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Older women/younger men

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Definitely a balance between being attentive, but showing her you can hold your own…

Well age doesn't matter, but right kink partner to me am up for anything.

Absolutely right, it's hard to find true winners, %18 out of %100. Just wish for the right winner?
I personally prefer younger men as I have an insatiable sexual taste and they seem to fill that for me more or then than older men! Although I’ve had lovely exceptions ♥️😉
Absolutely love the idea of being with an older woman. I’m 28, mature, well spoken, full time job, educated, looking for good conversation& friendship, hopefully leading to some fun. Would love to be approached by an older woman who knows what they want and isn’t afraid of a younger man!
There's no older women looking for young Arabic men
I absolutely love older women that's my num1 fetish by far
I prefer younger men, partly because I find them to be less arrogant and full of themselves than those my age and older. But I don’t want to be just a fetish: if he worships me in private but doesn’t want to be seen with me in public, that’s all I am to him. All very well but we’re not just a kink, we’re also people. Yay for feelings ☺️
  • 2 weeks later...
I hate being called older. There are other words that are more attractive. And if there are only a few years difference then I’m not really “older”. Not really into young men. They usually use me and leave me hurt. Or want a sugar momma. I’m not the one.
  • 3 months later...
I like younger men but I don’t want to be an “older woman” I wish I was there age. But I never got to date them when I was their age. So now I must date younger men as an older person now. Older than them not old
I am 49 and had a great relationship with a 28 year old. He treated me as if he couldn't believe his luck at having me and I never treated him like a child.
I must say the one thing that sticks out for me is that every other relationship I've ever had the man always treats me like a subservient, even when not meaning to. Like I'm to go to him with every decision, not so with him. He trusted I was fully able to make it home albeit a bit late, or to do something for the day without him.
  • 3 weeks later...
Hi, I’m 33 and my cut off is 27. My ex, who I was with for 10 years was 5 years younger than me. To to be honest, it was literally fucking exhausted dealing with the difference in maturity levels that we had. And I’m sure that if he were to have been more open to taking advice from others(not myself, bc I learned long before hand, men will listen and take in info much better when another male figure tells them) but maybe if he actually took the advice and guidance he was asking for seriously, then things might have been different. And to be honest I’d much rather date a guy my age or older. I’m not here tryna raise no babies. I’m sorry sugar.

And as far as advice on how to attract older women. STOP ASKING OLDER FUCKING WOMEN FOR ADVICE ON HOW TO ATTRACT US. Go ask MEN. GROWN ASS MEN will have all the answers you seek young one. I promise.

Good luck sugar.

My 2 cents for what’s it is worth… I am 57, lol I think, bbw…for me age is a number, as pointed out here I sometimes forget how old I am. I was mono most of my life dating within a 10’yr age gap. Usually younger. I recently expanded to 20 years younger after being pursued and with respect and maturity won me over and I am very happy. I have also stated dating a 30somethjng couple and finding that very stimulating. Opening my mind and my heart to new and different I do engage/ date people of all ages as long as they are looking for the same things I am and being respectful. It has been empowering and liberating. I don’t see myself as a cougar( technically I am out of that age range) but an explorer of like minded individuals. Yes the respectful people, look at me as a person or a mature woman. No shame only good fun playful relationship! Enjoy humans!!
  • 2 weeks later...

My whole life I have attracted younger men so most of my relationships have been with men up to 10 years younger. I would have liked to be with an older man but it hasn’t worked out that way. My current Dom is younger but he’s mature and it’s working well.  As long as there is an element of maturity and stability I am open to it.

I’m 20. 40 something is my cut off. I hope that’s not too weird
April 14, DuckArtist said:

Younger man has nothing much to offer to me besides high quality sex. I am not interested at all and the way they over confidently approach me as if they were some assets to me, get on my nerves. But who knows, given the fact most 45 plus men are half impotent ( cant hold it up for long) i may consider younger f**ktoy but would rather not.

Girl yes! 🙌🏼🗣Say that shit louder for the people in the back! 🗣 I love this!

I’ve been with multiple guys in their 20s - my favorite I met on his 21st birthday. I’ve always been attracted to younger men, even in college. My current bf is 10 years younger. I never seem to have much in common with men my age, all they talk about is work.
I prefer younger men. I always have. Now that I have adult children, I try to stay away from anyone as young as they are.
I’m 36 - have I missed the younger man boat??? I loveeeeeeee me some older woman!
I can’t do anyone under the age of 21.
Time for the whiskey and a time for the wine
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