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Crying men


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No, I don’t get embarrassed by crying. Crying releases the burden of its cause. Why should I care what insignificant people think of me crying.
3 hours ago, SitOnMyFacePlz916 said:

yes, of course. it shows when i cant control my emotions, like a child.

Does it?

A week ago I cried in a room full of nearly two thousand other people whilst watching Hamilton. After 30 years, I still shed a tear at the end of Terminator 2.

I don't have to cry, because I could quite easily keep control. But if I'm feeling something then I'd rather release it in a healthy and expressive way than staunchly keep a stiff upper lip and pretend I'm unaffected.

Sometimes, perhaps, the more disciplined/controlled response to an emotional situation is to let the tears roll whilst remaining at peace with them.

No, can't say I've ever felt a need to care what other people think about me
Not if I know the person well, showing vulnerability is a good thing. Even if you are a dom
No but a man should never cry in front of those he’s obligated to protect
1 hour ago, joeydrill said:
No but a man should never cry in front of those he’s obligated to protect

God forbid those closest to you see you for who you are… 🙄

depends on the occasion and company because i know damn well some people can and will weaponize it either then or later down the line but i’ve never been embarrassed to cry but there is also an understanding that there is an appropriate time and place to deal with whatever those emotions are
19 minutes ago, TallBastard said:

God forbid those closest to you see you for who you are… 🙄

God forbid you be strong for the people you love…

Not in the slightest, bitches cant handle my tears😤
5 hours ago, TallBastard said:

Men are powerful and masculine, sure, but that’s not ALL they are. Submissive women say all the time they’re in positions of authority all throughout the day, as parents, teachers, and business leaders, and desire to give up that control at the end of the day…
Why would that be any different for men, who also occupy those positions of authority? It’s not, they mostly just choose to shed those responsibilities in different ways, e.g. playing golf, video games, fishing…but why couldn’t a man choose to give a woman consenting control over him the way a submissive woman does to a man? There’s literally no difference when your hands are tied behind your back. You’re just as powerless, and that can be just as the***utic for a man as any woman, despite her smaller stature. To say that a man is just that one note on the scale…”hunt, capture, kill”, is about as logical as saying women have no place outside the home.

It's like God submitting to the Devi. Power shall not succumb to weakness.

I'm not trying to make this religious but you have to recognize the other side of the coin.

I don't care what anyone does but when the whole world pretends feminism is the answer I begin to question the genuine motives. Is it to fit in or because it's who you are?

Most people are full of shit and will say anything to be socially accepted.

Basically in this day and age I don't trust anyone.

Unfortunately it seems the quote feature isn’t working for me, oh well, whatever. My thoughts are pretty simple: I believe it is a sign of strength, not weakness, to be emotionally *** with people you trust, just as I think it takes strength to acknowledge, and more importantly, except that you enjoy surrendering control.  
29 minutes ago, MasterTravis said:

It's like God submitting to the Devi. Power shall not succumb to weakness.

I'm not trying to make this religious but you have to recognize the other side of the coin.

I don't care what anyone does but when the whole world pretends feminism is the answer I begin to question the genuine motives. Is it to fit in or because it's who you are?

Most people are full of shit and will say anything to be socially accepted.

Basically in this day and age I don't trust anyone.

I didn’t say feminism was the answer. And we’re not dealing with absolutes here. This is not good vs evil. D/s are both mindsets, or in other cases, a choice between one or the other, or somewhere in between. Equating a man submitting to a woman to God vs the devil doesn’t compute. That would imply there’s no such thing as a strong woman (again, not talking about feminism. I actually think women have to be more brave to be a stay-at-home mom these days, lest they face the scorn of their more ‘empowered’ girlfriends) and no such thing as a weak man, and that simply isn’t true. Every man and every woman has moments of strength and moments of weakness, imperfect creatures that we are, but to imply it’s against the natural order of things for a man to be submissive or a woman to be dominant…well, I would simply point to nature itself as my counter argument.

1 hour ago, joeydrill said:

God forbid you be strong for the people you love…

The misconception that crying is somehow weak, or pathetic somehow…perpetuates the stigma that men shouldn’t seek mental health treatment, and you wonder why 80% of ***s are men. Give me a break.

I’d like to point out here that a lot of men that identify as dominant freely admit to dacryphilia fetish and enjoy tears. I also find it embarrassing to cry. This is no different and to say that it is would be a massive double standard!
This has caused a lot of contention but the fact that dacryphilia is enjoyed by many dominant men/women that enjoy seeing women cry screams double standard. It’s no different. It’s embarrassing for women too.
I absolutely and totally agree. There’s no reason why a woman shouldn’t get sadistic pleasure from inflicting it on men, as it happens the other way around.
Dom/Dommes are equal in Power, and can be any other gender orientations.
Submissives can be any gender and enjoy being equally controlled.
Part of the kinks are *** and ***.

@Aranhis - i meant to add that it can be necessary and cathartic at times, but i still will try to only cry alone

And @Declan-Delain- I actually really like that your dad souds like a good man

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