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Should I use the information confessed to me by my Slave?

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So genuine question... I have a guy who I have been working on/with online for a while and he has a lot of secrets he has confessed to me over the last two years.

Some of the stuff he has admitted he has done or still does is really quite inappropriate and almost always includes a total invasion of privacy of multiple females.

One such admission is that he spends a lot of time at a friend's house. The friend lives with his mother and when she is not home, he sneaks into her bedroom, takes her panties and uses them to do very dirty thing with!

What should I do? Should I tell the mother?


if he will do this to other people; he will do this to you.  The warning flags are already there.

He needs to stop - but you might well only have his word that he has stopped

At the minute, it may well be the best thing you can do is wash your hands with him - because he runs rampant risk here of assorted attention seeking behaviour ranging from acting up in order to be punished, or, expecting a reward or attention for basic human decency.

So you've been connected to this guy for two years, openly state he's confessed to things you consider are inappropriate and yet remain connected to him? Not only does that raise questions about him but you also!!
If you're maintaining a relationship with him despite these "confessions" you're effectively condoning his actions.
As to whether you should tell the mother - do you know her? If so how do you think she'll react when you tell her and that you've known for some time, assuming you have?
I think you should punish them and make them learn that's unacceptable behaviour
If you don’t like what the guy does end your “relationship” with him.
Is anything he does illegal?
If it’s inappropriate in your eyes other people may have a different perception of his actions.

In a nutshell: what is inappropriate to one person may not be to another. And he doesn’t seem to feel his actions are unusual otherwise he wouldn’t have shared with you.

It could be argued that you are being judgemental. After all we all have opinions and they don’t necessarily chime with those of others.

If any of his actions could be considered as illegal that’s another matter entirely and it might be considered you have aided and abetted the guy by not bringing the matters to the authorities.
Well it’s not secret anymore then! You betrayed the trust of that person by publishing your conversation on this site. If nothing illegal done you don’t have the right to report it. If it bother your moral mind then stop the whatever relationship you have with him.
If he really does what he told you, many are fantasist to get attention or punishment.
Being a Dom/Master is having the knowledge and perception on how to deal with any situation. It’s not just bossing about a sub thinking it’s an easy task. It shows when people facing difficult situation they can’t assess by themselves and could end up in a real mess, dangerous or even fatal.
Anyway in my opinion just get rid of him, he can’t respect friends privacy or private property it’s just red flag
First things first: Is he breaking the law?
I think it needs to be clear wether its a moral or a judicial issue. Otherwise pretty much agree with ‚tunbridge-wells143‘. As long as he is not „hurting“ anyone, don’t do anything except for asking urself: what exactly is bothering me knowing he does these things?
57 minutes ago, tunbridge-wells143 said:
If you don’t like what the guy does end your “relationship” with him.
Is anything he does illegal?
If it’s inappropriate in your eyes other people may have a different perception of his actions.

In a nutshell: what is inappropriate to one person may not be to another. And he doesn’t seem to feel his actions are unusual otherwise he wouldn’t have shared with you.

It could be argued that you are being judgemental. After all we all have opinions and they don’t necessarily chime with those of others.

If any of his actions could be considered as illegal that’s another matter entirely and it might be considered you have aided and abetted the guy by not bringing the matters to the authorities.

Whilst I agree that "appropriate" may be open to interpretation - based on the example given, which is not strictly illegal, though that may depend on the geography of the person concerned - it's highly inappropriate no matter which way you look at it.
I know it's a fairly common activity amongst some men, but that doesn't make it any less appropriate in my eyes, or that of the vast majority - so I wouldn't suggest the OP is being judgemental in the slightest based on that example, though I do think by maintaining the relationship despite these "confessions" (whether they be real or not) she is condoning the behaviour.

How do you know what they say is even true & not just a fantasy they have portrayed as being something they've done to spark a responce from you, whether its to shock you & get a reaction & maybe discipline & punish them

Also if this slave is just online, how are you going to tell the woman, that im assuming you don't know, about his supposed secret
It’s your business if you want to continue with someone who has invaded multiple peoples privacy. Way I see it and without knowing the precise nature of the transgressions (although from what you’ve suggested I can make an educated guess at at least one) there’s 3 things you can do. Nothing, the middle ground which could be some intervention or corrective action on your part or call time on your arrangement.

on appropriateness and morality and indeed legality

for a simple question on appropriateness - if his friend, or friends mother, knew about these alleged actions - would they be ok with it?  If not, there is the issue.

on legality, there would be a case against him, yes.  If nothing else it could be prosecuted as theft, even if the item was returned.   There'd also be potential for prosecutions under indecency laws.

