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Need help identifying who I am on here

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18 minutes ago, BountyHunter said:

I respectfully disagree...

Especially your last paragraph. I've been on here for about three years now and met a few people that I've had a deep connection with.

I think you may have misunderstood my meaning - I'm not for a second suggesting a deep connection isn't possible at all, or that it doesn't happen - but that for the majority of people you potentially could interact with on here it won't be there.
Or to put it another way, and come back to a point I made in my first post on this thread - if you sent a message to 100 people with a view to getting to know them, I would be willing to bet that you would form a deep connection with less than 5 of those people.


I have made a few changes its still got all the in formation I think is important but I think abit easier for most people to grasp here it is


Hi all so I'm a switch, I am adaptable, and open to meeting people who are either switch themselves, dominant or submissive

Being a switch, for me, doesn't mean I have to switch, I'm happy in either role even in the long term

I want a connection it cant just be about the sex and I don't just want anyone, they would have to be special to me its that connection that makes me be able to feel completely satisfied with just being a Dom or just being a sub and also to be clear I'm not willing to do absolutely anything for anyone I have a fair few hard limits which I wont do for anyone end off

 I know all of this can be abit confusing but let me try and explain a little with this analogy that I feel really helps explain who I am as a switch

If you love chocolate AND  strawberry ice cream but you only have chocolate, do you miss the strawberry or appreciate that you still have chocolate?

2 hours ago, CheshireLad said:

honestly the whole covid thing completely screwed me in the kink dating space its the only reason I'm dating online now but I do struggle with it I find it so easy to date face to face but putting my word into text its like I'm trying to explain myself in a foreign language 

A lot is back up and running now in terms of munches and events - not quite everything


while what works for me doesn't work for everyone, keeping a mix of both in person and online as a complimentary balance can be a good move


i am actually really happy with this it has all the relevant information I want @gemini_man I understood what you meant about the connection and i know the majority of people i speak to i wont have any connection with but its also important that people who see my bio know that I'm not just looking for just anyone and i think this explains that

3 minutes ago, eyemblacksheep said:

A lot is back up and running now in terms of munches and events - not quite everything


while what works for me doesn't work for everyone, keeping a mix of both in person and online as a complimentary balance can be a good move

yea I am actually planning on going to a few munchies because its been way to long I've never been to any events but I definitely plan on giving it ago as well

Not sure why my last post came through as blank but it basically said I think you've got the balance right with the latest version 👍
5 minutes ago, gemini_man said:

Not sure why my last post came through as blank but it basically said I think you've got the balance right with the latest version 👍

thanks mate i appreciate all the help

I’m sorry you’re struggling ❤️
17 minutes ago, yorkshiregirl21xx said:
I’m sorry you’re struggling ❤️

Thank you Hun ❤️

I read through your profile and it was confusing without punctuation to differentiate between the thoughts you’re trying to express. I’m definitely not the grammar police but that being said you have a tough enough row to hoe so why not make it definitive and clear. I am a switch. I’ve found success in both Dd/lg and D/s. I’m not looking for just anyone, but the right one…etc. I’m the meantime just enjoy the process of getting to know people through the forum and chat. I’ve been on here for two years and have yet to find anyone with a true connection with anyone. Mostly my fault as I refuse the long distance route. Know what you’re looking for. Know what you want and don’t settle for less. Best advice is be clear, concise, and honest. Essentially just be yourself. Making friends along the way and you’ll find that there are others who share your plight. Best of luck in your journey because that’s exactly what this is. It’s a marathon and not a sprint.
On 2/6/2022 at 2:44 PM, darlingitsyou said:

So ur a switch and ur Dom side has many different sides such as being a master, being a daddy Dom etc. Then ur sub side is u being a boy and a slave. I completely get how being a switch can make people confused especially when ur basically saying ‘if someone who is 100% sub wanted a Dom u would fit being a Dom for a long time thing’ I think that’s the best people get confused about coz usually most switches have days where they feel more Dom or more sub and if they can’t be a Dom and u switch to a sub they won’t feel comfortable being around that hence why many people probably have decided to not chosen to get to know u. U need to be aware that if people don’t understand it’s not their fault as it can be totally new to people and yes having to explain urself is annoying but this is a lifestyle u want to go into so u having to explain is what comes with the lifestyle. Hope this all makes sense

There's the other side of being a switch - and that's where you change your role depending on how you fit with the other person. So, not saying "I'm a dom 50% of the time" but more "I'm dom unless it works out that you're dom in which case I'm happy to be the sub". The dynamic changes.

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