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Plus sized confidence boost tips?


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I'm sure you look amazing. Don't worry what others think. Just do you x


From a certain perspective its not so much about the physicality of the person its more about the presence or aura that person creates. If you are self conscious about how you look remember that your partner still wants you and is not going to shame you (trust me they wouldn't dare if they were worth your time).


Embrace every beautiful inch of yourself, we are all scarred and flawed, it's part of being human, and so is being harsh on ourselves when we really should try to embrace the wonder of being here at all. I'm sure you're a fellow powerful, beautiful woman, embrace yourself , be your own Queen x


Surround yourself with positivity and people that make you feel good! Not just IRL, take a look at your Instragram etc. unfollow everyone that makes you feel any sort of bad vibe towards yourself and your body.

Don’t forget to look at yourself with appreciation, you have an amazing body that deserves to be uplifted! If anyone tells you different - remove them your life.
Stretch marks, scars, cellulites are all normal and please don’t look at it all as imperfections, they truly aren’t. You deserve to be happy in your own body 💗


I too am plus sized hunni, only I. a submissive, and I often worry about my tummy and of i look good enough. it's all in your head. you are beautiful and sometimes we forget that xxx do you and those who don't like it don't need to look xxxx


I understand. I'm temporarily huge and hate it. And it really doesn't matter what the other person thinks, it's how I feel, and act even.
What about one of these crotchless bodysuit numbers, there's some very sexy bed wear around that'll help a lot


If a guy is with you, is because he wants. I mean, they can see with clothes more or less what they will find without... And for sure they also have parts of the body they dislike.
There's also exercises and creams you can try and tattoos!! Get a killer tattoo, nobody will see the tummy!


Wholly agree with @Vikingdom, try not to worry about the judgment that others hold over you for how you look. You are you and you should be worshipped anyway (being a Domme)

26 minutes ago, SubBrat1 said:

I understand. I'm temporarily huge and hate it. And it really doesn't matter what the other person thinks, it's how I feel, and act even.
What about one of these crotchless bodysuit numbers, there's some very sexy bed wear around that'll help a lot

I may have already ordered one and its waiting for me at the post office 😌🤣


Corsets are great to look at and supply confidence to the wearer


My wife of over 30 years says the same thing about herself. I reassure her that she is as sexy today to me as the day I meet her. I her all kinds of different cloths and outfits. It seems to help her see herself as I see her!!


I’m a plus size girl (I’m also a switch) and I’ve struggled with my body image for ages but I’ve learnt to embrace my curves and I feel much happier both in & out of the bedroom. I’m sure you look gorgeous 🙏 don’t listen to any negativity


Best tip... try for one night forget about it and do whatever you like... helped me massively! When you'll realise that the only thing between you and immense fun is limitation in your head! it will flow after that ! I've got quite visible scars on my both armes and I'm never happy with the way my body look like ... BUT when I decided to focus on my partner and on what I like I realise that I'm capable to do pretty awesome stuff ;) good luck and once again its doesn't matter how you look like ! Sex should give you a pleasure you deserve so focus on that and enjoy !


Remember that normal people fully understand the struggles of life & will not care about weight issues & stretch marks. Everyones got their own issues. Anyone who says otherwise is lying lol nobody is perfect & decent people understand this. Plus, there's plenty of people who actually like bigger women. Myself included 😁 but as for your own self confidence, you can try doing what I do. Joke about it lol I myself have stretch marks due to gaining so much muscle mass, & I like to joke around it when people see it. Helps me a whole lot👍


If you're a Dom, it's not about how you look, but how you make your sub feel. Blindfold your partner. Helps me relax


Lots of great advice here! I hate my stomach too, it's the worst part and I have several body suits plus a very funky pair of crotchless shorts that I feel sexy in because it's then covered up/held in. I know that I should accept that part of my body. Men don't care less!


Just own it! You would be surprised most men (me included) prefer the larger lady, don’t listen to the press and instagram about what the perfect body image is as i can assure you it certainly isn’t skin and bones.
If the person you’re dating likes you for who you are just rock that shit and own it 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


It's good to remember that for every person out there who lusts after somebody built like Twiggy (The 60's model, likely nicknamed for her tiny build) there's another that lusts just as hard for the biggest people around, and every other build or feature set in between.

The only important thing is to live healthy, as goes for people of any build, and worry about being comfortable with yourself.  Don't let your self worth revolve around the opinions of others, as more often than not they only act critical to deflect from their own self worth issues.

Remind yourself that you're beautiful in whatever way possible, and 'eff 'em all' who disagree.


I love these responses.

OP: here's my two sticky pennies, as a dom lady that has a big ol' fertility goddess body. Every body is attractive to at least one person that's gonna be attractive to that body. Any time we choose NOT to waste trying to people-please with our body is time we can spend on what really matters. I'm talking about self-care and living our best life, and in my experience that makes more room in my life for those who want *me*.

I'm into [among others] younger/fitter/smaller-than-me masculine subs. I don't wear constricting clothing aside from my back braces and garter. If we're going to have an intimate relationship they will see me naked. If they're not someone I know will "worship" my whole being, gunt included, we never progress to that point. My happiness and health come first, period.

Last note: when I was in my 20s, I spent some time at Overeaters Anonymous. One thing that stayed with me all this time was the shares from formerly-super-morbidly-obese members in which they said they had to learn to love their body as much at 300,400+ pounds as much as they thought they would love it at 130 pounds. That was so foreign to me as I'd been raised in a household steeped in diet culture, taught to hate/lament the physiology that was working as designed rather than love and honor it. Still, it's taken me 20 years and two repair-type surgeries for me to get it.

Thanks for this thread, @misshunnie! Think I'll go shop for a two piece for the beach.


I have to agree with everyone here. ^^ There will always a body type for everyone.
Even more so when you would wear your lingerie. Most men would be staring at that anyway xD


I've never believed that a man would actually prefer my body type. I've thought that all the men I've been with overlooked the bad bits because I have a good rack or some other reason. I don't think I'd believe anyone who said they liked my body as it is. And I appreciate that this may read as though I am judgmental about other women's bodies. In fact I'm envious as hell that anyone can own a bigger body with confidence.


Live writes its story on all of us and it's not uncommon to be self-conscious of how we look. I would suggest focusing on your positive personality and what you have to give rather than physical appearance. You could take up exercises that will help your figure.


I haven’t seen your tummy but I’ve seen your face and your personality, and they’re both beautiful. You were born with the face; but the most important bit - the personality - you made that yourself.

You did good, Girl.

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