Look you don’t know if it’s true, talking means nothing you have to have actual proof. Your are stuck you can’t do anything with the exception of punishing him! If it makes you feel uncomfortable then do the appropriate punishment.
Is he your slave and you do nothing about it? Have you told him to stop such behaviours? Have you taken any action to correct his behaviour?
Secrets told in confidence should be kept secrets unless possible harm to someone is construed surely ?
Also could be just a fantasy that he hopes you’ll punish him for 🤷🏻‍♂️
Posted (edited)

This is a catch 22. I understand he trusts you to tell you all these things, and he is your Slave. It could be made up stories like another said. Past and current should not matter, but in this case, it is an overall Bad Energy. You should start distancing yourself fast! Also to add, it might be a "cryptic message/confession" he is already, or will do later on to you. 

Edited by Deleted Member
Posted (edited)
49 minutes ago, KinksterGuy said:

Secrets told in confidence should be kept secrets unless possible harm to someone is construed surely ?

I agree with you and about harm, but I would still start distancing myself. With him doing naughty things with woman underwear, there can be potiential harm. The chances are very, very tiny, but he can spread bacteria to her. If you think I am bit over cautious, then you would think differently with the things I have seen. Example: A girl got H*V from giving oral sex, and she was a virgin.

Edited by Deleted Member
10 minutes ago, kiseu said:

I agree with you and about harm, but I would still start distancing myself. With him doing naughty things with woman underwear, there can be potiential harm. The chances are very, very tiny, but he can spread bacteria to her. If you think I am bit over cautious, then you would think differently with the things I have seen. Example: A girl got H*V from giving oral sex, and she was a virgin.

All ***agers should have the HPV vaccine

2 hours ago, tunbridge-wells143 said:

All ***agers should have the HPV vaccine

I hope they do. Actually, I meant worse.

I would probably tell the mother to be on the cautious side. People like this tend to start off with smaller, seemingly harmless acts then could escalate to other things that could be harmful (mentally, emotionally, or otherwise). Remember: safe, sane consensual. I like: safety first. Safety second. Fun last. 😉
  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/25/2022 at 2:22 AM, Danni1991 said:

So genuine question... I have a guy who I have been working on/with online for a while and he has a lot of secrets he has confessed to me over the last two years.

Some of the stuff he has admitted he has done or still does is really quite inappropriate and almost always includes a total invasion of privacy of multiple females.

One such admission is that he spends a lot of time at a friend's house. The friend lives with his mother and when she is not home, he sneaks into her bedroom, takes her panties and uses them to do very dirty thing with!

What should I do? Should I tell the mother?

Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. After giving it some more thought I decided that the guy should not be able to get away with what he is doing and also that he should be punished in an appropriate manner!

So... I arranged a Zoom call when he was at home alone as he lives with his mum.

Once the call started I got him to strip completely naked for me to see on camera. I then told him to go to his mum's bedroom (with his phone) go to her dirty laundry basket and pick out all her pairs of panties so I could see them all!

He pulled out several pairs and I noticed that there was a rather sexy red satin and lace pair... upon closer inspection realised it was a thong. I told him to take the thong back to his room and once he was there I told him to set the camera up so I could see him clearly!

I made him take the thong, turn it inside out and then show me the strip of fabric at the back (the part of the thong that had been between his mum's butt cheeks! I then told him that I wanted him to lick that part slowly up and down continuously so I could clearly see it all on camera... he actually started doing it... and I screen recorded the entire thing

2 hours ago, Danni1991 said:

Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. After giving it some more thought I decided that the guy should not be able to get away with what he is doing and also that he should be punished in an appropriate manner!

So... I arranged a Zoom call when he was at home alone as he lives with his mum.

Once the call started I got him to strip completely naked for me to see on camera. I then told him to go to his mum's bedroom (with his phone) go to her dirty laundry basket and pick out all her pairs of panties so I could see them all!

He pulled out several pairs and I noticed that there was a rather sexy red satin and lace pair... upon closer inspection realised it was a thong. I told him to take the thong back to his room and once he was there I told him to set the camera up so I could see him clearly!

I made him take the thong, turn it inside out and then show me the strip of fabric at the back (the part of the thong that had been between his mum's butt cheeks! I then told him that I wanted him to lick that part slowly up and down continuously so I could clearly see it all on camera... he actually started doing it... and I screen recorded the entire thing

So you chose to encourage and condone his activity as a "punishment"? Think you've misinterpreted the vast majority of the responses on this thread - either that or this thread belongs in the "stories" section

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