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Testicle ***

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I'm usually masochistic with men, but I have one sadistic fantasy I have a question about.

I'd like to simultaneously suck a subbie's cock while also squeezing his balls until they hurt. To get the gratification I think I need, I want to reduce him to tears before telling me he's reached his limit.

My question is, can I inflict that much *** on testicles without causing serious harm? Can I trust my sub to not let me go too far?

My favorite sadist was very good about not harming me unacceptably while enjoying my suffering, and I want to be just as responsible.


The human hand can have increased PSI strength increas during sexual exploits , due to all different aspects and arousal.
Evan not wanting to you could physically crush a testicular on in side the sack
Can you crush a tomato, you can crush a nut.

Now let's mix in *** threshold everybody is different on levels of*** and love .
How much do you love *** .
So your sub loves the touch of *** so much that they can not control themselves.

That's why you need to know how much can you trust yourself and the safety of your playmate


The human hand can have increased PSI strength increas during sexual exploits , due to all different aspects and arousal.
Evan not wanting to you could physically crush a testicular on in side the sack
Can you crush a tomato, you can crush a nut.

Now let's mix in *** threshold everybody is different on levels of*** and love .
How much do you love *** .
So your sub loves the touch of *** so much that they can not control themselves.

That's why you need to know how much can you trust yourself and the safety of your playmate


I think your sub will let you know when he can't take anymore. I personally love this sort of play as well as also having them punched so you can always try it out on me haha 


I would say it is your responsibility to ensure yours subs safety in this case, rather than shifting it onto him not to let you go too far.
If Im choking my little girl, can I trust her not to die suddenly or am I the one who needs to make sure she doesn't suffer a brain haemorrhage.
If you WANT to be as responsible as your favourite sadist, then you have to take on the challenge. You cant top like a bottom!

1 hour ago, SirPhileasFlogg said:

I would say it is your responsibility to ensure yours subs safety in this case, rather than shifting it onto him not to let you go too far.
If Im choking my little girl, can I trust her not to die suddenly or am I the one who needs to make sure she doesn't suffer a brain haemorrhage.
If you WANT to be as responsible as your favourite sadist, then you have to take on the challenge. You cant top like a bottom!

Agree with this BUT would say that communication is important. A sub knows (or should know) their limits, their *** threshold.

In this scenario I'd suggest looking into the risks of real harm to the testicles and then let the sub guide the Dom as to how far to go. Maybe with the traffic light system. Otherwise how do you find the limit?


I like the traffic light metaphor. As an engineer, I appreciate that more information is often better than less. And I will be testing my own limits, too, because I am inexperienced playing sadist. I still haven't learned whether actually inflicting *** on someone will be as enjoyable as the fantasy.

Of those inclined toward being on the receiving end, what do you think of my plan to mix simultaneous pleasure and *** like this? And what other ways could I combine pleasure and *** like that?

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