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6 hours ago, drseventy6 said:

Given that a good Dom needs to care about the health, safety and wellbeing of a sub, then you are opening yourself up to ***. If you aren't ***, then how much do you actually care about your subs safety? Anyone who thinks it makes the Dom weak, doesn't understand the power exchange and trusta good dynamic needs. I would also question if that same person thinks stopping on safe words is a sign of weakness đŸ€”

Absolutely rubbish and incoherent 

6 hours ago, potter420 said:
And what seems like alot of men on this app seem to forget. The dominant is not in charge. The submissive person has to say one word and everything stops. Its an illusion. Yes the submissive gives that control up, but they are still in control. One word and it all stops. Thats control.

It appears some don’t know which way the power actually flows. For the record, I can still kick ass all day long, even with tears streaming down my face.

Vulnerability portrayed as weakness is as bass akwards and a Dom think he has the power. Potter420 said it right - who can stop the whole show dead in it’s tracks with one single word?

5 hours ago, JenLynne said:

Better bubble wrap that masculinity. It looks real fragile. A person (man, woman, Dom, sub, etc) who is incapable of being emotionally *** is the truly weak one

Girl - the more I listen to you, the more I like your stuff. Good Girl. Keep bringing it.

Being emotional occasionally is not a weakness. If the Dom ends up more emotional than his sub consistently, there man be a problem. Just make sure you’re not mistaking caring and kind with emotional. I had a wonderful Dom who was extremely caring and compassionate. I’ve also had one who was extremely emotionally abusive. I’ll definitely take the first over the second.
Not being able to be emotionally *** during sex is awful. I hated having sex with people who were so insecure and I hated when I wouldn't let myself be emotionally ***. Don't do that to yourself Op

OK, some don't seem to get it still...

Vulnerability is not weakness, being emotional is not the same as being unstable. You can't be "too ***" if someone takes advantage of that it's their failing not yours. 

One shouldn't need to "assert dominance" you should conduct yourself in a way that submission is freely given. Dominant and submissive are gender neutral and  kink and D/s isn't inherently sexual. 


Also, don't get your Mogwai wet. 😉

I think we need to understand how different people define emotionally ***, to me it means 
. “is putting yourself out there, intentionally or unintentionally. Showing a part of yourself that you may feel sensitive about, exposing something that makes you feel seen by others.”

A quick google search turns out several definitions.. like feeling anxious about that sharing.

I maintain that in a healthy way, being emotionally *** intentionally is a sign of trust, and is an incredibly brave act, therefore a great attribute.
2 hours ago, QXX666 said:

Absolutely rubbish and incoherent 

You might want to work on your reading comprehension skills then. 

2 hours ago, wakefield523 said:

No your totally right, my wording in this was in hindsight pretty bad.

My intention was to imply there was no right or wrong way in terms of nuances within the dynamic such as not showing or showing vulnerability, not that there was no right or wrong way to actually be a dom(me), I was thinking from a place of the dom(me) was already working within an ethical framework.

I figured that's how you meant it but we have to be careful and choose words intentionally because of the state of things. **waves arms in vague general direction of some people**

Vulnerability is strength the ability to be *** with yourself and others. Truly exposing oneself on a multitude of levels. Emotional, social and physical
This question is what we call a red flag
1 hour ago, MrReader said:
This question is what we call a red flag

How is it a red flag? Can’t someone in possession of power show emotion

1 hour ago, MrReader said:
This question is what we call a red flag

Love to know how this is a red flag? Can’t people in power show their emotions? It’s like saying that when someone dies you can’t cry at their funeral

7 hours ago, QXX666 said:

No as it’s weakness. A submissive want someone who’s strong and can rely on. 
like things she want during a session is a Dom that start crying
ps: I don’t mean to be rude but your profile pic and your username are like miles away apart 

My profile picture and name have nothing to do with this.

Yes, because you’re still human. I don’t see you as any less of my Dom. If anything it makes me feel closer to you.
I find it strange that people would even adopt these roles if they have no real connection... although I don't really like the BDSM or kink scenes. Maybe my opinion isn't valid, but this is my logic..

If you don't want any real connection, probably do what you think is going to maintain your image .. cos you just need some meat to do stuff to.

If you do want real connection, you can't have that unless you can communicate your emotions on some level.
38 minutes ago, PressingMatters said:
I find it strange that people would even adopt these roles if they have no real connection... although I don't really like the BDSM or kink scenes. Maybe my opinion isn't valid, but this is my logic..

If you don't want any real connection, probably do what you think is going to maintain your image .. cos you just need some meat to do stuff to.

If you do want real connection, you can't have that unless you can communicate your emotions on some level.

All options are valid

Absolutely, as a submissive it is just as much my job to take care of my Dominant as it is their job to take care of me.
My was when my dom got misty...it endeared me to him he didn't try to claim a completely attic good complex... He was loving empathetic and I excelled to please him moreso...I loved him and needed tender moments to trust
Yesterday at 02:25 PM, QXX666 said:

No as it’s weakness. A submissive want someone who’s strong and can rely on. 
like things she want during a session is a Dom that start crying
ps: I don’t mean to be rude but your profile pic and your username are like miles away apart 

Again being *** is NOT a weakness, it's a STRENGTH. And it strengthens the Dom/sub connection and dynamic.. I wouldn't want a cold unfeeling sub, so why would a sub want an unfeeling Dom... stop living in the 50s where men could show no emotion or only be stoic...

7 hours ago, Daddy-n-Paddy said:

Again being *** is NOT a weakness, it's a STRENGTH. And it strengthens the Dom/sub connection and dynamic.. I wouldn't want a cold unfeeling sub, so why would a sub want an unfeeling Dom... stop living in the 50s where men could show no emotion or only be stoic...

I never said a Dom shouldn’t be emotional. We are talking about vulnerability!!
Being *** is being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. so nothing about it show strength! Why a sub would trust a Dom who can’t protect himself in the first place. She chose him for protecting her, supporting her and make a grow during the dynamic. She doesn’t want a man calling her crying because he got some issues 😂

On 6/22/2023 at 5:34 AM, master-halos said:

My profile picture and name have nothing to do with this.

Yeah obviously, hence your original question. I just can’t imagine a Master using that kind of filter or any tbh. But it’s your profile. Are you a sub or Dom?? 

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