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To kiss or not to kiss 😘

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SS93...I would say to kiss. And if you're going to have something hot af, don't you need to cook with gasoline? And kissing is that gasoline...The kissing I'm talking about, is deep, passionate, soft, hard, lip sucking, insatiable, fingers in your hair, can't get enough of your tongue in my mouth kissing....Will you fall in with kissing and sex? Maybe not, but you won't ef-ing forget it..
I think if you set healthy boundaries and expectations it should be fine. Especially if it’s apart of your turn ons!
It depends on the level of kiss plus state of mind and what the understanding is between you two
I Definitely don’t do kissing with FWB
I personally wouldn’t sleep with someone I can’t kiss and kissing has never ruined any FWB situation for me.
Don’t agree. I have 2 FWB. One is a GREAT kisser, the other not so much.
Any physical intimacy can result in the development of feelings. And while there is no set rule on how a FWB situationship (Good Gods, I hate that term) should proceed, you should understand that anything intimate has the possibility of producing emotions and connections. If you want to kiss, and you enjoy it, then do so. If you don't want to catch feelings, you'll just have to keep reminding yourself that this is purely physical.
I used to have the same rule. Once you are confident in your separation of love and sex you can easily accept that kissing is part of the sexual act and should be fine.
I think this idea actually comes from the film “Pretty Woman”

Also, it very much depends on the specific dynamic and your own preferences. Kissing may enhance romantic feelings, it may not. Not much help I know, but my point is, you can have all the advice in the world on this and it is still your decision
I disagree. Kissing is mandatory with me. If there is no attraction or chemistry then we are not making love
Kiss you all over and over again like the song says.
Kissing is how I win my sub.. but I’m not looking for just a hook up.
Kissing is a huge turn on for me. I’m not getting fully revved up if we’re not kissing. It is not something that would make me “fall” for someone, but foreplay in my mind. 🖤
Lmao yikes…I gotta have kisses or I ain’t want it
Another everyone is different perspective. Kissing means something different and does different things for different people. I do not kiss every woman. Kissing is a right of passage for me because if I kiss you that means something and you will never forget it. That's discussed upfront so it's no surprise
Yeah, the I don't kiss rule is BS. If they have that rule, it's for other reasons other than anything logical, kissing IS foreplay.

If you don't foreplay, for a dumb reason, then it's backed by dumb reasoning. 🤷‍♂️
If you can kiss the body why not the mouth? It's a turn on for myself
Did he also say it’s not gay if your bald don’t touch?
I do like a little kissing before anything else happens. I don’t need a lot of it but I like starting any relationship (especially a sexual one) with that little bit of tenderness. Got a fwb and the first time we were together I got that kiss, but now we really only do a goodbye kiss. It feels right for us. If it’s something important to someone, they need to bring it up like everything else. The sooner the better
Personally, I just don’t think it’d feel right without a bit of kissing… neck kisses especially just make me melt 😩
Its a mental situation on separating the two. Also it’s understandable if someone gives you a amazing night to be like “oh i want to have that again.” Knowing when to take a pause and gave good communication is a key to it. Sometimes you may have to take a pause to step back.
It’s nice to have friends opinion but they need to know what they are taking about or have knowledge on the subjects. I less your friend have years of emotional experiences or a degree on kissing and emotion psychology it’s pointless to make sweeping statement.

Personally I don’t kiss my subs but that’s because most were young but also it’s not my thing either.
I am sure plenty people have kissed before and don’t end up getting married….
Emotional attachment happens usually when more than kissing get into the action. As long you agreed to not go further than a fwb type of relations then it’s ok to kiss…
16 hours ago, DizzyBear said:

Exactly! I have to have kissing and it's such a waste if we don't kiss cause I'm sooo good at it.. and who gives a ****.. why can't we fall for each other 😏 fwb or not

Some people may not want to fall for their FWB because there may be different ideas as to what you are to each other which may cause tension and stress between you and your fwb.

Definitely to Kiss, and if ya fall, you fall and all the better. ;)
Kissing means more to me than sex. I've never done casual sex / fwb, so I can't really comment on how I would feel kissing and trying not to "fall for them". I've only only ever had long term relationships.
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