Whether it’s the edge of danger or the way it’s such an abject, absolute submission, a trample fetish is pretty powerful. For submissive men, the idea of being literally crushed underfoot by a dominant woman can be incredibly exciting. We asked Madame Z to step up and explain trample safely. 



Trampling is something that can be moderately dangerous, but it’s one of those kinks that you can get all the delights while doing it safely. The physical pain of being trampled underfoot is not necessarily the most crucial aspect: a trample fetish is made up of several different aspects. Yes, there’s the femdom element – nothing’s an absolute and there are almost certainly people who get off on the idea of the helpless woman under the big male boot, but you don’t hear anything like as much about it. It’s almost overwhelmingly a kink for the submissive man, though some dominatrix-types also regard it as a desirable thing to do and not just something they offer to satisfy their subs.



A lot of people with a trampling fetish care about the footwear: a shiny stiletto is more likely to work than a manky trainer, or the Goddess in Slippers. A trample fetish very often connects with a foot fetish, or a shoe/heel/boot fetish. Licking and sucking the spiky heel of Madame’s boot, imagining that it’s going to stamp down on your face any minute, can be a deliciously horrible mindfuck.

It can also be done with supreme indifference as part of an objectification kink: the mistress carries on a conversation with someone else or looks at her phone, paints her nails, watches TV or reads the paper while her foot or her boot is pinning her worthless admirer in place. If stilettos are part of the pleasure in this type of scenario, she can dig in or twist the heel a little from time to time, just to prevent the sub from getting bored.

Trampling Fetish
Trampling in Buffalo London Boots. Photo: Lieve Dreeson. Flickr CC BY 2.0 license

Of course, there’s something to be said for barefoot trampling, as well. If you’re the trampler and you know your toes are an erogenous zone, you might well get some physical entertainment out of a trampling session along with as the psychological joys. Forcing your toes into your slave’s mouth and demanding he suck them pushes plenty of the appropriate buttons, and a little-specialised skin on skin contact is always good if your particular dynamic allows for that type of thing.



Tips on how to trample safely

If you’re tempted to trample have a trample fetish and want to trampled, you need to be aware of the risks, but trample safety is easy enough to sort out. Here are a handful hints.

Hold on tight. The one doing the trampling needs a rail or a bar or a handle of some kind to hang on to, both for balance and to take some of the weight. Some fetish clubs and play spaces have trample cages, which are usually narrow enough for the trampler to hold on to a bar at each side. These are particularly good for the domme who’s not tried trampling before as it’s much easier to perform with confidence if you’re not worrying about whether you’re going to blow your bitch-goddess persona by falling over.

Spread the load. For some trample fetishists, this would spoil the fun, but others prefer it this way: the one who is going to be trampled lies under a board, and Mistress then walks up and down on it. While this minimises the risk posed by a pointed heel, it also increases the risk of overbalancing if you’re not careful about it.


Talk it through first. Naturally, this applies to any kinky action, but it’s important to know if trampling is going to happen, how experienced the participants are, and whether the willing victim has a realistic view of how much pain and pressure he can take. For some devotees, the fantasy has elements of being crushed by an impossibly, inhumanly enormous giantess, but the reality of being trampled by a much larger partner isn’t as enjoyable as anticipated. It’s also important to take into account both the respective sizes of trampler and trampled, and the physical condition of whoever’s on the bottom. Someone who has enjoyed being trampled for several years is likely to have more endurance – and more self-awareness – than someone whose dirty dreams are about to be enacted for the very first time.



Do a little research. As with all kinks, there are plenty of resources and how-to guides online: make sure you are aware of which areas of the body are best avoided, and whether sustained pressure is safer or more dangerous than a quick hop on and off.


If you take it slowly and communicate well beforehand, trampling, in all its taboo-breaching naughtiness, can be hugely enjoyable, physically and mentally. Just make sure you know the path you’re going to tread, so to speak. 

MadameZ is a veteran pervert, writer of erotica, top/dominant, fond of rope, impact play and experimentation.

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Cover Image: Espionage Enterprises via Flickr with CC BY 2.0 license




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