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Yes the can be a unicorn but I've heard them referred as bulls
I think it's because most people think it's the man's idea and that they're only doing it to please him etc I know I have seen a lot of subs in similar situations where they've agreed to it when they should of said no
I think it can only be a female
So is it bull or dragon
I’ll choose to be dragon then
I can only speak for my experiences. Unicorns are difficult mainly b/c they know that they will Never be the #1 person in the Alphas life.

As an example I don't seek Unicorns. I just seek subs(insert title here) and I do what I do. But as I do those things I begin to bring my subs into my family. Meeting the wife, the child.....eating dinners....spending vanilla time with them and the wife. My subs also know up front....that they are secondary to my Wife. She is the Alpha female of the house. And they must respect that.
Usually what happens is ....my sub transforms into a Unicorn, as I train her in the ways that I want her trained.

Now ....usually those relationships only last for so long. B/c eventually....no matter how much time or attention you give the sub/unicorn .. .she's never going to be that #1 person to her Dom. And most can't accept that.
And truthfully......I can understand why. But it doesn't have to end badly if everyone is open, and honest....and mature. It hurts when they leave. But you have to understand .....most will eventually leave.
So ..I'm clearly not a woman. I feel stupid now ...for whatever reason ...I totally missed that you meant for that question to be just for the ladies. My apologies.
  • 2 weeks later...
I am very new to this lifestyle, and my husband and I are looking for a female companion (not just a toy). (It was my idea he happily agreed to but pointed out that we had to make sure it wouldn't damage our marriage.) Since we are so new, some of the stories shared here made me really sad and mad, thinking about how people can mistreat others so awfully. Then I remembered... that's the norm for many humans... unfortunately... I just hope everyone finds what they're looking for and can life happy and healthy. (I know... I'm a real softie...)
  • 1 month later...
I’m a “Unicorn” myself… as in I’m Usually End up being the 3rd person in a Polly Relationship when Added … it just happens when ur Adding someone to ur relationship they end up becoming the 3rd person… it’s Not as Easy as Some people Think it is … in Reality being the 3rd Person can be Emotionally Draining… From My Personal Experiences being the 3rd person can be Mentally Draining as well

It’s just hit or miss sadly I’ve dated two couples. The couple I’m with now, I met through Facebook dating. I wanted more female friends an I saw the girl I’m with now, found her cute. Her profile said she was looking for a girlfriend and her and her husband share a same interests. I swiped yes and she actually replied.  Women in general are more difficult to get a response from then men. I haven’t figured that out yet, I assume Because I lack certain equipment. I’m more into men an only prefer women in a WWM dynamic. You just have to find that couple you connect with. I hear alot of couple pit fall where the other girl tries to wreck the home. An I feel that’s why it would be more difficult to find. I personally don’t get it. I have no interest in taking someone else’s man. I’m not here to cause any rifts, I’m here to enhance and have fun. I don’t do any sneaky link shift, consent is key, an I won’t lie for anyone, an I respect any boundaries set. I get the best of both worlds a boyfriend an a girlfriend. An I get to connect with both separately and plan fun activities or outfits or sex positions for each other. Be picky, set boundaries, communicate, be honest.

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