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Is this my future? Part 3


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She felt his hands touching her neck. They moved slowly down to her shoulders, the pressure was firm, but not hard. His hands slid down her back slowly, getting to know every inch of her. They kept up the pressure as they slowly reached her buttocks. When they did his thumbs went in the cracks, as the rest of his fingers spread around. He was getting to know her whole body slowly. It was tantalizing and left a trail of fire behind where she wanted his touch again. Down his hands continued, one on each leg. Half on the inside, half outside.
When he reached her ankles his hands slid around to cover the front of her legs. Slowly they moved back up, keeping up the pressure, leaving more need behind them. As his hands reached her middle they changed position slightly, he had been so close....
They moved up across her belly slowly, feeling her deeply. A fire was lighting, because he had avoided touching her there. She was breathing a little heavier. His hands reached the top of her belly, almost touching her breasts. She wondered, because do far he had avoided everything she thought important.
His hands continued up, across her breasts, somehow both gentle and rough at the same time. Her mind was in overdrive and her breathing was audibly much louder. His hands and fingers brushed across her nipples with some strength, causing her to moan loudly. She tried to lean back to press her body into his, but couldn't. His hands continued up to her neck and around her face. She was almost panting now with excitement.
Down his hands went slowly now, right down the center. They continued slowly, making everything feel good, and then terribly bad because they had moved. When his hands reached the point of her belly button, they separated. One continued in its downward path, slowly touching the rest, while the other moved back up towards a breasts. The down hand finally was reaching that most sensitive area. It slid in between her legs and over her parts with that same firm touch, one finger slightly separating her wet lower lips. At the same time the other hand had reached one of her breasts and squeezed her nipple, hard. Now she moaned loudly. She tried instinctively moving in several different ways, but she was held solidly. The lower hand kept moving, as the other hand slid over to her other breast. The upper hand squeezed her other nipple just as hard at the same time that his lower fingers reached her anal area still pressing firmly. She moaned again loudly, as he finally pressed up against her and told her that she was his completely, to be done with how and when he wanted. She let out another moan as she pressed into him as much as she could, only able to reply with a yes.
She now knew what it was to be completely ***, exposed and at the mercy of a man. She couldn't see what he was doing, she was tied into place and she couldn't do anything about it. It was terrifing and had her heart racing. At the same time it was exhilarating, because she knew he would do whatever he wanted. Is this truly what she desired?

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