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One week? Of course you are still hurting. You were serious about someone and it ended. That's called grief. Allow yourself to feel the ***, and don't try to fight it. But also don't dwell in that space and become the grief. Feel it, allow it to happen, then try to do one thing a day that even for a moment shifts you out of that space. Maybe don't YouTube (doom scroll) when feeling down. If that's not a mind suck and settle into a bad space I don't know what is. I know because I still have to *** myself not to when I get down.
Go for a walk. Call a friend and say hi. Allow the *** to release. It will. One day at a time. My gosh, when my last ex and I separated, I couldn't stop crying for over a week. And we were supposed to be each other's forever person (he was my fiance) . It will ease in time. You're just grieving. Please don't use another to get over someone. Workout, focus on improving self. Read books. Positive coping mechanisms or you'll end up hurting yourself more. Hurting another. Or hurting you and another. It will get better.
My new mantra I heard someone say, and focus on is "if not this, then better." I repeat it as I need the reminder.
Kitty speaks true. You need to heal, do not undertake another relationship before your head and your heart are both well onto their healing path. I cannot gainsay the You Tube doom scroll? And perhaps I am better for the not knowing? Mostly, truly listen to what your inner guide is saying. They know the truth of who you are. You are Dom, then DO NO HARM. Peace
Coming from someone who's been there...
When my fiance left, I went completely fuckboy and pretty much went and hooked up with any girl that would look my way... Just kind of hate-fucking the *** away (in theory). In reality, it didn't make me feel any better, and I ended up emotionally hurting a lot of people. Myself included, if Im being honest.
Don't make the same mistake I did
I have some cathartic recommendations...
1. Gather her things that's left with you. Put them in a box.
2. Go through each item and think of the memories you shared. Let yourself cry. Bleed them tears.
3. Write a goodbye letter to her (don't give it to her)
4. Wait 3 days. Day 1 is to acknowledge she's gone. Day 2 is for being angry. Day 3 is planning for a better future.
5. Toss the box of her things in the trash, re-read the letter, then burn it. Say goodbye verbally (alone)
This is a great start. You'll need to focus on self-discovery now. Good luck.
Rejection is just the universes way of keeping you from being on the wrong path. Acknowledge the ***. But don’t dwell on it. Your thoughts create your reality. When we experience trauma and then relive it. Your body doesn’t know the difference and feels the emotion as if it happening all over again. Choose to think thoughts that move you in a new positive direction.
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