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Family roleplay, I want a ***, Mom, and Dad…. Even better if we are all into breeding 


     I would like a dad/daughter roleplay that lasts. There would be a good sexual quemistry between us and our writing, and we would care about each other's day, too. The sex play could be an ongoing, all day event, or it could be done and completed while at home.   It would be building a relationship, but around the dad/daughter sex context.

     I'm open to more clarification, or questions, and am interested if something will happen next. I'm pretty opened minded as long as I can trust the other person. So I guess I will see if this goes anywhere. Daughters, niece, etc, are free to message me and we can chat. 






((((Me tied down with my wife tied on top of me her pussy in my face and multiple man fucking her… she is made to eat a woman out…. As she being fuck… she not trying too show that she is enjoying it…but your body says different both of our cum is dripping in my face… i  will be  wearing a mouth cock ring…  I lost count of how man where fucking my wife after 35 man after a few hours I started too think she was enjoying it and I was there just too clean up 


I like reading Galatea/ heavy erotic smut. I’ve always wanted to find another bi sexual curious girl to play out my fantasies 

One example would be Using alien dildos on each other either using an ovidepositor, taking turns fucking one another with it until we cum all over or use one that we can use at the same time. 


  • 2 weeks later...
I have a role play that I’ve been wanting to do: my roommate finds the dog collar I bought and is tearing me a new asshole because our complex doesn’t allow dogs, until they realize the collar fits me and asks if I wanna play. I’m not allowed to talk or get up off of all fours

Favorite roleplay has always been myself and the lady of the house spanking the made

  • 2 weeks later...
I want a woman to take me and inform me that I will be hers for the night and tells me to strip and get in the bath. She starts off shaving my body. And she dresses me as a slut.. She puts on make up a wig and tells me some friends are coming by tonight and that I will do anything requested of me tonight . I will be the entertainment for the evening. The people are couples dominate woman and their subs males and they make good use of me I suck dicks get fucked and used just like a woman. After the party’s over my lady. Tells me she was proud of me that I followed orders.

One is kidnapped and ***d impregnation. Another is being bound doing outdoor play. Impact play involving rib cage being bruised up black and blue. Also, being stripped naked upon entering his place with 24/7 servitude involves sleep deprivation for the weekend.

  • 1 month later...

To be tied up to a chair
A woman come and sits on my lap at first she then reveals that she has some rope and ties one end into a noose and puts it around my neck the other end would be throw over a beem about the chair. She the would take that end and hold it. She would then start to ride my cock slowly at first before speeding up but as she speeds up she pull the rope towards her so that the noose would tighten around my neck and strangle me.
At this point it’s a race to see if I cum before I die
  • 2 months later...

Escaped prisoner

Locked up for 15 years. No kids. Won't have been released for another 10 years. Not had sex in 15 years.  First thing he wants to do is grab a girl and breed her.


So the roleplay will center on finding a suitable victim and near an ally. Or following a victim home and invading her home and breeding her multiple times before he is caught




Diaper domination and ***


Arriving at a bar , completely controlled by a stranger also in the bar Being texted instructions on who to talk to what to say . If I complete the tasks as instructed I will be rewarded by the stranger
to be subliminal hypnotized by a random app on my phone. some has hacked my phone and cause me to slowly slip into the person of a cute and doll-like puppy. very slowly i become more docile and sweet and when praised i been with pride. one day im walking by and someone yells “come here puppy” and i whip my head around to go over to the person but to sadly find out that they were actually yelling to their dog who ran away. when taking showers a scratch my hair longer, when i go to sleep i curl more into a ball and lower on the bed. one day the maker of the app finds me, walking over and telling me how adorable and cute i am. i been with pride and shiver, looking into him with ‘puppy eyes’. they ask if they can pet me and oblige, then slowly melt into their arms. they take me to their home and properly hypnotize me, dress me up and train me. i, being dumb and docile listen to every command. soon i’m lapping at their cock with a pair of ears on my head, smiling dumbly.
  • 1 month later...

les/bi f orgy knotty play - Guys can only watch From behind one way mirrors  and have to pay to attend 

24/7 pet play, would love to be locked in a tight latex bitchsuit and made to walk round the house, sucking cocks and being ***d to cum to a vibrator all hours of the day, a nice ring gag to stop me talking while leaving my mouth open to give blowjobs with a large dildo shoved up my ass to keep me stretched out for my owner, I’d happily serve them and any guests that came round like the good puppy I am
My partner lightly tugging at my pants but never removing them as i do random things around the house. Sending overpowering and unsolicited sexual signals running a hand around my neck under the collar of my shirt as she passes by. Bending over with a high riding skirt, dress or tight pants to draw my attention away from electronics. When im playing a hard video game or talking on the phone, i want her to only engage with me sexually and do intense things to get me to slur over my words. I want her to touch at me under the table in public and *** me to keep an overly professional straight face as to not arouse as much suspicion as possible. All for us to get home and rail her into the wall roughly. I want to *** and hate fuck her until she screams, the sound of the bed frame squeaking and bumping the wall loud enough to make the neighbors think were doing home renovations. I want to humiliate her and put her down in her place so she can put me in mine the next day. And the cycle continues. 😌
I think doing a game that leads to other games or tasks. So whatever the normal game is, card/board or otherwise leads to a if you lose then you have to do this type scenario. Intended to lead down in a night of debauchery, substances, bodily fluids and lots of fun.
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