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I Was A Submissive

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I Was A Submissive

Before anyone jumps to conclusions, I will state that I have NEVER had submissive tendencies...but I did get to find out what it meant from the other side!
I shall explain.
When my girl and I used to visit the Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar it was our routine to take a break for lunch with a group of friends and adjourn to a local restaurant. They always gave us a large table that seated up to 10 people, and the mix of characters changed each month. The discussions were what made the whole experience, and I learned a great deal from the opinions of others.
One one such occasion, we were joined by a gorgeous Domme called Lady Jane, who not only had my girl swooning all over her, but raised a point that had the whole table thinking. She asked who, out of the 3 Doms at the table, had experienced what they looked to introduce their girls to? Did any of us know what it felt like? Were we brave enough?
The answer was, from all of us, an unequivocal "No".
However, she had got me thinking, and, after the others had left to return to the BBB, we continued the conversation.
She explained, quite rightly, that Dominants owed it to their submissives to know exactly what it will feel like when under their hands.
The upshot of all this was that we arranged for her to come and stay with us for a weekend, and for those two days I would be her submissive.
I will admit I felt a great deal of trepidation, and a fair amount of alcohol may have been involved in the decision, but rationalised that it would teach Me a great deal. I was right.
That weekend is still a blur, but I experienced things I had never dreamed of. It was fucking hard work! You sub guys out there gained a new respect from me!
I was pegged, plugged, flogged, made to service her orally (the most pleasant part of the weekend) and chained at the end of the bed. The night was interesting in itself, as I could only watch as she ravaged my girl mercilessly. I became the gopher, chased from pillar to post doing chores, while my girl giggled and encouraged Lady Jane to be meaner. You can rest assured she paid for that later.

The Sunday morning she came to release me, and I noticed she did it very gingerly and stepped back quickly. When I asked her what the matter was, she laughed and said she didn't want to be grabbed. She informed Me that all the time I was under her hands that the look in my eyes worried her...she knew I was fighting to let the control go for the purposes of the knowledge, but she could also see that if I slipped the chains she would be in trouble.
Over coffee (after I had showered and returned to normal) we talked through the whole experience. I admitted then, and will admit now, that it was an amazing learning process...and gave me invaluable insight into what it means, at least physically, to be under control. I will never understand the emotional side, as I lack the necessary desires, but I can now take those into account.

It may not be something all you D types out there would wish to do, but if you are brave enough, and truly want to know, then consider it.

Stay safe and well out there.

I wish more D types had the fortitude to experience what you did to at least try to understand what makes a sub valuable and the mindset that has to go into it. I truly believe that in order to be the best D type you can be you have to know what the implements you are using on a sub feel like, what can bring about pleasure, and what can bring about ***. As I begin my journey into exploring my dominant side I look forward to all it has to offer. Having been an alpha sub my entire foray into the lifestyle (over 15 years) I have an urge to give the pleasure and joy associated with submission to another.
6 minutes ago, Leisa said:

I wish more D types had the fortitude to experience what you did to at least try to understand what makes a sub valuable and the mindset that has to go into it. I truly believe that in order to be the best D type you can be you have to know what the implements you are using on a sub feel like, what can bring about pleasure, and what can bring about ***. As I begin my journey into exploring my dominant side I look forward to all it has to offer. Having been an alpha sub my entire foray into the lifestyle (over 15 years) I have an urge to give the pleasure and joy associated with submission to another.

I will be the first to confess it wasn't something I had considered before that moment, as I was under the misapprehension I knew what went on. I was wrong. While I cannot fathom the emotional level that a submissive has, I can now understand what it means to give total control to someone physically. I have said it many times in the past, and I shall say it again....submissives are the bravest people in this Lifestyle, and deserve to be comfortable in the hands of the One they choose.

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