site is made up of 80% males and only 20% females. What I saw when writing this review certainly backs that up. However, the community is filled with practitioners of BDSM, fetishists, and kinksters, so you know that all the people you match up with will be open to kink, and that might make I worth an login for you.

As a woman, I found a little overwhelming. There is no way to block users from messaging you; however, there is a link at the bottom of every page where you can report users for inappropriate behaviors. There isn’t a way to filter your incoming messages, which I found meant I was getting messages from interested parties worldwide.  

If you’re looking to meet people who are only within your local area, this might not be the site for you.  If you’re all about kink all the time, your review will be different as there is so much fetish material for you to dig your teeth into.

Screenshot from members page
The Hottest Member Photos page sadly doesn't seem to show much on but of course, if you pay, you can see all!

Is Free to Use? A little tease, nothing more

You can sign up to for free; however, the features that can used for free are limited.

It is free to:

  • Browse the hottest member’s videos and photos
  • Use instant messenger, Flash Chat and Live Member Webcams (limited views)
  • Read and post blogs
  • Post status updates
  • Use the groups feature

Everything else, including viewing full profiles and sending messages involves purchasing premium packages which means your options as a free member are limited, which is a definite negative of this review.

There are adverts on the site on most pages, they’re not too invasive, but I wouldn’t want to browse the site anywhere that wasn’t private because of the explicit nature of these ads. Review | Final thoughts - a kinky haven? has lots of users, is made for people in alternative lifestyles and has a community feel - but can be hard to navigate. It limits free users in what they can do and looks quite old fashioned. However, sometimes a bit of old-style nostalgia isn’t a bad thing.

If you’re sick of mainstream dating sites and want something fresh where you can send messages as soon as you sign up, you should have an alternative dating experience at :smiling_imp:

This article was originally published on 1st January 2015 and was updated on 7th January 2020.

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Have you tried Do you agree with our review? Tell us in the comments below. Spanks for reading! review scorecard
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[…] monetise what is initially a free service. Dekadom users get unlimited usage and profile views, a classic lure used by kinky dating sites to bag themselves more paying […]

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[…] It’s hard to get away from the feeling that Church of Chains is veering toward the escort area of BDSM at the expense of community. Mistressl is a major player on the site, her profile is the featured member on the front page, she posted eight of the 12 available videos and she has a prominent blurb where she scouts for subs on the sites entry page. Members are encouraged to follow the links to her website, where she recruits subs to run errands and buy her gifts. It may be scintillating for some, but if you’re looking for some play without having to pay, try elsewhere. […]

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