If you've never heard of macrophilia, you're not alone. So, being the diverse community that we are, we asked our members to talk about their love of giants and their powerful appeal.  Sit back and let our guide to 'loving large' shine a light.


What is Macrophilia?

The name macrophilia literally means ‘a lover of large’, but the fetish centres on the love of giants, more often than not giantesses, and often is connected to domination. However, there is a vast difference in what constitutes a giant. For some people a few feet taller than they are works, others fantasies revolve around fantastical giants that literally tower over buildings as well as other people. Most macrophiles enjoy how it makes them feel small and submissive, and many weave humiliation into their fantasies and play too.

Who enjoys Macrophilia?

The vast majority of macrophilia fans are male and there is a theory that this is because women already see men as powerful and dominant so don’t need to make a fantasy out of it. Even in today’s modern days of sexual equality, women are still more often seen as submissive. 

Additionally, it may also be that generally, men are taller than women, so having a woman tower over a guy can have a powerful appeal. 

In our anonymous Fetish.com member survey about macrophilia, one of the respondents said:

“I've always been tall, so it's nice to feel small occasionally.”  Another was more specific “As a tall and large guy myself, giant women are uniquely able to make me feel submissive and in awe.”

Interestingly, some of our members into macrophilia mentioned feet, showing there is some crossover with foot fetish and trampling - albeit on a more epic scale! 

One member said that having “Bigger women walking above me while I'm tied down on the floor.” was a practical way to experience the fetish. 

Mag Article News Feed (73).jpg
Giantess fantasy. Image: Giantess Nyx by tj013579  Flickr Creative Commons.

Is it just fantasy?

Our survey respondents indicated that macrophilia is purely a fantasy for them. Many Macrophiles use videos to enjoy their fetish, and it is much easier to find them now with the aid of the internet. 

“It's mostly fantasy but I guess the closest thing to it in real life would be meeting a girl taller than me, having a girl sit/lie on me (deep pressure stimulation), RP (roleplay)is always a thing, and VR (virtual reality)  is probably one of the best most immersive mediums to experience it.”

Progression in Virtual Reality gives ‘lovers of large’ the chance to really experience having a giant looming over them. As the technology develops, it is bound to become a firm favourite.  


What are practical ways to play?

Some people who love macrophilia will enjoy role play with people who are a good bit taller than they are.  We had a few responses that indicated this worked for them:


“I enjoy the feeling of pressure of a woman on top of me, the bigger the women, the more pressure, the bigger the turn on.”



“For me, it’s a psychological thing that feeling of being beneath someone is not something that I can feel with many people. I’m 6ft 4 and women taller than that are rare.”

And one person who feels surrounded by giants because of their size: “Macrophilia for me is fantasy/reality as I am a small person and everyone around me is huge…”

Others though definitely had fantasies that wouldn’t be achievable in reality:  “Being able to be inserted and humiliated by them.”

Being used for the sexual pleasure of a giantess is a common theme within the fetish, it is an act of ultimate submission and can’t be resisted. Some people even fantasise about being eaten by a giant, everything is about how weak the human is when faced by a giantess, and how they can do anything they want to satisfy their hunger and desires. 


“The sheer epic scale of it, all the gentle side of it, the physical shrinking, there's a lot of things I could go on forever.”

Many macrophiles enjoy the idea of being shrunk down to a tiny size, so humans would appear like giants to them. It is a popular theme within the fetish. It is again something that could be explored with Virtual Reality headsets but can’t really happen in real life…well, just yet anyway. Who knows what science may bring in future? 

Want to meet other people who share your fetish or find out about what other fetishes are out there? Check out the forums for exciting posts from kinksters on all kinds of kinks including macrophilia or read articles in our magazine to find out more. 

Start a thread about Macrophilia in the BDSM forum!
Cover Image: Simson Yovav Flickr Creative Commons.   



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The publications on Macrophilia are over looking woman favoring taller and giant men. quote by Mark D. Griffiths Ph.D " some macrophiles have a preference for people only a few feet taller" how are billions of people over looking the fact that woman favoring much taller men is a form of macrophilia.  Also the sexual orientation of Macrophilics is unspoken. Macro-sexuality is a sexual orientation and can be a fetish. Though it states even on wikipedia macrophilia is a ( lover of large ). This should include the study on the public in 2014 by (George Yancey from University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA and Michael O. Emersona from Rice University, Houston, TX, USA) that shows woman are favoring much taller men at 55% nationally and 48% in the USA compared to men at 13% . Mark D. Griffiths Ph.D publications are referenced on Wikipedia. The information on wikipedia is bias and specifies mostly men are macrophiliacs. When in truth woman dominate macrophilia favoring men much taller then them selves no different to men who are attracted to amazonians. Wikipedia and Mark D. Griffiths Ph.D specify Macrophilia as a fetish called Giantess. Giantess and Amazonian are Subcategory's to the sexual orientation of Macrophilia.
This requires more research because the facts out there are bias and defaming to men.
I attempted to correct Wikipedia and was unable to create any adjustments. I hope you can help clarify the sexual orientation called (Macro-sexuality) and are able to help correct this defamation and bias information.  
Below is my attempt to correct Wikipedia
Macrophilia: Also known as ( Macro-Sexuality ) Macrophilia is a sexual orientation to which translates to a "lover of large" and can involve partners who naturally have a significant difference in size. Macrophilia is used to specify someone who is attracted to beings larger than themselves. Macrophiliacs perception generally differs between people, and depends on gender and other sexual orientation. Macrophilia can be a fascination or a sexual fantasy involving giants, more commonly expressed as giantess involving (female giants).

