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What do I want…for my daughter?


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She seems to know I’m here if and when she wants me, she also knows I’m not going to judge her for her choices so, as a few people have said, that’s enough for now. 

Hopefully, when the time comes and she’s confused, unsure or just needs some help, she will come to me. 

Maybe then I’ll be back here asking how to actually answer her questions 😂😂

  • 2 months later...
Maybe try just bringing up the subject. Your daughter will let you know when you’ve strayed out of your lane
  • 2 weeks later...

I've always been open with my kid about sexual health and its "accessories".  From a puberty book about the changes in their body, to the current topic of kinks and the lifestyle. As a single dad with mom out of the picture, I have to be ready for any question that might arise.

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