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30 Questions Day 9 Q9


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Do you Set,  accept and/or expect structure, rules and limits as a part of your dynamic?
How do you feel about them?

Previous: Q8, Q7, Q6, Q5, Q4, Q3Q2, Q1

I/we have rules and limits in place.

Limits were negotiated at the beginning of the relationship and that set has changed as we got to know eachother better and trust grew.

Rules and structure are important as long as they are not arbitrary. There will be probably in the coming days a postabout protocol, which is imo a fancy way of setting structure.

Rules for the sake of rules, for the sake of dominance or submission are pointless however... Pointless rules make the submission pointless and equally the energy invested in dominance

I need structure and rules. When I vet/date someone, I let them know. I also keep both: my soft and hard limits and anyone trying to cross any of them will be guilty of a consent ***. If I want to try or remove any, I want that because I decide not because others decides.
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