[1](Macro) = standing for the word (LARGE) or on a large scale

[2](Philia) = friendly feeling toward,tendency toward,abnormal appetite or liking for

[3](Sexuality) = the condition of having sex and the expression of sexual receptivity or interest especially when excessive

[4] [5] Macrophiliacs tend to be Woman shown in a 2014 research study by ( George Yancey from University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA and Michael O. Emersona from Rice University, Houston, TX, USA) The research study was Titled ( Does Height Matter? ) confirming the reality of the gender effect of height.


For example,

In the USA

Men: 1.3% wanted to only date women taller than them. Whereas 13.5% wanted to only date women shorter than them.

Women: 1.7% wanted to only date men shorter than them. Whereas 48.9% wanted to only date men taller than them.


However Men: 37% only wanted to date women shorter than them.

Women: 55% only wanted to date men taller than them.

Macrophilia example: Female to Large Male
Macrophilia example: Male to Large Female

Macrophilia subcategory Giantess

Giantess is a subcategory of the Sexual Orientation Macrophilia

[6][7] Typically a male fantasy, with the male playing the "smaller" role. They often enjoy feeling small and being abused, degraded, dominated, or eaten known as Vorarephilia by the larger woman.

[8]The roots of Macrophilia may have derived from sexual arousal in childhood and early adolescence which was unknowingly associated with giants, according to Mark Griffiths's speculation. He also specifies "some macrophiles have a preference for people only a few feet taller than themselves, whereas others involve giants who are hundreds of feet high"

[9] [10] Mark D. Griffiths Ph.D. Posted Apr 09, 2015 "Although most macrophilic behaviour is fantasy-based, there are some macrophiles who attempt to experience the fetish in real life by dating extraordinarily tall women (so called "Amazons") even if they have to pay for the privilege to do so. For instance, it was reported that Mikayla Miles (who when wearing her fetish boots nearly 7 feet in her fetish boots, and 6 feet 4 inches without the boots) provides private sessions with macrophiles to engage in behaviors such as trampling, domination, role play, and foot worship. Macrophiles can also meet their tall heroines at such gatherings as the annual Amazon Convention."


Media and experience

The internet has played an important role in helping to develop the fetish of Macrophilia sub Giantess.[6] The pornography site Pornhub's 2015 annual report showed that compared to 2014, the biggest increasing of sex tape was giantess, which had a 1091 percent gain in searches. There also existed an exhibit at the Museum of Sex titled "Kink: Geography of the Erotic Imagination" which explored many different fantasies, including macrophilia.[11]

Online content creators also developed homemade media that helped grow the fetish's reach.[12] In addition to generating content across websites, some content creators even branded themselves in ways that helped them generate a following and gain revenue for their work.[13]

After data was gathered from 4,814,732 videos on clips4sale, an established porn site, it was found that "giantess" was the 34th most popular category.[14]

A way to experience the fetish in real life is with extraordinarily tall women who can schedule private sessions with macrophiles to engage in non-sexual interaction such as: trampling, lifting and carrying, foot worshiping, roleplaying and domination.[15]

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Hello, I have a lot of women's legs and I love to eat my legs if you agree to come to my telegram.
darkweb_irani @:x


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I love this kink so god damn much. It's the ultimate escape. <3 <3 <3
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CD’s get in touch
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Anyone in or near Royton fancy some fun
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5 hours ago, Katiefox said:

Love it!

I am glad you like it.I am into it ! 

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I am into this ! I  like fantasizing about being shrunken to the size of a bug  and being stepped on under shoe by a hot guy or a girl. I esspecially enjoy the fantasie when a girl tells a guy to step on me. 

Or I imagine being shrunken and my girlfriend loses interest because of my size so she finds a lover and she fucks him infront of me.They even use me as a sex toy.


Of course these are all fantasies and they can't be real so people like me write stories, make videos,  draw images and use photoshop to fullfill our sexual desires.We also have cybersex and role play via chat.


I have other kinks but this one of them.


I have a question for all of you.I wonder do you like any of my fantasies?  What would you do if you found me shrunken to the size of a bug in your room ;)




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Sorry, what? I got distracted by the feet... :)

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I was wandering if there are are soles out there that feel neglected and need some affection. React!

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Love it!

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