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Considering watersports


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I have recently started seeing another switch. I’m typically submissive when playing with vanilla partners, but have been exploring topping with this new partner. 
He asked if I was interested in piss play. I’m intrigued, but I want to feel “pretty” if I’m going to urinate on him at any point. 

I don’t have much experience in watersports and have only ever done it with a very long term partner. 

Is it fair that I ask for a quid pro quo of sorts of “I’ll play if you pay for my Brazilian wax?”

Discuss it with him, I'm sure he'll be happy to hear about your thought processes especially knowing what he's getting in return.... I think if it works as a broader aspect of your play then do it... if your motives are different and you essentially want him to pay for his golden shower then tell him that as well 🔥🔥🔥

I think this will divide opinion, haha.

But, if your boundary is "OK, I will try this with you / if you pay for a wax" then that's your boundary and it's fair.  

There's three likely outcomes.

- he agrees this is fair and you both get something you want and can decide what to do going forward

- he doesn't agree this is fair in which case he doesn't get pissed on

- he agrees this is fair but can't afford it in which case he can test his wider submission by making sacrifices, budgeting and saving until he can

it may of course be he tries to haggle or whatever in which case you can use this as a thought on how he'd try to compromise your boundaries.  

I dont get you... You want to 'feel pretty' to do this... From this sentence, should be understood that you do not care about 'feeling pretty' in the rest of occassions with the other people?? That sounds really disrespectful. If you want to feel pretty do it for yourself, not because of the situation you are going to be into... And do not wax, laser or sugaring are much more effective and if you take advantage of that poor fella at least do it properly
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